Senator John Sydney McCain addressed the RNC delegates in New York City tonight along with former New York mayor Rudolph Giuliani. Both men stood at a lectern made of dark rough wood that looked a prop from the Passion of the Christ. The half time show between their speeches featured some 911 widows firing up the Ring of Jesus Fire to protect America as the Lord's personal favourite country got down to some serious Islamic ass-thrashing.
McCain roused the smugly nodding crowd with a gently rising rhetoric that bordered on the messianic. Actually, McCain’s role is more John the Baptist to Bush’s Jesus.
McCain is best remembered as a POW who spent years in captivity in North Vietnam. Why was John McCain in North Vietnam? He was a carrier based pilot who flew 23 combat missions over North Vietnam. On the day that he was shot down by North Vietnamese air defense he was on his way to bomb a power plant.
McCain is no hero. He was a long distance killer. He wasn’t fighting a war. He was terrorising a civilian population.
In his speech McCain made reference to Michael Moore, who is attending the RNC as a columnist for USA TODAY. McCain called Moore a “disingenuous film maker.” This resulted in several minutes of booing and catcalls up at Moore’s skybox.
McCain, the “air-pirate” as he was termed by the North Vietnamese, spoke at great length about the war America now fights. He spoke of the “enemy,” and he spoke of the “war.”
But, like something straight out of 1984, McCain never said who the enemy was, or who America was at war against.
This is a new twilight world. A twilight world lit by the furious fires of hatred and prejudice.
A twilight world where absolute lies and complete falsehoods have replaced anything resembling reality.
In the twilight world of the Republican National Convention the thousands of delegates are shown on the television knowingly nodding. Nodding sheep, self-congratulatory in their certainty of what they are hearing.
Former New York Mayor Rudi Giuliani was billed as the heavy hitter on tonight’s bill.
His apocalyptic ranting drew multitudinous rounds of applause from the near hysterical audience as he launched into stories about terrorist attacks against Israelis.
The shadowy enemy is obviously, though never mentioned, Islam. The shadowy enemy is alluded to as being a “hijacked religion.” Giuliani though extends the umbrella to cover all of the Middle East and Sudan. North Korea is forgotten.
Global terrorism is quite clearly Islam.
Giuliani and McCain both delivered true Tent-Revival speeches which centred on, as McCain said, “Might makes right,” and as Giuliani said, “You’re either with us or against us.”
Watching this magic show, thankfully from Canada, I would honestly say that I was terrified by hearing what amounted to a pile of lies and religious fervour in aid of unleashing upon the world unending devastation and slaughter.
I am, at this precise moment, ready to write America off. Ready to write America off.
When even after the absence of WMD, the non-existence of a link between Al Qa’ida and Saddam, and the refutation of any connection between Iraq and 911; yet both McCain and Giuliani told flat out lie after lie, falsehood after falsehood.
I don’t mean little fibs. I’m talking about straight out lies. Saddam was responsible for 911, Iraq was a major player in Global Terrorism, the Palestinians are terrorists, and so forth.
This is straight up insanity. It’s not an excuse any more to say that “we were misguided on the intelligence.” The truth has been out there for a long period now.
What went on tonight was a frightening descent into a bizarre pro-Israel anti-Islamic Crusade which both these men urged, nay, demanded, that Americans wage with every fibre of their souls.
Like I said, if Bush is re-elected that will be the end of America.
Even if he isn’t re-elected, to have people like McCain and Guliani speak to, and reflect the thinking of, so many Americans is a truly terrifying vision of a horrible darkness made so sinister by the fires of religious fundamentalism which are fanned and stoked by generations of American racism and hatred.
If both these men are to be redeemed in any way, they should declare themselves insane and voluntarily commit themselves to their nearest mental institution.
I’m quite serious. They are quite obviously insane. If you doubt me, please find a copy of their speeches tonight and read them for yourself.
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What hope is there? Another America!
31.08.2004 10:47
is an interesting Article by John Pilger in which he "traces the history of the 'joining of hands' across America's illusory political divide and describes how the 'super cult' of Americanism dictates to both Republicans and Democrats, conservatives and liberals."
Silent War Raging In America, Please Assist
15.09.2004 17:04
Bush's Coup d'etat Leads to Search for More Political Candidates and Terrorists
The article is correct about McCain. He is just a puppet for the regime, and I think he spent one day to many eating caviar after spending time in the POW camp. Maybe he was always a fascist lackie.
Fear the USA government just like you would Adolf Hitler. These men are many colors and their primary mode of operations is greed and indifference to suffering and they want total control, which will put them at the top of the next genetic revolution where a few select people from mankind will make a huge leap in intelligence due to the splicing of their genome with a much larger creature, like an elephant, and the intelligence gene that producing a unique protein is amplified. Read about the ongoing experiment where the USA is mapping the genome of elephants and other animals.
I endured sheer terror when running from the mafia within US government after alerting the public to murder and mafia in America's banking system.
Our best bet would be to have space colonies where many could leave their trap, but the US government has criminals who steal all funds before they make it to their destination, just as in Somalia. In addition, fascist dictators like Bush and Clinton have made the taxes of the rich non-existent while the poor carry the weight.
Do not ever trust an American government official. Not a single one of them can be trusted when they are part of the ruling regime. I learned the hard way that we mean nothing. I often doubt that the ones in control are even human.
Visit Mobile Audit Club for Art Science Music Comedy and true horror of investigating government corruption. Links are there to prove claims. They are even doing forced experiments on people. They force injections on people on a regular basis in California, Nevada, New Mexico, and Arizona, and probably more states.
I truly wish my ancestors would have never left England. America is about to go under the pawl of evil men for all eternity. Bush sucks. Most people in America are unaware of the horrors or they are in prison or part of the regime. Many of them will pay dearly for their ignorance in regard to their masters.
Visit Mobile Audit Club by searching webcrawler or following the link.
Turn Table
McCain Allows Forced Injections on Citizens In Despite of Geneva Convention
19.09.2004 00:23
Americans are often treated like Prisoners of War, so we should demand our rights under the Geneva Convention, with NO FORCED INJECTIONS, NO FORCED MEDICAL EXPERIMENTS. We are not part of a wildlife safari or experimental monkey lab rats.
America has become a living Hell for many, and if they are from certain financial or political circles, they often end up dead in the United States.
Now the Chapter 36 law of Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico allow forced injections and the federal government also injects people at will, in particular in Los Angeles. Never report possible nuclear waste in the United States or you can expect to be injected. We are at a crossroads in America, and we may be, "better off dead" before America's leaders have taken us to their final destination, most likely our graveyard, for them their paradise or their graveyard.
Bond, Pains