2. Because he abolished the registration fee for public schools.
3. Because he founded more schools in only four years, than all previous governments.
4. Because he prevented the privatisation of the social security system.
5.Because for the first time in the democratic history of Latin America he enabled direct participation of the people in the elaboration of the constitution.
6. Because he suggested the referendum to vote himself and all other positions out of office.
7. Because he provided the introduction of the advisory popular referendum, with which the people can co-ordinate on all questions, e.g. about the communication media or on the national oil company (PDVSA)
8. because he has promoted micro credits, so all social classes gain access to financing funds.
9. Because he promoted the unity and strength of OPEC, and thus the oil prices stabilised.
10. Because thanks to the agreement with Cuba, now even the most remote villages of the country have a physician, because Cuban physicians were the only ones, who were willing to go there, too.
11. Because the proportion of the education budget increased from 3% to 7% of the GROS DOMESTIC PRODUCT
12. Because he drinks coffee and no whisky.
13. Because he does not let somebody else write his speeches.
14. Because many Venezuelan people are able to have surgery in Cuba free of charge.
15. Because the use of the internet was spread and democratised with free information centers and contracts were signed with Cisco Systems and IBM, which will make Venezuela the most progressive user of the information technology in Latin America.
16. Because the technical education was strengthened and promoted in the country.
17. Because the privatisation of the universities was not permitted.
18. Because there is not one political prisoner.
19. Because for the first time so many ordinary people have become ministers and officials.
20.Because he informs the people in an understandable way via the television program "Aló presidente" about each measure taken.
21. Because the pensions were linked with the minimum wage.
22. Because the symbols of the country were taken out of official protocols and returned to the people.
23.Because Simón Bolívar, its inheritance, his ideas and goals were again reanimated.
24. Because the salaries of other coworkers in the health service, like nurses, were adapted.
25. Because no TV channel was closed and no journalist was pursued.
26. Because the delinquency can not be endured: Roads are closed, towns occupied, wars called, ships stopped, governments overthrown, PDVSA sabotaged, armed people participate in demonstrations.
27. Because the constitution recognizes the rights of our native people, the Indians.
28. Because he is nationalist, Latin Americanist and Humanist.
29. Because the duty fees in the poorer regions of the country were abolished.
30. Because he likes history, and he does not miss any opportunities to tell us about it.
31. Because our economy is diversified, so that we do not only depend on the oil.
32. Because the state has for the first time since decades again a high asset of foreign exchange reserves at its disposal.
33.Because he won seven elections within only 5 years cleanly and in presence of international electoral observers.
33.Because despite of the oil sabotage the average annual inflation rate of the years 1998 to 2002 has reached 40.9% reached, compared with 795,1% in the period 1983-1998.
34. Because the annual average of inflation has lowered in 1998-2002 to 22.97% in comparison to 53.53% of lapse 1989-1998?
35.Because with Chavez entering office, the minimum wage increased from monthly 75,000 Bolívares to 190.000 Bolívares per month from February 1999 to end of September 2002.
36. Because it was accomplished that over 1,5 millions Venezolaner gained access to potable/drinking water for the first time, and everywhere in the country power stations are built.
37. Because the budget for health service was increased to 8% GROS DOMESTIC PRODUCT.
38. Because the children get meals in the bolivarian schools in the morning, at noon and in the afternoon, medical aid is supplied, and because sport is a compulsory subject.
39. Because the project "Simoncito" started, with which mothers are advised during the pregnancy and after the birth mother and child up are cared for till primary school age is reached.
40. Because with starting the plan Bolívar in 2000, a free program started for the precaution against the most widely spread epidemic diseases, and in its service are also two mobile divisions of the army.
41. Because with "Plan Caracas" the redevelopment of the slum areas was begun.
42. Because between 1999 and September 2002 the government subsidized the construction of nearly 92,000 social housing in the whole country on favorable financing conditions, while between 1989 and 1998 only 65,000 were constructed.
43. Because after a twenty-year-old delay finally (!) the motorway José Antonio Páez has been finished.
44. Because a second bridge over the Orinoko is built, which promotes trade with the north of Brazil and the cities Boavista and one Manaus.
The railwayline is also planned to use the bridge to reach Barcelona and connects the north of Brazil with the Caribbean.
Because Venezuela is perhaps the only country in the world, in which at the same time four underground railway projects - in Caracas, Los Teques, Valencia and Maracaibo - are on the way.
46.Because the public health service makes progress despite scarce means, so that many ambulatories were converted and again equipped.
47. Because he affords himself the luxury to recognize the judgement of the highest Court of Justice which is the only instance of the world, which denies that the coup d'etat took place in Venezuela on 11 April 2002 .
48. Because the two-party rule finished, and thus many parts of the population, which had been traditionally excluded by the former governments from political participation, like the NRO, the women, the indian peoples and the homosexuals, participate now in the political life.
49.Because the land law was passed, by which unused land is given to the hands of landless farmers, if the owners refuse to cultivate something; and also, because it promotes the organic agriculture for a better supply of our people.
Say "NO" to the past. " They do not come back " Cesar Guevara