most potent grrenhouse gas.
Received this via an email recently and reprint below for everyone's info.
(Sorry,cant get the link to highlight)
There is one additional aspect of Global Warming
ignored by the media and establishment climatologists that desperately
needs publishing. It is the matter of Permafrost Thawing which,
subjectivally is shown to be happening around the world. A Google
search 'Permafrost Thawing' will give an idea of the range of
evidence. In this there is one objective piece of evidence at

the Google list.
The problem is that beneath the surface of permafrosted tundra lies an unmeasured
reservoir of frozen methane.
It can be released if the depth of winter freezing
is persistently less than that of Summer thawing. Once released we have
the positive feedback mechanism of more methane equals more thawing
equals more methane in a potentially unstoppable cycle. It is one of
the feedback mechanisms not included in IPCC global climate modelling.
At present the objective evidence is scarce enough for Governments
and the Carbon Club to argue that negative feedbacks such as sulphur
dioxide release and increasing cloud cover sufficiently could check
Unfortunately by the time there is totally undeniable evidence for
concern it will be too late. We really will be on the way to
exterminating all life on Earth.
Alarmist? But then so labelled were those who first forecast the
effects of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, some 30 to 40 years ago.
Then it was the oceans that were going to absorb the increases.
Sorry to be all doom and disaster but if we do not all know about
these things then the urgency for rapid universal action can never be