General Janis Karpinski's segment will be archived under July 3rd, 2004 at the
following URL (after today) if you don't pick up this email until Monday:

Jonathan Davies, Father of Jalal Davis, who is a US soldier standing trial for allegedly abusing prisoners in Abu Graib, on what he thinks happened in the jail.

A full transcript of General Karpinski's interview (which mentioned an Israeli
connection to the interrogations in Iraq and how Rumsfeld conveyed instructions
for the torture/abuse at Abu Ghraib) for 'The Signal' is now linked at the
following URL:

Abu Ghraib Prison Torture Scandal Goes to the Highest Level:

Israeli Interrogator at Abu Ghraib Prison Claim on BBC

Hide the following 5 comments
here is a picture
03.07.2004 19:37
Captain Wardrobe
Rumsfeld's Plan to Provoke Terrorists
03.07.2004 19:44
capt wardrobe
Coming soon
03.07.2004 22:30
disinformation trolls
04.07.2004 22:00
Electric shock belts and chemical and biological agents
05.07.2004 10:29
Jeffrey Blankfort
The Neocons' War
Relax, because now we're allowed to talk about the real reason for the Iraq war
June 2, 2004
Israel Unleashed
The real reason for the biggest foreign policy blunder in American history ….
July 5, 2004
The Unmentionable Source Of Terrorism
by John Pilger; New Statesman ; March 19, 2004
“In its current human rights report, the Foreign Office criticises Israel for its "worrying disregard for human rights" and "the impact that the continuing Israeli occupation and the associated military occupations have had on the lives of ordinary Palestinians".
Yet the Blair government has secretly authorised the sale of vast quantities of arms and terror equipment to Israel. These include leg-irons, electric shock belts and chemical and biological agents. No matter that Israel has defied more United Nations resolutions than any other state since the founding of the world body.”
Israeli interrogators 'in Iraq'
The US officer at the heart of the Abu Ghraib prison scandal says she has evidence that Israelis helped to interrogate Iraqis at another facility.
Mosad stole my name
“Zev Barkan, who has fled New Zealand and escaped the justice faced yesterday by his two co-accused spies, lived within 300m of the man in whose name he applied for a passport to assume a New Zealand identity.”
“Two men believed by senior Government figures to be Israeli secret service agents are behind bars after pleading guilty in the High Court at Auckland yesterday to a charge of trying to obtain a false New Zealand passport. “