was beaten, had his dreadlocks pulled out and was thrown out of a train window onto
the tracks in front of an oncoming train on the other line by a band of neonazis, near
Wroclaw in Poland.
original polish: http://pl.indymedia.org/pl/2004/06/7424.shtml
During the night of 16th to 17th June, Radek Slominski was brutally beaten and then thrown from a train by nazis. The young man is dead. He was 19 years old. He was dark-skinned and had dreadlocks. He was returning to home by train from Wroclaw. In the train there was a band of skinheads. They beat him viciously [original: Bili, kopali, znęcali się nad nimi]. They pulled out all of Radek's dreadlocks, and then they threw him through the window of the train out onto the tracks... another train hit him. When his body was found, it was very badly damaged [zmasakrowane], on his legs could be seen the clear effects of the train going over him, his heel was cut off. Radek's friend is "śpiączce" [in shock? sleeping? in a coma? need translation help, please!] since Thursday, nothing is known of how his state will change... The police say that it could have been an accident, that it's Radek's fault (he beat up his friend, he pulled out his own dreadlocks, after that he jumped out the window onto the track of the other train, it's clear... just paranoia...) Please help! Let's talk about this loudly, we can't leave this as it is... this is just another piece of evidence that fascism is still alive... we should fight against this... Radek was much loved, always smiling and happy. Radek is dead. Another stupid death... Remember, that any of us could meet this fate... Let's not forget.
Monday 28 June 2004 Market square near Pręgierz [Wroclaw] at 16:30.
Addresses to send appeals (probably you should use Radek's formal name: Radoslaw Slominski) to
human rights 25.06.2004 16:52
authorities to write appeals to
General comments.
* Please write appeals politely and carefully. Letters which are exaggerated are counterproductive - better a letter saying something like "I am worried that ..." rather than one which is too strong - the authorities want everything to remain secret and are embarrassed when they realise that people from around the world know about their human rights violations. The more accurate the information, the more worried they will be.
* A copy to your local embassy is a good idea - the embassy people will translate this, forward it and worry about their government's reputation - this is their job.
* Paper letters or faxes are better than emails - but emails might still be useful if they're in large numbers.
* See, e.g. http://www.amnesty.org for more discussion of international letter-writing campaigns against human rights violations.
Minister of the Interior (Police)
Greeting: Szanowny Panie Ministrze,
Ryszard Kalisz
Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnętrznych i Administracji
Stefana Batorego 5
02-591 Warszawa
+48 (22) 621 02 51
Minister of the Interior (Police) - second address
Dyrektor Wydziału Skarg i Wniosków Departamentu Nadzoru i Kontroli
Ministerstwa Spraw Wewnętrznych i Administracji,
ul. Batorego 5,
02-514 Warszawa
tel. 0-48 22 603-43-57;
tel/fax 0-48 22 849-76-62.
Prime Minister
Greeting: Szanowny Panie Premierze,
Marek Belka
Kancelaria Prezesa Rady Ministrów
Al. Ujazdowskie 1/3
00-583 Warszawa
telefon +48 (22) 694-60-00
fax +48 (22) 625-26-37
Greeting: Szanowny Panie Prezydencie,
Aleksander Kwaśniewski
Kancelaria Prezydenta RP
ul. Wiejska 10
PL-00-902 Warszawa
Tel. +48 (22) 695-29-00
[pl] http://www.prezydent.pl/poc/index.php3
[en] http://www.prezydent.pl/poc/en_index.php3
Polish embassies/consulates
"ambasada RP" or "konsulat generalny RP"
You could also send copies to *local* national newspapers where you live.
Hide the following comment
still waiting for confirmation of events
26.06.2004 12:33
asking for more information, and that you are only asking for a full
So far there does not seem to be any clear sourcing of the information, at least
to people discussing on the imc-pl-red editorial list. Fascists in comments claim
that the story of the attack only exists *because* Radek was dark-skinned. Just because
they are fascists does not mean they are lying.
> wszystko fajnie, tylko tak na prawdę nie wiadomo czy te wiadomości,
> które się pojawiają są zgodne z prawdą. Nikt nie powołuje się na
> żadne źródła ani nawet na osoby, które by to widziały. Nie ma
> świadków, nie ma nawet chętnych do powiedzenia skąd wiedzą, że to
> naziści zrobili. wszyscy opierają się na informacji typu ,,bo ktoś mi
> powiedzial". Tak
> na prawdę nie wiadomo NIC o tym co się wydarzyło.
The story seems fine, only we don't really know much about the news item, if it's
really consistent with the truth. Nobody seems to have any source or even know a person
who witnessed the event. There are no witnesses, there doesn't seem to be anybody
who wants to find out from where the claim of the nazis doing this comes from.
Everything is information like "because someone informed me". This is honestly NO
information about what really happened.
Maybe at the actino on Monday someone will find out where the source of the information
comes from...
Homepage: http://lists.indymedia.org/mailman/public/imc-pl-red/2004-June/002493.html