MDI stands for Measure of Domestic Progress, and represents a sharp critic to question commercial and political claims based solely on our GDP figures which can be very misleading

Red Cross ultimatum to US on Saddam - 14th Jun, 04
Release him, charge him or break international law, Bush told

Muslims must look to their own wrongs - 14th Jun, 04
There is silence about Sudan, because the perpetrators are not Islamophobic westerners but Arab Muslims

Bush rival joins Latham attack - 14th Jun, 04
The campaign of the Democratic candidate for the US presidency, John Kerry, has for the first time rejected Mark Latham's (Aust. Opp.) plan to recall Australian troops from Iraq by Christmas, leaving the Labor leader without support for the policy in America's political mainstream.

Kerry’s approach to McCain: Democrat seeks bipartisan pro-war ticket - 14th Jun, 04
With little more than a month to go before he is officially nominated in Boston as the Democratic presidential candidate, Senator John Kerry is going out of his way to reassure the US ruling elite that he remains committed to a military victory in Iraq which will maintain the US grip on the country and its huge oil resources.

Mexico summit: Europe seeks to challenge US domination of Latin America - 14th Jun, 04
Leaders of 58 European Union (EU), Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries at the recent summit in Mexico indirectly criticised the United States by condemning nations who “take action on their own.”

Assurances to big business and empty promises for working people - 14th Jun, 04
The new Indian government of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh released its Common Minimum Program (CMP) late last month, aimed at further reassuring local and international capital of that its interests will be guaranteed over the next five years. The ruling United Progressive Alliance (UPA) offers an “abiding commitment to economic reforms,” adding that they should be applied “with a human face”.

Britain: Labour suffers a rout in local elections - 14th Jun, 04
Prime Minister Tony Blair’s Labour Party suffered a crushing defeat in local elections, held on June 10 alongside elections to the European parliament and the London assembly.

Anti-Americanism and Americanization in Greece - 14th Jun, 04
Greece has long been viewed as "the black sheep" of Europe for its audacity to challenge and to criticize regional and global powers, like the United States. Firebrand criticism of US policy has been a trademark from national leaders, like the late Andreas Papandreou, through the sea of small political parties, all the way down to neighborhood coffeehouses and town squares.

Making More Refugees - 14th Jun, 04
The bulldozers have been working around the clock building the separation barrier, and it is now clear that the end is at hand. The residents' expulsion is imminent; they will soon be forced to move from their homes and ancestral land. This, at least, is the impression I had after leaving the small village Nu'eman.

US diplomats urge voters to remove Bush - 13th Jun, 04
Former US diplomats and military leaders have written a letter strongly condemning President George Bush's foreign policy.

Ronnie & Saddam - 13th Jun, 04
The US has donned rose-tinted spectacles to mourn the passing of Ronald Reagan. But Investigations Editor (Sunday Herald) Neil Mackay reveals a darker story of how, under Reagan, secret deals brokered by Donald Rumsfeld with Saddam Hussein secured the dictator an arsenal of WMD

John Kerry, Cheerleader for Israeli Brutality - 13th Jun, 04
Even if he turns out to be the second worst president in US history, John F. Kerry will still be better than our sitting president. At least many liberal and progressive Americans are stating as much in order to justify their support for the leading Democrat. However, such rationale does not dilute the fact that most people in the world will not be able to sense any tangible variation between either, Bush or Kerry.

Our kind of dictators - 13th Jun, 04
Tony Blair's latest musing about Iraq shows how far he has come since the glory days of weapons of mass destruction. He now has only one justification for the invasion of Iraq. It "rid the world" of the dictator Saddam Hussein.

Gas prices too high? Stop driving, fuckwads! - 13th Jun, 04
It has been so utterly pathetic over the last few weeks to hear all these lazy Americans complaining about “high gasoline prices.” First and least importantly, gas prices are not really all that high at the moment by historical standards. If you adjust for inflation, gas in California averaged $2.42 a gallon in 1980 and 1981 (in 2003 dollars), and has generally cost around $1.75 per gallon (in 2003 inflation adjusted dollars) much of the time since 1974, according to the California Energy Commission.

Oil Gone - 13th Jun, 04
If peak oil theorists are correct, our dependence on oil is not only foolish, it's lethal. Does modern civilization have just two choices--change or perish?

Republicans are behind the effort to censor Fahrenheit 9/11 - 13th Jun, 04
So desperate are Bush Republicans to kill Michael Moore's latest film, Fahrenheit 9/11, they have hired a public relations firm to set up a web site attacking Moore. The site,, claims to be "non-partisan," but a glance at the "About" page of the site reveals the director and staff of Move America Forward are all diehard Republicans, anti-tax activists, and former legislative staffers. The PR firm is Russo Marsh & Rogers.

Is Paul Martin ready for a U.S. attack on Cuba? - 13th Jun, 04
Would Bush actually invade Cuba or is he just playing tough guy to ensure he scoops Florida in the November election?

Blair to send 3,000 extra troops to Iraq - 13th Jun, 04
Tony Blair is preparing to defy voters' protests by sending another 3,000 British troops to Iraq. The announcement, which could come within a fortnight, is being finalised in the Ministry of Defence.

The student is gone; the master has arrived - 13th Jun, 04
This became a very popular saying in Iraq after the US ousted Saddam Hussein.

Once Again, the Imbalances - 13th Jun, 04
World trade is booming. Food, goods and services move across the globe with astonishing speed. Money is made.

Saddam Will Miss Old Buddy Reagan - 13th Jun, 04
The Iraq issue today may never have arisen if it were not for the support former U.S. president Ronald Reagan gave Saddam Hussein.