The Bush Regime's "Right Wing" Media gave an amazing demonstration of its sheer power to shape and control the values and beliefs of Americans in its totally "politically correct" Reagan eulogy.
Not only did the massive,right-wing Ronald Reagan "Propaganda/Eulogy" suck in the usual Republican "bum-boys" for their maudlin,shallow testimonials but also an embarrasing number of Democrats who were and are too terrified to say anything negative (or truthful!) in this election year, about the evils of Reagan and his fascist administration.
Doesn't matter what the name of the mainstrean t.v network or newspapers - NONE of them have allowed any articles or commentary on former President Reagan that is any way negative or disparaging! For younger Americans who don't know about the many "Murderous Atrocities" of the Reagan Administration,President Ronnie now looks (as far as the right wing media is portraying him!) like an honest-to-god "American Saint"!
The question is: Why is Bush's Right Wing Media "suddenly" and so enthusiastically doing this massive "Blow Job" on the shrivelled dink of a former president whom they've virtually forgotten about and ignored for the past 10 years?
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Thank God For Mr. Raygun
14.06.2004 18:13
No doubt the old ‘gipper” has moved on and is in another place. Perhaps he dwells in the stars planning a high-tech war or perhaps he is somewhere else along with his cronies. Perhaps a host of compassionate conservatives will join him soon and he can have tea with Maggie Thatcher and dictators from around the world that he supported. It way be awhile before the members of the Whitehouse junta join him. Either way it is probably a better place than the America of today that the neocons used him to create. Yet, since he passed away, the "liberal" media as been turning a B actor turned politician into a heroic American myth. He started out as a Demo actor's union organizer but as a Repugnant destroyed unions that took a century to build. They forgot to mention he stole from the poor and gave to the rich reducing upper level taxation from about 70% to 30%. His voodoo economics doomed social security and any chance of national health care. He sold the corporate tax breaks as a way to rebuild American industrial infrastructure to create more jobs and they took their tax breaks and outsourced. He and the media convinced the American public that he was a war hero by destroying a popular government in helpless Grenada. As Governor of California he and Ed Meese organized Gestapo police units to beat and eventually kill students exercising non-violent free speech. Meese later stepped down as attorney general due to a bribery scandal along with others like his H.U.D. director. Everyone forgot that the Afghan Muslim jihad fighters (one million dead Afghans that we bombed again) and resistance in the Eastern block did more to turn Russia from corrupt military government into a corrupt capitalist mess than all of his military pork spending. Now the “evil empire” no longer feeds their people or provides health care. His defense orgy and star wars dementia created a record national debt. And he could not handle a open question press conference and without a teleprompter. He often slept during the day and they woke him up to sign documents he did not really understand. Nancy made national policy decisions after consulting with her astrologer. His economics destroyed the one job middle class and crushed the poor. He played the "race card" to sway southern voters and did nothing for women's rights. He outspent the Demos while preaching and end to "big government" and Bush has done it again. But... perhaps Raygun was not evil and had only lost his mind due to brain disease which was advanced while in office. Perhaps he was telling the truth when he said 300 times during the Iran Contra investigations that he could not remember. And he must have died at peace forgetting that his death squads in El Salvador killed peasants, women and children and raped and killed nuns....etc...The Historians at purged Universities will probably forget all of this and more. Such is the power the boob tube and the "liberal" consolidated corporate media. And now we have a further mutation of this mindset except the un-elected Shrub is not a good enough speaker or actor to pull it off. And the good news is that more than half of the registered voters decided last time around decided that there was no point in voting for a President. Or maybe their too busy watching homicidal daytime soaps or sex crime prime time cop shows. Although George W. has done more than enough damage already he is destined to inherit war crime profits from Big Bush's kinder and gentler CIA Saudi morphed Carlyle Group....etc... Perhaps we should all put our money on the myth and live the American dream and we too can appear live on TV as the next great star of our democracy. I have always wanted to spend a few million on an inaugural ball while real Christians starve in Ethiopia. The Babylon system lives.
John Smart
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