poem by Mario Benedetti
To Ronald Reagan
the Death of a Son Of a Bitch
poem by Mario Benedetti
To Ronald Reagan
the Death of a Son Of a Bitch
poem by Mario Benedetti
The SOBs they live a long time, but one day they die
To Ronald Reagan
Obituary with Hurrah!
Let's celebrate it
Come everybody
The innocents
Those who have been hurt and cry during the night
Those who dream during the day
Those who suffer in their bodies
Those who keep ghosts
Those who walk barefoot
Those who curse the gods and burn with passion
The frozen poor
Those who love somebody
Those who never forget
Let's celebrate!
Come everybody
The unscrupulous is dead
The dark soul is over
The thieve
The pig
Is done forever
Come everybody
We will celebrate
Let's not say
Always erases everything
Purifies everything
Any day
Does not erase anything
The scars
Always remain
The imbecile is dead
Let's celebrate
We will not cry as if just by habit
Let those like him cry
And swallow their own tears
The great monster is finished
Done forever
We shall celebrate
And we will not be shy
Do not believe that this one
Is just another dead man
Let's celebrate
Let's not be timid
Don't forget that this one
Is a dead son of a bitch
translated by Carlos Miguel Silva
Spanish original at:

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US Nazis honor the great gipper - Mr. Ronnie
11.06.2004 18:25
Reagan; Bush; Rumsfeld; Wolfowitz; Perversions of Truth are Main US Export!
While the out-of-the-closet US Nazis honor the great gipper - Mr. Ronnie – Arms for cocaine and hostages – Reagan – hatred of all things American grows daily – everywhere.
“We need to restrain what are growing messianic instincrts – a sort of global social engineering where the US feels it is both entitled and obligated to promote democracyt by force if necessary. … Liberty cannot be laid down like so much astro-turf.” – George Will, June 7, 2004.
Friday May 28, 04 – Tehran, Iran – In a display of anti-U.S. anger not seen in parliament for several years, chants of “Death to America,” and strong condemnations of the U.S. brutal occupation of Iraq rang through the conservative-dominated legislature.
“to attract the attention of everybody to what is our main task, I invite you to pray for the devastation of the American belligerent occupiers – Mahdi Kouchakzadeh, hard-line leader of the conservatives. A few days later the Iranians were rewarded with the death of Ronald Reagan – the war criminal whose brain died 20 years ago – but whose policies continue to scour the Earth -- like Nano-nazis -- killing millions each year.
General Wesley Clark spoke out on NPR’s “Here and Now” spinning a new version of the left-wing defense of Bush-Imperialism: We are not in a class of civilizations… what there is, is a civil war within Islam… Bush has learned the wrong lessons from Ronald Reagan’s presidency and the fall of the USSR… the Eastern European countries welcomed NATO and the West because they waited and did not impose upon their countries…” (June 10,04)
Mr. wanna-be vice president Clark ought to know that the civil war he imagines only exists because of US interference and intervention. The immorality and decadence of the West taints the Islamic reformers who the US backs. Ignorance or planned chaos – this is the only question of remaining validity.
The Real Iraq:
June 11, Former Iraqi soldiers demonstrate in front of the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) headquarters in Baghdad. A Sunni Muslim cleric urged veterans of Saddam's military to join the battle against the Americans, in an openly confrontational Friday sermon at one of Baghdad's largest mosques.
In the fourth assault on Iraqi police stations in the past week, attackers arrived in seven cars, surrounded the station and opened fire with small arms and rocket-propelled grenades. The 10 policemen inside were armed with Kalashnikov rifles and pistols and fled the station after realizing they were outgunned. The gunmen entered the building, rigged it with explosives and blew it up. YUSUFIYAH city police, on the Euphrates river, 10 miles south of Baghdad, called for help from American forces when they came under attack. But the Americans didn't reach the town until 5 hours later.
On June 5, gunmen killed seven policemen before blowing up the police station in Musayyib. The following day, gunmen believed loyal to radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr blasted a police station in the Sadr City area of Baghdad. Al-Sadr's followers overran a police station Thursday in Najaf and ransacked the building.
President Bush lies at more levels – and about more things – than you could ever imagine, understand or react to. You would think that Bush-the-Son’s ORIGINAL SIN (911 allowed to happen) – would be enough to hound him, out of office. Lying to Congress about Iraqi WMDs should be enough to remove him in any real democracy.
Now he has put 100,000 young US soldiers into a political minefield. A trap that the US –Israeli Neo-cons designed specifically to create chaos and justify continued US killing machinery. Even John Kerry has pointed out the obvious lack of a political awareness or objective of the whole Bush-Iraq campaign. But this is a lie of Kerry’s and he continues to keep most of the real story from the US public.
The lies that Bush told on his April 13 news conference were that intelligence was poor on the likelihood of Shia uprisings – The BBC has been making fun of Wolfowitz who last year assured the public that the Shia were secular and would welcome us as liberators. But Bush new the truth – everyone did – except the news media who don’t seem to know anything except how to spin lies into platitudes. Fortunately, the graphic photos of sexually tortured innocent Iraqis are harder to spin into the void of the US media vacuum cleaner.
As most Iraqi commentators of pointed out – Bush is trying to create a civil war – he wants it now rather than to let it happen later when it might look bad in the election cycle and he might not be able to control it. Bush wants a reason to kill a few thousand more Iraqis and to justify more troops, more patriotism, more US bestiality and a longer occupation. Bush and the neo-cons never plan on leaving Iraq – at least not until the many other wars they have planned for the region are finalized. – And then there is the oil – and the US investments – and revenge for revenge. Time to invest in your military industrial stock market!
SO – U.S.A. TROOPS – and Coalition forces – since an unelected and mentally unstable president -- through treachery and deceit -- has placed you in a political situation that you are not trained for – you ought to DESERT -- MUTINY – and SWITCH SIDES or …
Just Give Up!!! – It’s the right thing to do – it’s the moral thing – its your right to defend the US Constitution and the President is the greatest threat to the USA!
Desertion or non-engagement is what many Iraqi police and military units have been doing in refusing to fight their comrades of Muqtader Sadr and his Mahdi army. Its what thousands of US soldiers did in Vietnam – before they killed 1000 US officers – fragging – like defragging your computer. Sometimes you Just have TO DO IT.
US troops deserve better than lies, sand fleas and death by sniper, death by burning, torture and hanging from bridges – but only if they do the right thing – quit – or join the Iraqi resistance - !!!
Or go awol or come home and help us fight the fascists here who lied to you and got your buddies killed.
Remember the story of Kentucky National Guardsman – Spc. Baker, 37 – an airforce veteranof Desert Storm – who volunteered to pretended to be a prisoner in Guantanmo – and his fellow soldiers beat him so bad he almost died. He was discharged for medical reasons and the US army lied over and over about what happened. The film evidence vanished and none of the soldiers who nearly killed him were disciplined.
CALLING all Polish, Ukranian and Italian troops – COME HOME
– Leave the Brits and Yankees to their own funeral and their own war crimes
– Save Europe – Come Home!
Do the people of the USA want to be fascists, global cops and Nazis? The evidence suggests so!
Many misadventures in Iraq would be more forgivable if they did not flow from ideology. It is perhaps unfair to say America’s nation-builders are going about it incompetently. That suggests that somewhere there is a reservoir of nation-building competence.
[As Jeffersonians might say] If everyone yearns for freedom, understood identically everywhere, how hard can building a democratic nation be? (Democratic universalism) Why would massive US forces or much time and treasure be needed? If a natural moral consensus, not power, is going to be the regulator of people, and of relations among nations, then of course politics will be easy.
In “Rise of the Vulcans” The history of the Bush War Cabinet, James Mann of CSIS shows how thoroughly Bush’s national security team was shaped by their recoil against the Vietnam-syndrome – thus preoccupied they gave insufficient thought to the perils of victory. – George Will, June 7. 2004
25% of Turkeys economy ( $ 60 billion dollars !! ) is Mafia controlled – gangsters have a foothold in 100 sectors of economy – according to Ankara chamber of commerce – in early June 04 –