Ex-US Marine/Gulf War Veteran & Founder of the Human Shield Action to Iraq Ken O’Keefe announces ‘P10K FORCE’ plan to Mobilize 10,000 International Observers from Western Nations to the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) - Launching September 11, 2004.
Noam Chomsky:
"This (P10K) is a very imaginative, creative, and courageous initiative. If it receives the support it merits it could have a major impact on moves towards reconciliation, peace, and hopes for justice and freedom in this tortured corner of the world."
When: Wednesday June 9th, 1300 1300-1330, Questions 1330-End
Where: American Colony Hotel - East Jerusalem
Who: Ken O’Keefe, Ian Hodgson (P10K Coordinator), Rihab Aisawi (who has lost three loved ones to the occupation).
Contact: Ian Hodgson (0)555 13990 email: ian@P10K.net
Content of Press Conference - The conference will include details of the plan including strategy, logistics, endorsements, previous ceasefires (2001 & 2003) and other relevant facts.
In response to unheeded and repeated calls for “International Observers” from the G8, the UN, President Arafat, the Arab League, NGO's and many more, the P10K Force is now forming for deployment to the OPT, and intends to remain there until the application of international law, which demands full Israeli withdrawal.
(Ceasefire) - Mr. O’Keefe will discuss P10K brokered attempts to secure an ‘AGREEMENT IN PRINCIPLE’ with Israel and the militant Palestinian Resistance intending to affect a cessation of all offensive operations contingent on the arrival of the P10K FORCE in September.
Hanan Ashwari:
"Amid an unprecedented level of Israeli military aggression against the Palestinians, and at a time when Israel's radical right wing government is bent on sustaining and expanding its illegal occupation of the Palestinian territories, this 10,000 strong civil force of dedicated advocates of justice and peace will help answer the desperate calls for protection to the Palestinian people."
"The congregation of this force in Palestine will certainly reflect the global commitment to upholding the legal and moral rights of the Palestinian people, and putting a just and durable end to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict."
Mrs Aisawi
A statement will be made by Mrs. Aisawi regarding her personal loss of loved ones and her support for the P10K Mission of affecting a ceasefire upon arrival and ending Israeli state terrorism and the illegal occupation of the OPT; the root causes of Palestinian terrorism.
Mr. O'Keefe will discuss America's invasion of Iraq based on false allegations of Iraq possessing WMD and subsequent killing of at least 10,000 civilians; meanwhile annually providing at least $4 billion in aid to Israel, which has a known and illegal arsenal of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons. He will read a statement from the recently released Mordechai Vanunu testifying to this fact and call on citizens of the world to join the P10K FORCE based on the clear and present threat the Israeli/Palestinian conflict represents to security for our world.
Mordechai Vanunu: (extract from statement)
“In Israel we demand the abolition of all nuclear weapons because they are the power behind Israel, behind the occupation, the settlements, and widening its borders into Palestinian land.”
Calls for International Observers from…
USA, UK, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, Russia, China, Egypt
The UN:
UN General Assembly
Mary Robinson, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations Non-Governmental Organization Meeting in Solidarity with the Palestinian People
Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Christian Aid, GIPP - Grassroots International Protection for the Palestinian People, Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR), Committee on Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People
President Yasser Arafat, Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi, Ambassador Afif Safieh, Palestinian General Delegation in London, Daoud Kuttab, Palestine National Liberation Movement, Fatah
Peace Groups;
International Women’s Peace Service, Gush Shalom, Democracy Now
Arab League, Pope John Paul II
(citizens per nation)
Albania – 35
Andorra – 1
Austria – 93
Australia – 226
Belgium – 118
Bosnia Herzegovina - 44
Bulgaria – 85
Canada – 360
Croatia – 49
Cyprus – 10
Czech Republic – 116
Denmark – 61
Estonia - 16
Finland – 59
France – 681
Germany – 941
Greece - 125
Hungary – 115
Iceland – 3
Ireland – 46
Israel – 76
Italy – 652
Latvia – 26
Lithuania – 40
Macedonia – 25
Moldova – 49
Malta – 5
Netherlands – 184
Luxembourg – 6
New Zealand – 46
Norway – 52
Poland – 439
Portugal – 118
Romania – 246
Serbia & Montenegro – 122
Slovakia – 61
Slovenia – 23
Spain – 470
Sweden – 102
Switzerland – 83
UK – 673
USA - 3319
Hide the following 11 comments
dont wanna be a victim
07.06.2004 20:50
There aint one. Or not one theyre going to to tell u about - eg (from their FAQ):
" Have the cease-fire agreements been brokered with either Palestinians or Israelis?
If the Israeli government honoured the ceasefires
declared in the past by the Palestinian Militant Resistance and also honoured
it's obligation under International Law to end its illegal occupation,
P10K would not be necessary. And despite millions of well informed people
throughout the world appealing to the Israeli government to act with restraint,
it continues to increase its oppression.
With this
in mind, P10K is sending a legal notice by registered mail to the Israeli
government informing them of our mission, and calling for them to also honour the commitment to end offensive operations that we are currently negotiating with a wide range of Palestinian leaders, who have the position
to discuss P10K with those who can choose to accept or reject it.
P10K is an
offer for Palestinian Militants to end their offensive operations because
they have in the past. A similar amount of effort has not been invested
in asking the Israeli government, because by it's actions, it shows no
signs that it is willing to end it's aggression. On the contrary, despite international condemnation from people who know the truth (and who through
P10K now have the power to effect change) and governments (who have long
had the power to effect change but actually materially and economically
support Israel) Israel continues its aggression."
Total evasion.
- "With this in mind, P10K is sending a legal notice by registered mail to the Israeli
government informing them of our mission, and calling for them to also honour the commitment to end offensive operations that we are currently negotiating with a wide range of Palestinian leaders" -
So the Israelis are supposed to honour the Palestinians commitments? What the fuck are they talking about?
The website is just a load of platitudinous hippy shite with a complete evasiveness about what they are actually trying to do. Gesture politics at best. I'm sure Israel is shitting itself.
07.06.2004 21:26
I'm sure that the idea will spread and that it will be in a position to fullfill the numbers promised, with probably enough spare to backup and support. When it takes on this notion - of each of the ten thousand having/representing many more behind them - it begins to become a real political force.
Worth keeping an eye on.
e-mail: jackslucid@hotmail.com
07.06.2004 21:54
And the Palestinians will appreciate it, for sure. Also, Stoolhead, ask yourself, what can the Palestinian militiary resistance actually do at the moment? They are being strangled, and only outside intervention will help, and I don't see anybody else rushing to intervene.
Well done P10K, from the numbers, it will certainly have some effect, and my heart is with you.
what are u signing up to again?
07.06.2004 23:15
"For the agreement in principle to hold that the Palestinian militant resistance will not launch any offensive operations inside Israel, we, as citizens
of the west must keep our side of the bargain, and our numbers above 10,000."
So this exercise is a "bargain" with the Palestinians, which requires no Palestinian actions in Israel?
They'd prefer not to be too clear.
I often think Palestinian actions are counter-productive, but this seems quite a conditional kind of support.
From their FAQ, the obvious question, with a non-answer:
"What if the Militant Palestinian Resistance carry out an offensive operation
in Israel?
A serious look at the Militant Palestinian Resistance reveals a much ignored
fact, that these same groups have actually honoured ceasefires while the
Israeli Government continues and often increases the brutality of it's
illegal occupation. The Wall continues to illegally annexe Palestinian
land and surround the remains of Palestine creating the world's largest
prison. The incursions continue and civilians are routinely killed. The
bulldozers continue to enforce collective punishment by destroying family
homes and Olive Tree groves. The checkpoints deny the right to travel
and curfews deny children access to school and families to food and social services. Humanitarian aid is shut out of Palestine and the root cause
of the violence, the illegal occupation itself, continues unchecked. But
none of this will be possible with ten thousand western witnesses; we
will have neutralized Israel's unofficial policy of inciting violence
in order to justify much greater violence and an increasingly brutal occupation.
That is exactly why western citizens are so critical to affecting and
maintaining the ceasefire; only we can we stop Israeli aggression.
The P10K Force will be the greatest peace-keeping force in history, because
Israel's Government will no longer be able to continue the business as
usual cycle of violence; that will in turn provide the basis for justice.
The Palestinian resistance know this better than practically anyone and
to think they will resume violent tactics is to buy into the lie that
these people are all merely crazed psychopaths who prefer violence to
justice. Simply not true, and when you escape the indoctrination born
of western propaganda you realise how absurd and warped our understanding
of Palestine and its people is.
If the ceasefire is broken it might well be those claiming to be the victims
who are in fact the perpetrators. One thing is for sure, the Militant
Palestinian Resistance does not deny its actions so we shall see if they
claim responsibility should an offensive operation in Israel take place."
And if they do claim responsibility?
Thats a private matter.You'll find out when it happens.
No thanks.
Simple Answer
08.06.2004 06:55
I don't think that anywhere on the website it promises a fun filled week of lager and clubbin'. Perhaps you would be better of with a nice safe police approved demo in Hyde Park.
Or perhaps by reading the website you have only just realised what is going on in Palestine.
Try this:
Rhodes, 7 nights: 16/06/04, Cardiff, £139
Thomas Cook
Simple Answer
08.06.2004 08:10
I don't think that anywhere on the website it promises a fun filled week of lager and clubbin'. Perhaps you would be better of with a nice safe police approved demo in Hyde Park.
Or perhaps by reading the website you have only just realised what is going on in Palestine.
Try this:
Rhodes, 7 nights: 16/06/04, Cardiff, £139
Thomas Cook
dodgy Ken o keefe the bill gates of palestinian solidarity?
08.06.2004 12:37
What right does he have to make any deal on behalf of the Palestinian people? Where are the endorsements of the Palestinian resistance? Is this not the American ego run wild, the flipside of US govt imperialism revealed as US
Peace activist imperialism.So what if Noam chomsky is endorsing him. Chomsky is not a palestinian either.
So yes of course , there is a need for internationals in the occupied territories and the idea has been around for a long time and being carried out thanks to several Palestinain initiatives, but Mr KoK is trying to present a project that already exists as a new idea that he came up with. Typical capitalist ploy.It looks to me like Mr Kok is trying to set himself up as the Bill Gates of Palestinian solidarity-and for this reason alone he deserves to be sidelined.
To 'dot'
08.06.2004 13:41
You obviously haven't visited the endorsements page on http://p10k.net/. Had you done so you would see a number of endorsements from Palestinian resistance organisations.
This idea is so old hat that Noam Chomsky calls it "imaginative, creative", Sakher Habash (Abu Nezar) Leader of National Islamic Front calls it "something new", Mohammed Hourani calls it "a great and brilliant idea", Jamal Tarifi "a great idea", Abu Hzah (Head of Fatah in Qalqilya) said "We dream about this project.", Dr. Mohammed Aboshi Palestine Medical Relief Committee said "This plan could be something great to help Palestinians."
And there's more. If character assasination is the only critique you have to offer then you are plainly just a dirty little troll - or worse. As for 'making deals on behalf of the Palestinian people' - what possible grounds do you have for insinuating that? (Rhetorical question; you have none).
Truth, Justice, Peace
09.06.2004 12:05
in the mean time lets make sure that places where regimes backed by britain are commiting very real mass killing and mass displacement with hundreds of thousands of dead, for instance west papua, colombia etc remain constantly of the west's moral radar, and that nobody sends any army of observers there to try to dicourage armies from commiting massacres.
the voice of common sense
Oi! 'the voice of common sense'
09.06.2004 15:31
under the bridge
moral radar
09.06.2004 15:44
You never know who you'll be educating: I've seen stories lifted off here in the past nearly verbatim into the corporate press.