June 5th, 1967, marked the day when the whole of Palestine was occupied; when more villages were destroyed and more Palestinians turned into refugees; when even more land was stolen, all in order to exact the Zionist dream of controlling the whole of Palestine, and expelling the Palestinian people from their homeland.
Today, June 5, 2004, the 37th Naksa Day, Palestinians continue to find their homes being destroyed, their lands and olive trees razed, their water resources stolen. Just as before, this is an attempt by Occupation forces to expel the Palestinian people, and cement complete control over all of Palestine.
While days like June 5th, Naksa day, and May 15th, Nakba day mark historical anniversaries, it is important to remember that the pain of both 1967, and 1948 are relived every single day by the Palestinian people, and their suffering has been unabated since.
Latest News
Land Confiscation for the Wall in Salfit
At noon on May 27th Occupation forces handed confiscation orders to both Salfit city and Masha village. In Masha Occupation forces will confiscate 6 dunums from lands isolated behind the Wall to build a new military camp, 20 metres from the isolated home of Hani Amer. In Salfit, some 360 dunums of land will be stolen from the city to build a section of an 11km Wall around Ariel settlement. [

Community Voices
Nothing Can Come Between Me and My Land
Omar Said -Abu Mohammad- is a farmer from Qalqiliya, and a father of five. Omar's story is an example of how farmers in communities that have their lands isolated behind the Wall suffer to reach their lands.
Omar owns eight dunums of agricultural land to the north of Qalqiliya city, the land is mainly planted with olive trees, and is the family's main source of income. While Omar and his wife have been granted permits to reach their lands, they have not be given one for their vehicle, and are forced to walk 5kms to their fields.
Omar says, "we have to go through an isolated empty area that looks like a cemetery or a ghost town; it is surrounded by the fence of the Zufin settlement from the north and the ditches and barbed wire of the Qalqiliya Wall from the south."
"Despite all of this, I kept going to my land," says Omar. "But recently the Occupation forces and settlers released hundreds of wild boars in the fields isolated behind the Wall. One time the boars attacked me and my wife, I was able to fight them off and I killed one. On the way back the Occupation soldiers stopped us and told us that we should not be in these lands, I showed them my permit, but they did not care. They threatened us, saying the next time we are in the lands we will see wilder animals that eat human beings. When we reached our house, my wife was so scared that she swore she would not go to our lands again. [

Worldwide Activism
Declaration by South Africans on Apartheid Israel
From the declaration: "We, South Africans, extend our hands to the heroic people of Palestine. Theirs is the struggle, slingshots in hand, of David against Goliath. Theirs is the vision of a country shorn of racist dominion. Theirs is the passion for life without oppression. Theirs is the struggle for Arab and Jews to be free from discrimination and injustice. As South Africans we understand these struggles, visions and passions. We support the demand to isolate Apartheid Israel, the right of return and reparations for the 4,5 million Palestinian refugees and the dismantling of racist settlements. We demand urgent and immediate international protection of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, the establishment of a sovereign independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital toward the establishment of a secular democratic state in historic Palestine. We pledge ourselves to be part of a new International Anti-Apartheid movement against Israel." [

The Starry Plough Article on the Apartheid Wall
Recently the coordinator of European outreach for Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign toured Ireland in order to raise awareness about the horrific crime the Israeli government is committing by building the Apartheid Wall in Occupied Palestinian Territories reinforcing the occupation and its dire consequences on the Palestinian people. She traveled to Ireland to make the Palestinian national grassroots struggle - the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign - better known to the Irish public and activists, to strengthen existing ties with Irish solidarity groups and to create new ties with Irish social movements.
While there the Starry Plough, the newspaper of the Irish Republican Socialist Party, did a long interview with our coordinator, and published a feature article on the struggle of the Palestinian people against the Occupation, and the Apartheid Wall, providing a detailed analysis of the situation, and ways for the Irish public to get involved. [

Activist Resources
New Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign Posters
To help support the recent Palestine Solidarity Campaign rally in Trafalgar square, where 10,000 Britons rallied against the Wall, the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign created three new posters which were posted around the city. These simple, but effective black and white posters use photographs from the Campaign archives and are sized large, for A2 paper. Please feel free to download them and use them for any events you organize against the Apartheid Wall.
Send Us Information About Your Naksa Day Events
Are you planning to hold an event, or activity to mark Naksa Day - the anniversary of the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, that is today fortified by the Apartheid Wall and it's systematical devastation of land and the ghettoization of the Palestinian population? Please forward us some information to include in our Worldwide Activism section in order to promote your initiatives, give an overview of solidarity efforts for Palestine worldwide today and strengthen the network of support for the Palestinian struggle against the Apartheid Wall. Please write a brief press release, including the name of your organization, a short description of the event, your contact information, as well as any photographs that might be available, and email everything to:

Visit the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign web site.