CAAT Steering Committee Statement regarding Martin Hogbin - 3rd Jun, 04
CAAT (Campaign Against Arms Trade) Steering Committee has decided to make a formal complaint to the Information Commissioner that Martin Hogbin during his employment at CAAT passed sensitive confidential information outside the organisation, which may have been a breach of the Data Protection Act. The complaint will commence a criminal investigation, and, possibly, the prosecution of Martin.

Exposed: UK Government ‘dodgy deals’ - 3rd Jun, 04
LEAKED minutes of an influential Treasury committee show that “creative accounting” is rife in government contracts with the private sector.

Englan' is a bitch ! - 2nd Jun, 04
Perhaps it's because England's slaves were in the colonies or maybe it's just the sheer length of time (centuries) but whatever the reason, the nature of racism in the UK has its own peculiarities that sets it apart. One could go into an extensive analysis of the history of the ideology of racism in English political life that extends back to the country's first real colony, Ireland, over 800 years ago.

Carlos Castano in Israel - 2nd Jun, 04
Gonzalo Gallegos, spokesman for the US State Dept. for the Western Hemisphere, said about Castano: "We have not been in contact with that individual. We don't know where he is, and we don't know where the information came from."

Bush Lying? - 2nd Jun, 04
Did Bush lie on the reasons for 9-11 ("they hate our freedoms," etc.)? I think one has to be a bit cautious.
Lying requires a certain competence: at least, it requires an understanding of the difference between truth and falsehood. When a 3-year old tells you an obvious falsehood, it isn't really fair to call it a lie. The same was true of the huge whoppers that Reagan came out with when he got out of the control of his handlers.

Humanitarian Interventions? - 2nd Jun, 04
I won't run through the details regarding Somalia since you can find a lot in print, right at the time and later.
Steve Shalom had a fine article about it at the time in Z; I wrote about it right away in Z too. More later, after other facts dribbled out. In brief, there had been a terrible famine after the chaos following the overthrow of the murderous US-backed dictator.

New Organization? - 2nd Jun, 04
Assuming we all fight for social change in the expectation that we will, at some point, win -- and assuming that we fight for a whole new social system, again, in the expectation that at some point we will win -- it follows that at some point there will be organizations formed in our respective countries, and perhaps interlinked internationally, which will over a period of years play prominent roles in winning a new world.

Rebels in Control in Capital of Eastern Congo Province - 2nd Jun, 04
Despite denials by United Nations peacekeepers earlier today, it is now confirmed that a group of rebel soldiers led by Brigadier-General Laurent Nkunda has seized control of Bukavu.

Antifire chemical spurs toxic fears in Arctic - 2nd Jun, 04
OSLO — Chemicals widely used as flame retardants in homes have been found in polar bears and birds in the Arctic, raising fears that they could pose a health hazard, Norwegian scientists said on this week.

Money and the Power of Belief - 2nd Jun, 04
In the third paragraph of The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy the author, Douglas Adams, describes Earth. He says:
This planet has - or rather had - a problem, which was this: most of the people living on it were unhappy for pretty much of the time. Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these were largely concerned with the movements of small green pieces of paper, which is odd because on the whole it wasn't the small green pieces of paper that were unhappy.

Cities intensify climate problems - 2nd Jun, 04
Living in cities, it's easy to forget about our connection to the natural world. In human-created environments, surrounded by concrete and asphalt, we often feel isolated and insular, as though we are protected from the forces of nature.

Jordan appeals for international help to save the Dead Sea - 2nd Jun, 04
SOUTHERN SHUNEH, Jordan — Jordan appealed on Tuesday for international assistance to help save the ecosystem of the Dead Sea, whose water level is dropping.
The surface level of the sea — the saltiest water in the world and the lowest point on Earth — has fallen 1 meter (3.3 feet) a year for at least the past 20 years because of evaporation and the diversion of rivers by Syria and Israel.

Report: Israel fails to stop racism, xenophobia, incitement and violence - 2nd Jun, 04
Thousands of Arab citizens suffer from xenophobia, incitement, racial discrimination, racial violence and hate speech. These findings were included in the special report published today by the Mossawa Center. The report was prepared by advocate Fuad Azar and a team of field and legal staff. The Mossawa Center demand immediate action to be taken by the Jewish public, the government and the civil society to fight racism, xenophobia and violence against Arab citizens.

ICRC explains position over detention report and treatment of prisoners - 2nd Jun, 04
Introductory statement and summary of main points made by the ICRC’s director of operations, Pierre Krähenbühl, at a press conference at the organization’s headquarters, 7 May 2004, following the publication by the Wall Street Journal of excerpts of an ICRC report.

Daughter of the Earth - 2nd Jun, 04
India’s farmers love her while international agrochemical and gene technology concerns fear her: the scientist Vandana Shiva is taking on the forces of globalization to bring more eco-friendly farming methods back to her country, and to give people their right to freedom and self-determination.

Man With a Plan - 2nd Jun, 04
An interview with one of Asia’s leading critics of globalization*

John Kerry: Liberal Interventionist - 2nd Jun, 04
Almost all presidential polls now show the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, John F. Kerry, to be ahead of President George W. Bush. And he is in the lead not only in the national polls but also in the few state polls that have been conducted.1
United States presidents are not elected by a nation-wide popular vote but rather by electoral votes that are allotted by state according to the state’s population.2

Peace Lessons from an Unlikely Source - 2nd Jun, 04
Upon arrival from Europe, now more than two decades ago, I was taken aback by the level of violence in the American media. I do not just mean the daily news, even though it is hard getting used to multiple murders per day in any large city. No, I mean sitcoms, comedies, drama series, and movies. Staying away from Schwarzenegger and Stallone does not do it; almost any American movie features violence. Inevitably, desensitization sets in.

Towards A Compassionate Mass Media

The myth of Mr Kennedy's (UK, 3rd party Opposition leader) opposition to the war - 2nd Jun, 04
I can think of no more unprincipled stand than to say the war is unjust but we support it anyway

The Neocons' War - 2nd Jun, 04
Relax, because now we're allowed to talk about the real reason for the Iraq war

Israeli Politician Lets the Truth Slip - 2nd Jun, 04
Sometimes a person "buys his world in one moment," as the ancient Hebrew saying goes. This was done by the Minister of Justice, Yosef ("Tommy") Lapid, when he uttered the words: "This old woman reminds me of my grandmother!"