By Pastor Michael Treis
I would appeal to each and every one of those seeking gay marriage, to repent and turn from this perversion of God’s law. If they don’t, they like Massachusetts may soon suffer the wrath of the Ever-Living Yahweh.
The pictures below are of the ash remains of Sodom & Gomorrah as well as the brimstone embedded therein. The Ron Wyatt Archeological museum offer the proof from the excavations of these two cities destroyed by the wrath of God for refusing to repent and turn from their perversions.
You can no longer claim ignorance of your sin and abomination before the eyes of the Ever-Living Yahweh. Repent or suffer the same fate before it is to late.
Pastor Mike
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17.05.2004 19:27
So leaving aside the issue of whether or not it is wise to take a literal translation of an origin myth, or whether or not gay marriages are going to bring down civialisation as we know it, can I raise issue with the "archaeological evidence".
If those were ash layers there would not be swirls in them. It is a stratagraphic impossibility for deposition layers to curl round under each other. Where is the evidence of the buildings? Those are quite natural (ie in no way connected to people) deposits and I would guess from their shape either wind or water blown. And the third picture looks remarkably like a natural iron deposit found very commonly in the ground when you have fluctuating water tables, often they are called 'worm casts' because they can also be formed around the holes left by worms in the soil. Yes I know they look like rusted metel, or brimstones if you really insist, but they are not.
I really wish people would stop using archaeology to justify any old peice of ideology they happen to want to promote. Though if you are feeling bored the web site is a hoot. Full of lovely bed time stories.
As to what the Pastor is actualy trying to say, I hope that everyone reading it has given it the disdain it deserves.
Archaeologist fed up with being given a bad name.
For Life to Survive
17.05.2004 22:44
Human overpopulation threatening the survival of Life on Earth cause God to make many men to not want women. And women not to want men. But their hormones still work.
It is important that people are faithful to their partners in order to prevent the spread of disease among those who God made unwilling to produce children but who are prepared to contribute useful work to support the community. Those who are unable to see how God's requirements have changed, need to take their noses out of the edited and censored books they think are Holy Scriptures, and look at His true Creation: Life on this Earth.
The Oaths of Marriage are oaths of faithfulness, loyalty, and sharing, they should be available to all, and even be a requirement if the spread of many damaging diseases is to be limited. If people are prepared to take such oaths and acknowledge the way that God has made them be, they deserve the highest honours. We have a start to ensuring a secure future.
Yes, learn to have population control.. then divert Science to follow Alfred Russel Wallace, not Darwin. Evolve towards Co-operation and Hospitality.
From an old item in Indycymru