Voice of the Progressive Webgroup Alliance
Volume 3 - 23rd April 2004
- Welcome
- Organising Committee
- Upcoming Actions
- Around the Groups
- Your Favourites Vote
Welcome to this, our 3rd issue of the Voice of the PWA. Ever since we set up the website at
We'd like to take this opportunity to thank all those who took part in the online protest to coincide with the international day of action against the continual illegal occupation of Iraq on the 20th March, and if anyone has received any replies to their messages, then please do let us all know at our message board (
Also, please do remember to sign our Guestmap so we can see where people are visiting from at our website!
To all allied groups managers out there, please do visit our message boards at
There are many upcoming actions, below are just some of those planned, if you can get to any of the following or would like to assist in some way with them then please do so:
March on the US embassy in London - www.stopwar.org.uk - Thursday 29th April - please see the Stop the War Coalitions website for more details
Get the Medias attention on the 29th April! - www.unitedforpeace.org - Get across the message that sending more troops to Iraq is not the answer to Iraqs problems. Use the anniversary of the Bush "Mission Accomplished" speech to tell editors and talk show hosts that occupation is part of the problem NOT the solution!
The Wall Must Fall -
Give Bush Senior the Welcome he deserves! -
After visiting Britain last year, Bushs dad is to visit this May, the 18th May to be exact. The Stop the War Coalition is calling a mass picket of an event he will be attending hosted by Republicans abroad.
The World Says NO to the Bush Agenda - 29th August - www.unitedforpeace.org - On the eve of the Republican National Congress when Bush junior is expected to be chosen to stand once again for president there will be demonstrations throughout the US and the world to say we don't want a madman at the head of the US, the world wants, nedds and deserves better!
Independence from America - Friday 14th June - www.caab.org.uk - The Campaign For the Accountability of American Bases has organised this protest outside the gates of the Menwith Hill US military base in Yorkshire.
If anyone has any further events they would like to be included in our next newsletter, then please do post them at our message boards at
Discussion at the allied groups has been very busy over the past few months. Here are just a few links to some great discussion groups and good websites:
The World Wide Anti Conscription Unity discussion group is at
The Earth Rainbow Network has established itself as a global community with an extensive range of subjects discussed at its mailing list, you can visit the website at
The Che-Lives website and forums are an excellent resource for those on the left for discussion and debate. You can visit Che-Lives at
Propriety Now is an MSN discussion group with a manager who would like ideas and discussion about an alternative media system, please do visit and offer your opinions at
Iowa Peace is a website run by Mike Palacek, former federal prisoner for peace and congressional candidate, the website is at
Citizens of the Earth is an MSN group which looks at a broad range of subjects, and was very helpful with the organisation and carrying out of the online protests the PWA arranged for the 20th March, you can visit the group at
The Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors has a very informative site at
And finally on our look around the groups in this issue, the Roma Rights group is a very lively and informative Yahoo group which looks at the issues of Roma, I certainly have found the group to contain some very interesting information. You can visit the Roma Rights Group and join at
To all reading this, please do repost this newsletter within your groups and message boards, this will assist in spreading the word about the Progressive Webgroup Alliance as a whole and will inevitably lead to more visitors to all of our groups. To also assist in the promotion of the Progressive Webgroup Alliance and individual groups we ask all managers of groups and websites to place a link somewhere on their website or in their group back to the PWA website (either at
You can also find images to link back to the PWA with at our Promote us page, located at
The nominations process for your favourite groups, websites, message boards and mailing lists is still open. To nominate and support your favourites in the various categories and ensure they make it through to the final vote later in the year please do visit
Finally, hopefully you have enjoyed reading this issue of the Voice of the Progressive Webgroup Alliance, if you would like to make a submission for inclusion to the newsletter, then please do visit the message board at
Visit the Progressive Webgroup Alliance website at
Best wishes
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