from the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign
April 19th, 2004
Stop the Assassinations of the Palestinian People!
The Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign calls upon the people of the world to protest the Isreali assassination policy of exponents of the Palestinian people - from its resistance leaders to it's grassroots activists - if not the Palestinian people as a whole. [

Latest News
Diya' Abd el Kareem Eid Martyred in Biddu
The Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign mourns the death of Diya' Abd el Kareem Eid, martyred today in Biddu village. Diya', 24 years old, was protesting against the construction of the Apartheid Wall on Biddu village land when he was targeted by Occupation forces using live rounds. Diya' was shot in the chest, and taken by ambulance to Maqased Hospital in Jerusalem in critical condition, where he succumbed to his wounds shortly thereafter. The people from Biddu reported that the bulldozers continued to work late into the night clearing the village lands for the Wall's path. [

Occupation Forces Shoot Three in Biddu
On the morning of April 18th the people of Biddu village held a demonstration against the Israeli assasination of Hamas leader Abdel-Aziz al-Rantissi, and did not expect to see Occupation forces work on the Wall, given the tense situation throughout the West Bank, and Gaza. Yet Occupation forces entered the village shortly after noon, with bulldozers, jeeps, mounted officers, as well as positioning snipers on several rooftops. Shortly thereafter three protesters where shot, two live rounds, one Diya' Abd el Kareem Eid suffered serious chest wounds, and was rushed to Maqased hospital in Jerusalem. [

Resistance to the Wall Continues in Biddu Village
On April 16th Villagers from northwest of Jerusalem participated today in a massive demonstration against the Apartheid Wall being built in the lands of Biddu village. The demonstration started early, with the demonstrators heading towards their lands being destroyed underneath Occupation bulldozers. Dozens of Occupation soldiers were ready to meet the demonstrators, and began firing tear gas as soon as the villagers approached the bulldozers. Many Palestinians responded by throwing stones at the Occupation soldiers, who in turn intensified their assault with both tear gas, and concussion grenades, and many demonstrators were overcome by the excessive amounts of gas. [

The Murder of Rantisi a Crime Against Humanity
Press Release, Media Review Network
Issued by Dr Firoz Osman, secretary of the MEDIA REVIEW NETWORK, an advocacy group based in Pretoria, South Africa. The Media Review Network writes: "This cowardly missile strike comes only a few days after Ariel Sharon returned from a visit to the United States of America, where he was feted as "man of peace" forging "historic changes" by US president George Bush. It was hardly month ago that the quadriplegic, spiritual Hamas leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, confined to a wheelchair, was killed in the same immoral and savage manner- in violation of all international laws and conventions." [

One Article, Three Questions
by Victor de Currea-Lugo. M.D., Ph.D., PENGON/Anti-Apartheid WallCampaign
Excerpted from a speech given at a United Nations conference titled the "United Nations International Meeting on the Implications of the Construction of the Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including around East Jerusalem" Dr. De Currea-Lugo writes: "I think that for everyone it is clear that the Wall is illegal according to International Humanitarian Law as well as Human Rights Law. I would prefer not to discuss the same issues again. What I would like to ask are three important questions, at least important for the Palestinian People. Since I have been asked to discuss the role of civil society, the following points need to be raised in regards to human rights, international NGOs and the international community, three components that any civil society depends on." [

Demonstration in Ramallah as Villagers
from Northwest Jerusalem Protest PA Inaction
April 14th, Palestinians from the villages northwest of Jerusalem protested in Ramallah against The Palestinian Authority and it's inaction against fighting the Apartheid Wall. Villagers marched from the center of Ramallah to an Authority cabinet meeting, making speeches and chanting slogans against the PA.
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