arrival of the zapatistas in zinacantan
the car demo of the zapatistas
rally in the community deprived from access to water
another street blockade against the cars is removed whilst returning
For all who can read spanish, see:
For more information on the attacks of the Zapatista read:
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Info about attacks from Chiapas95 e-list
13.04.2004 11:20
The human rights brigade that visited the communities of Paste, Jech'vo,
Elambo Alto and Elambo Bajo encountered empty and destroyed houses; after
yesterday's attack on Zapatista demonstrators, all local residents en
resistencia (more than one hundred families) have fled either to San
Cristobal or to as-yet-unidentified shelters. The attack, to summarize
today's Jornada article, took place as a group of hundreds of Zapatistas
concluded a demonstration and delivery of water. Aboard passenger
vehicles, they were returning to neighboring municipalities, but found the
roads blocked and a group of more than one hundred men awaiting them,
throwing rocks. After a long attempt to clear the road, the Zapatista
caravan of vehicles was leaving, but those who were at the end of the
receding brigade were attacked with gunfire. The two most gravely wounded
have been transferred to a hospital in the state capital.
The delivery of water and demonstration were to show support for families
en resistencia who have been denied water by the local municipal president
since December. Water was delivered in large watertight sacks usually used
for transporting corn. The caravan found many of these sacks destroyed as
several water tanks torn apart or cracked.
If not quickly reversed, the displacement of the men, women, and children
in Zinacantan could mean their permanent expulsion. Zapatista residents
of Paste, Jech'vo, and the Elambos explain that the presidente municipal
has tried to force them to leave their communities by denying them
water. He has demanded that they join his party, the PRD, and that they
publicly renounce Zapatismo. In light of the growing legitimacy and
influence of the Juntas de Buen Gobierno in the Zapatista Caracoles, these
attacks appear to be attempts to disrupt this trend in the highlands and
impose the power of the presidencia municipal of Zinacantan.
The human rights brigade will hold a press conference tomorrow at noon and
a document will be publicized with demands and suggestions for action.
Distribute this Info, organise solidarity actions!!!!!