Democracy Now!{

Could this be because of a certain Clinton executive order.....
In much the same way that the President tied the hands of the FBI, shortly before 9-11, by reissuing Clinton's Executive Order (W)199-EYE-WF-213589.......ordering the FBI not to touch Arabs, any members of the Saudi Royal family or Iraqi Republican Guard, and further, to purge from FBI and airport computers all the names of any middle eastern types brought over here to be trained in in the US, at our military bases and at our own expense, and taught to fly airliners at our own flight schools, the media at large has been discouraged from publicly examining the data.

(above-FBI web page = info re: the definition of order encoding, such as #199-EYE)
Former Deputy Director of the FBI, John O'Neill [5], famed for his personal perseverance against terrorism, resigned his position at the FBI on account of the issuance of EO# 199-EYE, and at his and his department's own hands having been tied by it. He was offered a new job as head of security at the WTC (which alleged to pay $300, 000 more than his FBI salary), and barely two months after the execution of order # 199-EYE, he died on his first day of work at the WTC, on September 11, 2001.[6]
Coincidence? I can't even go there.....
The Bush administration is blocking the 9/11 commission from examining about 8,000 classified documents from the Clinton administration turned over for the commission to review.
The files contain classified documents about the Clinton administration's efforts against Al Qaeda.
An attorney for Clinton's presidential foundation accused the Bush White House of blocking the release of material that would be valuable to the 9/11 commission.
The 9/11 commission has announced National Security Advisor Condolleeza Rice will testify publicly under oath before the panel next Thursday, April 8.
Meanwhile is reporting that former U.S Senator Gary Hart is accusing the Bush administration of ignoring his warnings before Sept. 11 about the threat of terrorism. Hart personally warned Rice a week before the Sept. 11 attacks.
Hart had served as co-chair of the U.S. Commission on National Security, a bipartisan panel that conducted the most thorough investigation of U.S. security challenges since World War II. He is now working as an advisor to Sen. Kerry on his presidential campaign.