- Bush Blocks 9/11 Panel From Seeing Clinton Papers
- House GOP Drops Medicare Cost Inquiry
- Bush Signs Unborn Victims of Violent Act
- March: Second Deadliest Month for U.S. in Iraq
- Sharon Threatens to Assassinate Arafat

TODAY'S SHOW: Friday, April 02
*Ex-Bush National Security Council Member: How Bush Bungled The War on
A year after resigning from the National Security Council, Flynt
Leverett talks about how Bush pulled U.S. special forces from the hunt for
Osama in March 2002 to focus on Iraq, how the U.S. lost Syria as a source
on intelligence on Al Qaeda and the role of Elliot Abrams in shaping
the country's Middle East policy. We also talk to Col. Patrick Long
(Ret.), former head of the Middle East section of the Defense Intelligence

*Quagmire in Iraq: U.S. Casualties Up To 11,700*
Although the number of U.S. soldiers wounded in Iraq is rarely
mentioned, previous estimates in the media have ranged between 2,000-3,000. The
Pentagon now says that in the first year of war in Iraq, the military
made over 18,000 medical evacuations - representing 11,700 casualties.
We speak UPI's Mark Benjamin who has been closely following the hidden
U.S. casualties from the Iraq war. [includes rush transcript]