Several people injured and arrested during the protest in Kharbatha
Bani Harith
[Kharbatha Bani Harith, RAMALLAH] Today, Sunday, March 21, 2004,
during a demonstration against the Wall in Kharbatha Bani Harith,
37 people are reportedly injured due to use of excessive violence
by Israeli army to disperse the crowd. Around 30 of them were
reportedly shot with rubber-coated steel bullets in the upper part
of the body, 5 of whom injured in the head including a 14 year old
Palestinian boy and an elderly Palestinian women. Another one of
them, Etai Lewinsky, an 20 year old Israeli citizen, was shot
between the eyes by a rubber-coated metal bullet and was taken to
This morning, the residents of Kharbatha Bani Harith attempted to
stop the bulldozers from destroying more farmlands in their village.
They were joined by international and Israeli activists in their
protest. The Israeli army allowed the crowd 15 minutes to leave
before charging them violently, using tear gas, batons, sound
grenades and rubber-coated metal bullets shot directly at the
nonviolent protestors. This is the second violent repression of an
anti-wall protest in this village.
The villagers in the area of Budrus stand to lose thousands of
dunums of land, including olive groves. The planned route of the
wall will eventually turn the cluster of villages around Budrus into
a prison for its residents, cutting them off from Ramallah, where
most education and health facilities are located.
For more information, please contact:
Anwar Nazne (local contact): +972.52.877.230
Abu Ahmed (local contact): +972.67.924.952
Erik (ISM volunteer): +972. 66.556.749
ISM Media Office: +972.
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more news from stop the wall
22.03.2004 01:39
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from the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign
March 14th, 2004
Land Confiscations, Further Construction, and Increasing Supression
in Northern West Bank Areas Where the Apartheid Wall has
Already Been "Completed."
Latest News
Land Confiscation in Kufur Thulth, Abuse at Gates in Jayyus and Qalqilyia
Occupation bulldozers started last week razing lands and uprooting trees in Kufur Thulth village. This new destruction is taking place on the eastern side of the Wall, and is reportedly to open a new settler road that will link an outpost built to the east of the village to the settlement of Ma'leh Shamron. The 150 dunums to be used for the road were confiscated more than a year ago for the same road, but the villagers were able to stop construction at that time. As well in both Jayyus and Habla villagers experienced continued harassment and abuse from Occupation soldiers while trying to either farm their lands or pass through the gates to reach isolated lands or essential services. [More]
Home Demolitions in Barta'a Sharqiya and Industrial Zones in Jenin Area
Israeli Occupation forces seem intent on building another section of the Apartheid Wall to the west of Barta'a in Jenin, as 15 new demolition orders have recently been delivered to commercial buildings owners, adding to the 70 commercial buildings and 30 houses which have had standing demolition orders for more than a year now. Although the Occupation courts have frozen the past orders, it appears that Israel is preparing to proceed with the wall, using tactics similar to those used in Baqa Sharqiya, with Occupation forces spraying herbicides on plants, and Army Engineers spraying marks in the land. Villagers believe the western section of Wall will be built 200 meters inside the green line and will annex Hinnanit and Shakid settlements, in the process annexing the Amra forest in Um Arrihan. [More]
Demonstration Against The Wall Today in Khirbatha Bani Hareth
A demonstration was organized today in Khirbatha Bani Hareth today against the construction of the Apartheid Wall on villagers lands. The demonstration started at 5:30 this morning when people began heading towards the threatened lands. Almost immediately Occupation soldiers began firing tear gas and rubber bullets against the demonstrators, leaving 42 people injured, including five who were shot in the head. The Occupation soldiers then declared the area as a closed military zone and large numbers of reinforcements spread out across the area to enforce the order. [More]
Analysis / Features
Beyond the Fences
by: Jonathan Cook, Al-Ahram Weekly
"Sharon has been unwilling to meet his Palestinian counterpart since setting out his "unilateral solution" to the conflict in December. Last month that solution took shape as a plan to "disengage" from Gaza -- evacuating all or nearly all of the 7,000 settlers from the Strip -- without negotiating a handover with the Palestinian leadership...
Sharon hopes the minor loss of the Strip can be offset with major gains in the West Bank -- including annexing big settlements and the easing of US pressure over the building of Israel's apartheid wall." [More]
Barrier Destroying Bread Basket
by: Ahmad Sub Laban, Media Monitors Network
"Every day, Khalid Jarrar goes to tend his cabbage patch in the shadow of an eight-meter high concrete wall in Qalqiliya.
The barrier Israel is building in the West Bank has been cruel to Jarrar. A few months ago, he had 15 dunams of land, with an orchard of citrus trees in addition to the cabbage patches. Now, he is down to three dunams, and has been cut off from his trees and the well that he used to irrigate his land.
An Israeli watchtower overlooks his plot, and Jarrar complains of constant harassment.
"The soldiers are always threatening to throw me off my land but I have no alternative to support my family." [More]
Anti-Apartheid Campaign Poster Map
This map created by the Palestine Land Development Information Systems (PALDIS) for PENGON/Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign shows the Wall's latest path of devastation and ghettoization of the West Bank. Finalized in November 2003, with further minor updates, this map reveals that if completed in its entirety, nearly 50% of the West Bank population will be affected by the Wall though the loss of their land, imprisonment into ghettos, isolation into de facto annexed areas by Israel. The poster map is also now available in arabic.
Mainstream Media
Millions Take to the Streets after March 20th Call to Action!!
This week our Mainstream Media section focused on two areas, a combination of further international condemnation of the Apartheid Wall, popular demonstrations within Palestine, and views on the increasing isolation and hardship facing Palestinians; as well as reports from around the world on the millions of demonstrators who heeded an international call to Mobilize on March 20th against War and Occupation, in solidarity with the people of Iraq and Palestine. [More]
settlers rampage in hebron
22.03.2004 01:54
PLO Office Hebron
International Relations Dept.
Settelments Division
Director Marwan Sultan
Sosia' Settlers rampage in Yata/ Hebron
Local residents reported Israeli settlers from the Israeli illegitimate settlement of "Sosia" razed vast areas of lands and uprooted tens of fruitful trees in Yatta Village, in Hebron governorate.
The Palestinian citizen Jaber Hamad said, "Armed Israeli settlers from the settlement of "Sosia" intentionally damaged during the last two days 10 dunums of agricultural lands belonging to me."
Likewise, other Israeli settlers intentionally burnt 40 olive trees belonging to the Palestinian citizen Omar Da'dan at the sight of Israeli soldiers in Hebron.
Settelment of Sosia was established in 1983 , it is an agricultural colony it is built on Palestinian Lands such as Shraitah Family.
On the other hand, Maoon settlers east of Yatta with the assistance of IDF colonized 20 dunums from the Town Land for expansion of Maoon Settlement which was established 1981.
Hebron Is surrounded with 27 settlement further to 5 settlements inside the city of Hebron where this caused overloaded harassments to the Palestinian in Hebron.