Wed March 17, 2004
[Beit Sahour, West Bank] Kristin (Flo) Razowsky, a Jewish American
activist from Minneapolis, Minnesota, is currently being held facing
deportation charges in an Israeli detention center, in Nazareth.
Flo was arrested on Sunday March, 14 in the village of Deir Qaddis
near Budrus, west of Ramallah while participating in a nonviolent
action to prevent Israeli army bulldozers from continuing their work
on the Apartheid Wall that will completely encircle Deir Qaddis and
eight other villages in an enclave.
Although Flo was `officially' arrested in the late afternoon on
Sunday March 14, she has still not been brought before a judge as
her rights outlined in Israeli law provide. However, while Flo was
being detained in Talpiot Immigration Police Station in Jerusalem,
she was visited by representatives of the Ministry of Interior who
spoke with her and notified her that she would be deported. Flo
immediately replied that she would appeal the deportation even
though the Ministry of Interior representatives said criminal
charges, such as inciting violence and assaulting a police officer,
would be used against her in this case.
Flo's lawyer was not contacted or allowed to assist her during this
process, and Flo was never informed clearly that her interactions
with the Ministry of Interior representatives was the official
hearing she is entitled to have within the 48 hours following her
official arrest.
Legally, after a deportation order has been issued, Israeli
authorities are allowed to detain an individual up to 14 days before
appearing in front of a judge who would decide whether the
deportation order stands or not. No court hearing has been scheduled
so far. Flo needs your support to resist her deportation.
Please contact the Israeli Ministry of Interior to protest.
Minister of Interior Avraham Poraz
Phone: +972.2.670.1400
Fax: +972.2.670.1628

For more information, please contact:
ISM Media Office: +972.2.277.4602
Lisa: +972.66.326.392
Emilie: +972.66.505.237