Originally posted by EFE (Public Spanish Press Agency) from CAIRO
The Abu Hafs al Masri Brigades promised in its last communiqué referring to the explosions of Kerbala and Baghdad of March 2, 2004 that they were preparing further operations and we have kept our promise: the death squadron has managed to penetrate the heartland of the European Crusade, striking a painful blow against one of the pillars of the Crusaders and its allies: Spain. This is part of a longstanding settling of scores with Crusader Spain, ally of America in its war against Islam.
Where is America, Aznar? Who will protect you, Great Britain, Italy, Japan and other agents from us? When we struck the Italian troops in Nasiriya we sent the agents of America our advice: withdraw from the alliance against Islam. But you did not understand the message. Now we clarify. We hope you understand the message. We in the Abu Hafs al Masri Brigades are not saddened by the deaths of civilians. Is it legitimate that they kill our children, women, elderly, and youth in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine and Kashmir, while it is a sin that we should kill them? Omnipotent God says that "you should attack those who attack you".
Get your hands off us, free our prisoners and leave our land, and we will leave you in peace. The people of the USA's allied countries should force their governments to put an end to the alliance for war against terrorism that means war against Islam. If you stop your war, we will stop ours. We say to you: the Death Smoke Squadron will soon strike you in a place where you will see thousands of dead, God willing, and this is a warning. We say to all Moslems that the strike being prepared by the Winds of Black Death is now in its final phase, ninety percent ready, God willing, for the right moment.
In another operation, the Soldiers of Jerusalem Squadrons struck Jews and masons in Istanbul, and three important masons died in that operation, and were it not for a technical failure, all the masons would have died. We say to the Bilal ibn Rabah Squadron that we have accepted the offer, and after the delegate's arrival, action will begin. And we say to the Abu Ali al Harfi Squadron that the leadership has decided to consider Yemen the third slough, and to give a lesson to its apostate Government that comes just after Pervez Musharraf. Because of this, all cells should be on the alert and the action will begin in 4515. And we say to those who kill Sunni Moslem ulemas in Iraq that they should raise their hands, or else...
Warning to the nations: do not approach the American Crusaders' or their allies' civil or military installations.
God is Great, God is Great. Islam is coming.
Brigades of Abu Hafs al Masri-Al Qaida.
Thursday 20 Muharram 1425-11 March 2004”.
Hide the following 8 comments
Don't buy the stupid propaganda!
13.03.2004 04:21
Obviously, there is no difficulty in finding some angry and confused Islamic people to act as patsies in a propaganda coup at this point. Yeah, a real full scale religious war in the nuclear age could start now, and it could kill us all in the end. Whether it happens or not now mainly depends on whether we can press the dam propagandist press to start doin' their most important job, digging for the hidden truth, and speaking truth against power.
In solidarity,
Dancin' Dave Kromm
David Kromm
13.03.2004 06:54
I'd heed the warning, but I don't believe this came from anyone other than the CIA or Mossad.
When Hitler was in [power, the Jews were responsible for everything. Now that Fascism has returned, it's the Ay-Rabs ...
Al Qaeda My Ass
A load of Crap
13.03.2004 11:28
You are a discrace to the people who died on sept 11th and in Madrid. You have took a world event and turned it around to blame America. What a discrace. You Lefties should be a shame of yourselves.
Serious Roy
America didn't "invent" Bin Laden
13.03.2004 11:59
America and Osama
13.03.2004 12:16
Start taking responsiblility for the consequences of America's actions.
'Captain Wardrobe using Spock's name' says intelligence expert
14.03.2004 20:34
So Piss off Wardrobe, before we infect you with termites. He'll be stealing my name next!
Serious Roy
Previous comments void
15.03.2004 10:59
15.03.2004 19:55
Me shooting imposter spock and william shatner.....and real spock