I read this and think it should be remembered today.
Official documentation.
The US-administration intentionally allowed terrorists into Iraq to replace the American battle field with the Iraqi one, to be more simple we can put it this way,
they are putting the Iraqi people in extreme danger unarmed unprotected in the face of terrorists to protect the American people
Interview w/ Ambassador Paul Bremer

12:00 PM AUGUST 24, 2003
Arabic version

AMBASSADOR L. PAUL BREMER: … we are now seeing a large number of international terrorists coming into Iraq.
AMBASSADOR L. PAUL BREMER: I think for the American people to understand •• well, probably several hundred, probably several hundred. And I think most Americans understand that it's better for us to fight and win this war here than to have to fight it on the streets of the United States.
GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: You know, you've said that before. And I want to now play something that you've said, and also President Bush and General Sanchez, along those same lines and get you to respond. Let me put it up right now.
PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH (From video): There are some who feel like the conditions are such that they can attack us there. My answer is, bring them on. We've got the force necessary to deal with the security situation.
GENERAL JOHN ABIZAID (From video): This is what I would call a terrorist magnet where American being present here in Iraq creates a target of opportunity, if you will, but this is exactly where we want to fight them. We want to fight them here, we're prepared for them, and this will prevent the American people from having to go through other attacks back in the United States.
AMBASSADOR L. PAUL BREMER: It's the kind of thing that we've seen before in so many places, and it's something that we have to beat, and I must say, I think we must now defeat it here in Iraq, better to fight it here than to fight it somewhere else like the United States.