They were nominated by Jan Simonsen, an independent member of Norway's Parliament who says the pair got rid of a dictator and made the world safer.
"Bush and Blair definitely still deserve it," he said.
"Even though they haven't found those weapons they got rid of a dictator and made the world more safe. They got rid of a madman".
The prize winner is announced in October.
The text of petition:
To: The Norwegian Nobel Committee
We, the Undersigned, ask to the Norwegian Committee to ignore the nomination of Mr Bush, President of the United States of America, and the Prime Minister Mr Blair to the Nobel Peace Prize: we not only condemn their outrageous action and behaviour, considering unacceptable the manipulation of truth in order to justify the attack launched against a defenceless population and reject their lies spread as irrefutable truth – which are destroying thousands of innocent lives-; but we cannot accept the adduced grounds as well, to legitimate the obscene nomination, that is to say “The courage shown leading a war without the UN support”, a motivation that should be deprecated, not rewarded.
The war against Iraq set a very dangerous precedent: to turn this criminal deed into a necessary step on the path towards peace, might cause the increase of war lords’ ambitions of expansionism and omnipotence, and be interpreted as an implicit permission to keep on pursuing their illegal and inhuman aims.
So, we strongly and firmly oppose this nomination and ask to the Norwegian Committee to conscientiously ponder a decision and actually look for someone who really deserves the Nobel Peace Prize, someone who, for example, daily risks his/her life helping poor-sick-oppressed people everywhere, and send a clear message of hope to whom still tries to believe in the real meaning of the word PEACE.
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