March 3, 2004 Savannah, Georgia
On June 8 through June 10, the eyes of the world will be on Coastal Georgia. The G8 Summit will draw 5,000 or more journalists to Savannah. Likewise, thousands of activists from across the globe will pour into this city. We invite you to seize this historic opportunity to raise your political concerns before the world.
The June 8 Organizing Committee, a grouping of local civil liberties, educational, cultural and labor workers, will stage the Festival for Peace and Civil Liberties in Savannah, from June 8 to June 10. The Festival will serve as a platform for local people and visitors to voice their objections to the misdirection of Global Policy, in respect to the environment, human rights, peace, workers' rights and a host of other issues.
The Festival will begin with a parade on June 8, starting at the Civil Rights Museum and ending at the great lawn of Forsyth Park. During the three-day event, hundreds of Non-governmental organizations will set up information tables and tents in the park. Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Rev. Herbert Daughtry (a native Savannahian !), Attorney Lynne Stewart, Sen. John Kerry, Cynthia McKinney, Dennis Kucinich, Ralph Nader and a host of political, cultural and religious figures are invited to speak from The Global Community Stage in Forsyth Park. Likewise, there will be performances by local and internationally known acts. Five major international seminars will also take place at Savannah's popular Progressive Recreation Center.
The objective of the June 8 Organizing Committee is to use the mobilization around the G8 Summit to establish a permanent Southern Center for Dissent in Savannah and a permanent Museum of the Aftermath, detailing the march to war and extra-constitutional rule in the U.S. following the September 11 Massacre.
The June 8 Organizing Co mmittee believes that by staging positive events during the G8 Summit that foremost permit local residents an opportunity to tell their stories to the world, we create a peaceful environment in Savannah for both visiting activists and our families.
We invite your organization to join our efforts.
You may wish to be a contingent in The Parade for Peace and Civil Liberties.
You may wish to set up an educational booth in Forsyth Park during the Festival, or provide a speaker for the Global Community Stage.
You may wish to sponsor a forum or seminar during the Festival at the Progressive.
You may wish to sponsor or co-sponsor one of the exhibit rooms of the Museum of the Aftermath.
We would appreciate your input and cooperation.
We look forward to hearing how you would like to participate in an historical event in Savannah.
Kellie Gasink, Esq. Chairperson June 8 Organizing Co mmittee
(June 8 Organizing Committee is a venture of the Labor & Action Research Project)

22 West Bryan Street Suite 172 Savannah, Georgia 31401
US/Canada : 866.237.7563 International : 912.341.0307 (USA)