It must be clear by now to all that what is most annoying the elitist establishment about Clare Shorts revelations is that she is exposing the power politics of the 'international community' and in particular the unjust control held by the anglophone countries over global geo-politics. The illusion of the UN as an equal forum for all nations is demolished before our eyes as the reality of a two tier class system is shown to exist there with the permanent members abusing there powers to control events for their own imperial interests.
All those that attack Clare Short for undermining the government-even Robin Cook- are only trying to hold on to their own privelege and false reputation. It is the long corrupted reputation of the white western political elite.
I applaud Clare Short for her actions which rather than being 'irresponsible' are in fact the actions of someone taking the utmost responsibility for the murderous policies of the western governments.
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clare short u opportunist
27.02.2004 14:43
whereas clare short VOTED for war, advocated for war, and i did not c her on any anti war demos. lets be clear, she's an opportunist. she could have kick blair for six a year ago, why didnt she say this when she was in the cabinet.
clare short is nothing other but a sell out. not to be trusted and only goes against the stream to further her own career.
i rather salute my dog than her
ps she is also a shit teacher
red letter
Right now it doesnt really matter
27.02.2004 15:05
27.02.2004 16:03
from the far braver actions of Katherine Dun who clearly deserves greater praise all round, and without whom Short could not have made the impact she has.
Neither does applause for Short's latest actions ignore her history of betrayal.
Indeed, I would imagine she is trying to clear a guilty conscience to some extent.
But credit where credit is due, if we don't encourage this compensatory deed it might discourage her from doing it again.
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Claire Short 'the musical'
27.02.2004 17:42
real politik
27.02.2004 18:29
can see if they wish to look..
the way in which a government facilitates a war...
but it is less obvious that the 'whistleblowers'
may well be a ruse in order to gain more secrecy
in terms of future foreign policy...more laws will
and mechanisms will now be put in place...
This is why the PM has a meet the press once a month
just like Bush he can use it to steer press/public opinion
and present himself in a charade of theatricle
political illusion...buttons are being pushed
reactions are being facilitated...
notice how the press are now spinning the line
'why is whistleblowing being allowed to happen?'
and not the facts that are blindingly obvious
that BUSH / BLAIR...were recruiting nations for the
instigation of
the orwellian eternal 'terror war'
read between the lines:
whistlblwers are people being ALLOWED to divulge
information that will eventually be beneficial to
the perpetrators of the crime
do not underestimate the powers of the darkside!
Captain Wardrobe
We Cant Get Rid Of BUsh Unless You Get Rid Of Blair
27.02.2004 18:40
please unite against Blair.... please
Clare short is to be investigated by Scotland Yard
28.02.2004 16:35
28.02.2004 18:46
Having read your other post about this...spying on Kofi Annan does not protect our national security. It protects the security of those doing the spying.