On February, 26, 2004, in Biddu, Occupied Jerusalem, the Israeli Army
shot dead 3 young Palestinians and a fourth one died from a heart
attack after inhaling an excessive amount of tear gas. The Israeli
Ministry of Defense is attempting to deny the disproportion of the
repression of this demonstration. Please protest this unacceptable use
of violence by:
Sending faxes to Ruth Bar, assistant to the Israeli Minister of Defense
 Fax: +972.
Calling or sending faxes to your Representative Offices to Palestine:
- Great Britain
 Tel: +972.
 Fax: +972.
- France
 Tel: +972.
 Fax: +972.
- Sweden
 Tel: +972.
 Fax: +972.
- United States
 Tel: +972.
 Fax: +972.
- Australia
 Tel: +972.
 Fax: +972.
- Canada
 Tel: +972.
 Fax: +972.
- Denmark
 Tel: +972.
 Fax: +972.
- Germany
 Tel: +972.
 Fax: +972.
- Italy:
 Tel: +972.
 Fax: +972.
- Spain:
 Tel: +972.
 Fax: +972.
Writing to your Representatives/Member of Parliament
Calling the Israeli Embassy of your country
For more information, please contact:
ISM Media Office: +972 2277 4602
Neal (ISM Activist): +972 6 346 165
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