With content provided by the beginning days of indymedia in 1999 RFPI broadcast to the world the events leading up to the collapse of the WTO meetings in Seattle. RFPI has also covered the negative impacts of the IMF and the World Bank on developing countries and has been the only continuous anti-hate voice on short wave radio. http://www.rfpi.org/vista/frrr-vista.html
After U-Peace was taken over by free traders a few years ago they tried to cooped the control of RFPI with phony offers of monetary support. After that failed and then after a lengthy stand off RFPI was in November 03 evicted from the building they built with listener donated funds on the campus of U-Peace.
Under the leadership of Maurry Strong (a Canadian industrialist) U-Peace is now making sounds like it will be running interference for military organizations such as the now renamed School of the Americas. Check out the below link to “The-Edge” article which has a picture of Maurry so he can be recognized if he should point himself in your direction.
RFPI Internet radio broadcasts have now resumed at http://www.rfpi.org and there are plans to resume short wave broadcasting as soon as a money can be raised to purchase a secure plot of transmitter friendly land. Temporary studios are now operating in San Jose and the alternative media training program is about to start up again, turning out native radio journalists that will be reporting news from all over the Americas and the third world.
RFPI needs $250K to get this important progressive voice back on short wave radio in rural and third world communities. Please send whatever you can spare today to:
RFPI, PO Box 3165, Newberg, OR 97132. Or click on the PayPal logo at http://www.rfpi.org Donations are 501c3 income tax deductible. No matter how small, all donations will help get RFPI back on the short wave air.
More information can be found at the below links.
Earth Islands The-Edge tells the story in detail.
Listener support and comment site.
Original RFPI site.