I want to write you that i support your struggle against top-up fees and
hope you will stop these fees and the neo-liberal logic behind it.
I`m comming from the Netherlands but study political science at the
university of Duisburg in Germany. In Germany we had a first wave of protests in
December 2001 with strikes, demonstrations and students occupying universities,
buildings of polical parties etc. etc.
The second wave was a big strike in the state of Nordrhein Westfalia. The
strike went on for about 3 months in Spring 2002 and again we have occupied
universities and buildings of political parties.
Since November 2003 the third wave of protests started. Universities in
several states in Germany are on strike for about 2 weeks, than the next state
starts and so on. We disrupted about 5 live tv shows with banners chanting our
demands, we occupied buildings of universities, political parties and we
occupied a builing of the Bertelsmann corporation which is one of the
corporations that are behind the commercialisation of education in Europe. We disrupt
almost every event where members of the German- and state government are
speaking by organising blockades of the entrance. A couple of times we also
surrounded buildings where ministers ere speaking so they couldn`t get out. At the
same time there are alternative lessons in cities, underground etc. to inform
students and other citizens about the commercialisation of education.
I wish you gut luck with your struggle and hope to hear from you during the
European days of action at April 2 and 3!
In solidarity
René Schuijlenburg
Education is not for sale network

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