Dorothy :
GUSH SHALOM - pob 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033 -

Nobody was killed in al Nabi Saleh that night; just 500 old and young forced to stand hours in the cold - in the middle of night. The children, who stood there in the rain, in the
range of the sniper on the watchtower, will remember this all their life.
We want you to read this press release - received from the well-known
Palestinian human rights watch LAW - because it shows what the occupation routinely does to Israeli-Palestinian relations.
At this moment 5 draft refusers prefer to spend years in military jail
than participating in such actions - and hundreds of reservists share
with them alternating terms of a month at a time.
------- Forwarded message follows -------

Subject: Press Release
Date sent: Tue, 27 Jan 2004 11:17:52 +0200
Law Society condemns Israeli troops’ incursion into al Nabi Saleh
January 25, 2004
Early Sunday morning, January 25, 2004 Israeli troops positioned at a
watchtower and a gate near the Palestinian village of al Nabi Saleh
raided the village and forced its 500 residents out of their homes and
held them in cold weather for more than two hours. Al Nabi Saleh is 20
kilometers west of Ramallah; the gate near al Nabi Saleh is the only way out for al Nabi Saleh and a number of surrounding villages such as Beit Reema, Qarawa, Dir Ghasani, and Kufur Ain.
Eyewitness Mrs. Awatef al Tamimi, the principal of al Nabi Saleh School, told Law Society that Israeli military jeeps raided the village at 02:15 Sunday morning. Using megaphones, Israeli troops ordered the village’s residents to leave their homes and gather in the piazza of the village.
The troops then searched the houses in order to ensure that every person in al Nabi Saleh, including women, children, and the elderly are out in the cold.
Mrs. al Tamimi, who lives near the piazza, added that her husband,
children as well as herself were forced to evacuate their home. The
troops then told females to go home. Then they wrote down the males names and photographed them and took their fingerprints. All the time people were insulted, humiliated, beaten, and forced to stand up.
Law Society strongly condemns the Israeli raid on al Nabi Saleh; Law
demands the Israeli government to stop its crimes and collective
punishment against Palestinian people; and demands an international
investigation committee to be formed based on UN Security Council’s
Resolution number 1322 to investigate the Israeli crimes in the
Palestinian territories; Law also demands that Palestinian civilians be placed under international
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