> > This link is to a video from inside an Apache
> helicopter in Iraq. The
> > Apache is hovering at close range, flying no
> evasive maneuvers,
> > suggesting there is no sense of threat to the bird
> from the ground. It
> > shows [through forward looking infared, at close
> range] three vehicles
> > that have been stopped on the road, with
> passengers, none of whom are
> > armed. Then it shows (with audio from the
> chopper) the systematic
> > murder of all four people, with casual "Good,
> okay"s as each person is
> > annihilated. These are war crimes. There is also
> one case in which a
> > victim is wounded and the command is passed along
> (and casually obeyed)
> > to finish him off.
> >
> > This will disturb those unfamiliar with war. But
> pass it along anyway.
> > People must see what is being done in their names.
> Also send it to you
> > Senators and Representatives with this explanation
> and demand an
> > investigation. Send it to the media and challenge
> them not to give the
> > military a pass on this. This kind of thing
> seldom escapes the military
> > censor, so it needs to be widely distributed and
> acted upon.
> >
> > Download and save the video, so there is never any
> chance of it being
> > disappeared. Distribute widely.
> >
> >
> >

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