for whats going on the semantic web - responses by 19th January please!!!
in particular
"O8. View mechanism
The language should support the ability to create ontology views, in
which subsets of an ontology can be specified or concepts can be
assigned alternate names. This is particularly useful in developing
multicultural versions of an ontology. Note that this requirement may be
satisfied by having multiple ontologies and using an ontology mapping
Motivation: Internationalization, Ontology interoperability"
Meanwhile Tim Berners-Lee has accepted a Knighthood from the Queen. he
will become a Knight of the Order of the British Empire, founded in 1917.
"This is an honor which applies to the whole Web development community,
and to the inventors and developers of the Internet, whose work made the
Web possible, " stated Berners-Lee.
i.e he is suggesting that his act fealty, going on bended knee to
recieive a clip round the ear with a sword extends to the whole Wed
development community!!!