This was an all nighter party that included two of the most famous bands in Barcelona (Cheb Balowski and The Kinky Beat), followed with a sound system that included local Dj´s and Mc´s that rapped about social issues, local struggles and Zapatista cellebration lyrics. The party had a very festive and happy athmosphere, people danced all night to world beats, hip-hop, gipsy rithms, rumba, samba many hot beats ... what in Barcelona is known as Mestizo music. A screen showing films and stills from the Zapatista communities and the EZLN was placed near to the stage. All the proceedings from the party will be given to the Juntas of Buen Gobierno Zapatista in the Zapatista autonomous municipalities in Chiapas, Mexico.
This party was part of the Caracol of Barcelona (Zapatista encuentro)which will take place in different venues of the City from the 9 to 11 January.
For more info see:

As our brothers and sisters in the mexico south east say: "We Are an Army of Dreammers, That´s Why We Are Invincibles!!"
Feliz Cumpleaños EZLN!