witness for my conclusion of current threat to all of
us via New World Mafia's "Soft Invasion", control
tactics, consequences. Suggesting, and urging,
response, activism,preventative change,non-violent,
protective, progressive measures.
effect this massive, evil influence, these "harmless"
economies are having?Just take a look at the alarming
increases noted by human rights groups and government
agencies concerning sexual slavery, human trafficking,
child-sex, and the increasingly bold expansion into
those industries by our own government sponsored
Americanican businesses, DOD contractors, as
exemplified by one of the Federal governments
historical favorites, ( mercenary front) DynCorp,
whose American employees were found to have been
involved in the sales and purchase of children -
pre-pubescent girls shipped in from Russia- as
sex-slaves for their overseas employees. And who were,
after they had been caught, sternly "penalized" with
the promise of yet another no-bid multi-million dollar
Iraqi contract for their employment there once the
region has been stabilized.
And again, all with the blessings of and through the
provision of the Bush administration, whose many
friends, business associates and cabinet members have
been awarded all of the business provided by Afghan,
Iraq, and the Anthrax vaccine demand, as with
Halliburton, Carlyle, Bechtel, and their dozen others.
(We've experienced so much more prosperity, progress,
a much more improved, relaxed social and economic
clime since Bush took office, don't you think? Heck,
I've never seen us so miserable,
constrained,anxious,volatile, and paranoid!)
All-in-all sir, though living at your level, within
your domain,the social convulsions outside of it may
seem only a quiet vibration from time -to- time,
things beyond your protected realm are really going to
hell, and we need to aggressively challenge and stop
these entities,now, before they complete spinning
their webs, and strangle us with their dictatorial,
control,usurptions af rights, choices, and
accesses,and American control of America, ala New
World Mafia.
And as one whose Senatorial status has been endowed by
way of hard-work,education,capability,and the
electoral process, I would also think it of deep
concern to you, that its now been shown very possible,
to remove a capable elected official, if they don't
follow orders from the Bush White House,as
demonstrated in California. And though you might be
aware of these events, I would mention them anyway the
fact that two years ago, as then Governor Davis was
wrangling with the Bush administration, (during which
time a former Enron official was energy secretary)
about Enron's repayment of the NINE BILLION DOLLARS
they had stolen from California through inflated
prices,( charging $200 a kilowatt hour)
Schwarzennegger - of all people - was meeting with- of
all people-Ken Lay, (Enron's former CEO., Bush friend,
and later Bush cabinet member),and Michael Milken,(
the millionaire felon, convicted of hustling junk
bonds), and the then LA Mayor Reardon. Davis would not
comply with the Bush administrations insistence that
Enron, repay only two cents on each of the nine
BILLION dollars they'd stolen, and he and his
Lieutenant governor Bustamante, were planning to
continue pursuing court action. A year later,it has
been reported in many press items,that Schwarzenneger
attended another little power party,, as the guest of
Warren Buffet, and along with other major New World
Order power brokers (-most of whom are also described
as Illuminati, "luciferians", blueboods of "satanic"
royalty) at the Rothschild's estate. ( It has also
been plainly stated in several reports that the
Rothschild's were the original financiers of Enron.)
Now, a year since then, we find that, despite no
hands-on experience in management, business,governing
qualifications( as he was himself a "product"
developed, handled, marketed by business managers )
and despite having only just managed to survive one
public debate, during which he was obviously very
insecure in an intellectual domain, and despite having
made only empassioned, elementary statements, was
awarded the debate, and the election, by its seems,
nothing more than the voice-vote of corporate media,
propellant of Buffet machinery, and also it seems,
quite probably through a corrupt voting system, as the
new electronic voting machines, data software, that
have been installed nationwide,( that have been
denounced by leading computer scientists as so "soft"
a fifteen year-old could hack), the majority of them
George Bush Sr., Saudi-CIA cohort, THE CARLYLE GROUP,(
who've also, by the way, reaped billions in revenue
since 911,directly resultant from the Anthrax, Afghan,
and now Iraqi events.
- Do you see a pattern here? And that devious pattern
of collusion, and corruption at the highest levels, is
clearly evident even whilst foregoing description of
the Bush family's criminal history, which includes
Neil's involvement in the more than trillion dollar
savings and loan scandal; Jeb Bush's close ties to the
911 terrorist flight school, Huffman Aviation, (who'd
also been caught trafficking Heroin in addition to
having trained many Arab pilots), and who were also
tied to, through their business partnerships, a
Richard Boehkle, who was credited with then, just
having successfully ripped off a pension fund in
Oregon,who was an associate of Jewish-American mobster
Alvin Molvek, ( whose son was married to the daughter
of a Saudi prince); Marvin Bush's employment with
Securatech, the Kuwaiti firm that had installed and
operated part of security at Dulles Airport and the
WTC,( before and during the attacks), and without of
course referring to George Sr's close ties to the CIA
and drug trafficking as in ", Iran Contra",( documents
about which, Geo Jr. took from the public their
right-to-know, having re-legislated away that right,
access to information about presidents who've been
out-of-office for over twelve years, as one of his
first official acts of presidency, effectively
covereing "Dad";or the origin of Bush family fortunes
in Nazi financing, profits reaped through their employ
and stock ownership of IGFarben, who during WWII,
reaped profits slave labor, mined materials,
pharmaceutical and genetic research ( and we all know
how that was achieved) gained from IG Farben's
ownership of Nazi concentration camps, including
Auschwitz. Even without understanding all this, one
can easily see the dangerous precedences, threats to
our economy and civil liberties, that have transpired
in any Bush administration, and most especially, since
George Jr., the New World Puppet, and his corporate
New World cabinet, took office.
My how this complaint has grown! But it is,
ironically, a rendition whose development mirrors the
growth of the problems and real dangers that I've
described that have risen in our society, economy, and
representational government, that have gone from
underground to boardroom, presidency, that now
grouped, organized, seem on the precipice of driving
our rights, economy, voice and vote, into the the
pit-pemanently! Without, in this sophisticated age of
total control of food,( and pharmaceutically-modified
food!) information, right to govern one's own
development, body, mind, the chance to recover their
democracy from their judgment mistakes as post World
War II Germans had. In a similar morphosis, this
letter also started small, but assembled
experience,explanation,evidence, in common-sense
clarity, (as well as aknowledging more unconventional,
and bitter to some, realities). And each thread
reveals the image of increasing corruption,and an the
evolution, of an evil, long-term design that has
reared its ever- uglier head in our communities these
last twenty years, through the mobs linkage in
communities, manufacturing, miltary, local communities
to overseas black markets, infiltration, control and
influence of shelters, penal systems legislative, and
executive bodies, becomes more apparent.
Also that roster of corrupt "ports" of undermining,
subversive, influences, should include the millions of
modern, network and electronically connected -to-
home, immigrants,who many times, never actually leave
their former lands, and adopt American culture, as
they just duplicate their former social and economic
structures here. We need to admit that most of these
people, who are accustomed to corruption, violence,
rampant drug addiction, slavery, abuse of
women,children, as the norm in most of their countries
of origin, are used to, practices that we (until only
recently) find abhorrent,intolerable. And when they
followed their concerns to survive,and heeded the call
of promise of American safety and prosperity, and
bought into the good-guy American they saw on
television,and came to us for refuge, in response, we
allowed them into the house, then handed them the
remote,turned away from them and took off,without any
comprehensive explanation to them of their home, its
new and different ,cultural blessings, or giving them
a list of the house rules, cultural, Constitutionally
based, responsibilities. As their hosts, we have been
very negligent of meeting them at the front door,
welcoming them, helping to understand and adapt to
American ways, and as we let them And we exacerbated
and created big problems for all involved, by not
requiring of them, their embrace of our
country,including its laws, it's
Constitutionally-based culture, ( which really is the
glue that binds us all together) as it stands on legal
and social equality,for rich,poor, men and women,alike
,freedom of speech, worship,right to challenge
corruption( ideas which are in fact hostile to many of
their familiar traditions and hierarchal , nepotistic,
corrupt, muscle-enforced economies of whence they came
So, compounding the other dynamics I'd described, we
are feeling the effects mounting on Richterscale
ratings of having hosted millions of people from
seriously "foreign", culturally-opposite countries
countries we've failed to teach, incorporate into
American culture, and failed to oust when they've
broken our laws.
So. Should it be any surprise to us, that they've, the
millions and millions of them, left to themselves,
have re-arranged our furniture? And are even so bold
now as to form lobbies to demand rights for illegal
immigrants? Can you imagine, that being attempted in
any other country?(Can you spell "doormat"?) Their
non-stop arrival, and our profound minimal- governance
of them, attendance to their understanding of and
appreciation of America's Constitutional culture of
them throughout the years has indeed had a tremendous,
negative, impact, ESPECIALLY UPON WOMEN in the
marketplace and society at large, and regarding the
adoption of other of their and the mob's regressive,
repressive cultural, practices, customs of bullying,
intimidation of , threat to, those with whom you
disagree, compete or want to "own", and there
traditional ideology is that justice is reserved for
those whom can afford to buy it, we have through our
ignorance of these people
turned circumstances where we supposed to help them
become like us, progressive, respectful, modern, to
where we are becoming more and more like them each
day, mostly due to the effects of their sheer and
multiplying numbers. And many of them are also
establishing them in legitimate jobs, as in
restaurants, but are actually more interested in the
networking, vice and drug"sales" opportunities those
jobs offer, so will work together like slaves for
peanuts, pushing out honest, non-related,
professionals, and lowering wages, and concurrently,
all honest standards. This is not a case of "pickin"
on poor, hard-working, honest, oppressed people". This
is a case, where quite often, the modern immigrant, is
a component of a larger network, whose" family"
extends into drug trafficking and human slavery This
is a case of defending honest, hard-working Americans
and their lawful, progressive, God-founded democracy,
against their assault, and ripping away their facade
of "powerless, oppressed, and picked on." Oh,
contrare!" And we need to stop kow-towing to their
deceptive protests and increasingly brazen and
insulting demands and deal with reality- the
politically incorrect and unpleasant reality- and "put
things right" again. So,.Instead of us helping to
bring them up as honest, progressive Americans,
instead, many times they are turning f us - down and
backward! And many of them,
And of course all of these economic-social channels,
pathways, and circuits, have been dug,installed, gates
opened, industries and jobs taken and given, and
filled, polarization, social division, fear and hatred
fostered to sell sex, drugs, guns, create non-taxable
profit,to guide the people where they would for their
purposes,, and also to keep us at each others throats
rather than theirs. All to suit the needs and the
purposes of the extremely distant enclave of the elite
puppetmasters, who control these national doors,
population exposures and accesses, who perpetrate
these black markets and continue to push their
actually outdated, antiquated,obsolete global
corporations, and industries,despite modern needs,
planetary limits.
And ignoring the rules of natural supply and
demand,they now take it upon themselves to create
demand -why wait?- even if it means manufacturing very
avoidable wars. Assisted by their enlisted
foot-servants in the boardrooms, legislature, in the
news rooms and studios that they own, they are most
accountable for the suffering that we are all
planetwide,collectively, experiencing, socially, the
corruption, destruction, and violence they are seeding
and cultivating, while they effect major damage to the
American economy, culture, and government, as they
have from Sunbeam, WorldCom, GlobalCrossing, to Enron,
and now as they eliminate our industries, hemorrhage
millions of our jobs to foreign countries that rely on
slave-labor and substandard standards to remain
"competitive",and as many small, solid, textile towns
collapse, they now find themselves overtaken by
foreign drug gangs who move in AS IF ON CUE!, to fill
the economic vacuum left in the wake of evacuating
industries,who bait the jobless locals desparate to
pay their bills into smuggling drugs to make those
house payments, as has happened in Dalton, Ga. with
their new, Mexican owners. As they award our
ideological enemy -the cruel,the communist, the
atheist China ,the lion's share of what used-to-be our
textile trade-How'd that happen? What idiotic
legislators helped them do that to Americans? - and
has made them our biggest creditor, as Wal-Mart's and
other retail money hasn't yet made it from their huge
inventories to their sales counters.. And how they are
going to get out of that debt I haven't a clue!
And now, they, ( global mobs, corporations ,New World
Mafia) not only have attained push-button control of
huge industries and the miilions employed in them; (
as well as it seems, gained control of our
elections),but also are not far from completely
controlling to a large degree regarding any important
knowledge, values- all the minds,and bodies of most
citizens, with the help of the hard- to -avoid
pharmaceutical foods; new restrictive,rights- invasive
legislation; and armed with generations of behavioral,
psychological knowledge extracted from generations of
military, prison governance and experiments,
university studies, Madison Avenue marketing practice,
knowledge acquired from decades of human blueprinting
and manipulation of the human psyche, via emotions
prompted, noted, and guided response, other humans,
drugs, via television, film, video-game, music,
imagery, sensations.; and the disabling of
knowledgable, human defense through early training in
sanitized and Godless school curriculum, that defies
any Christian reference even if its in defiance of
fact and history! As it would be, as our founders and
settlers, whose unique, Christian,vision, principles,
energy, efforts, built the first
revolutionary,industrial,and prosperous ( and
short-lived?) democracy -the USA- a universal first ,
forming a democratic country, representative and
protective of the will and the rights of the people,
whose founders, and developers WERE CHRISTIAN!!!!
They, the majority, WERE indeed Christ and God
-centered people and this was aknowledged in all
aspects of their lives, even built-into the
architecture of courthouses and schools, public
buildings, aknowledged in most official and personal
correspondence, court rulings for generations of the
millions of settled and newer immigrants that followed
them). And now, under the marketing guise of of
"freedom", this spiritual poison and has begun to be
openly endorsed, and is fill American school texts,
with the promotion of homosexuality and witchcraft
from Kindergarten onwards. and those among us, who
realize the source and the binding consequencesof that
seek to warn and protect man's promise and power, and
freedom in God, are castigated, chased away as
repressive party-poopers. And many of us, if we simply
announce we are Christians, are attacked, mostly
again, due to the fact that most modern churches,
through their intent or ignorance, are not producing
complete, or spiritually attuned,alive, knowledgeable,
empowered Christians, and many Christians are lacking
for knowledge and growth having been kept from real
Christian knowledge, understanding, and power, through
organized religion steeped in rituals, and routines,
but who barely if ever, tap into the leading of the
Holy Spirit Spirit( not to be confused with emotion)
and often they make bad impressions,or are
misunderstood, akwardly tripping over what they
innately sense is right, but not having sufficient
understanding as to how to approach and manage the gap
between the world and themselves, with the few tools
they have,and they are also often attacked ,quite
simply because they stand in the way of commercial
interests, who seek to develop a compliant, malleable,
moraless, and god-separated, pool of powerless slaves.
I myself, have only begun to understand who Christ is,
and what my power, through Him, and the Holy Spirit,
is, how important prayer and attitude is, how much
power their is, in staying attuned to the teachings of
Christ, after thirty years of having been, a
spiritually, ignorant, unaware, and victimized,
In any case, I would urge you to really take a good
look at what I've described, realize its very serious
implications. I would also urge avoidance of any
system-conditioned responses, in attaching judgments
typical of the modern human, to quickly assess, and
categorize the problems revealed, as "cut-and-run",
"write-off" , "necessary compromise","unavoidable
casualties", "no-way-out"," done-deal" as they are
simply not true, the only options, although it would
take a lot of effort to regain the lost steering, it
can be done, once people are made aware of the
realities, dangers, resultant recoil regarding all of
their rights, and powers, affecting and depriving
everyone, and are shown, just how, by asserting
morality, citizen control of their governments and
economy, they will gain and grow. And the smaller
issues, concerning immigrant drug networks for
instance , can be successfully tackled, once brought
out into the open, and of course, by making the law
enforce the laws, getting rid of corrupt police.-
(Actually, a lot of problems can be healed by getting
rid of corrupt police, and through recruiting better
candidates, implementing more comprehensive
psychological and background screening to eliminate
abusive,reactionary, control freaks, and the
mob-connected, hiring better educated and providing
better training, and then, much better police pay !)
Even the huge problem of job and industry loss can be
balanced through aggressive, innovative action,
developing new markets, businesses relative to
twenty-first century awareness, identifying so-far
untapped needs, planet resources, activism, the
introduction of new legislation, development of new
businesses. These are yet , as huge as they are, still
problems that can with boldness truth, innovation,be
managed and redirected.
The real dangers lie in the threats to us to control
our thoughts, minds, bodies,access facts, and
information, openly exchange information, publicly
discuss, express ourselves, exchange ideas, and
interact without threat, harassment, encountering
psychological or physical attack from those whose
interest lies in oppression and slavery.- Can't do
anything to solve anything, if we're bound up, gagged,
and blindfolded and drugged like Gulliver, can we?-
And its exactly our need to pull us back from the
direction we're headed that we urgently need to find
ways to put a stop to blanket public "conditioning" by
the media- again remove the profanity, and erotica
from child's and teen television, film, garment
displays, regain access to comprehensive, facts, new,
from networks, and construct new legal walkways, needs
to challenge and vanquish new threats to our daily
peace and safety, protect our right to live and work
in peace sans harassment for our views, by those whose
networks rely on slaves and servants, who'll buy into
the devil's lie, and sell their souls and sacrifice
their peace, conscience and lives to him, to obtain
protection that is immediate and tangible, but to
develop new laws and penalties, immediate sources for
"hearing" that identify and allow for public
aknowledgement of psychological "assault-and-battery"
in the everyday interactions, regards to mob
tactics,their adoption of Ultra, as we had made
strides in confronting another serious, and at one
time oblique intimidation tactic of "stalking" ,
another mob-spawned behavioral malignancy seen the
past decade. I don't know how exactly, but it can be
done, probably, by creating here-to-fore
unconventional, social approaches that allow for
public and on-the-spot challenges to those attacks,
opportunity to provide proof, as in tape recordings,
and through public education, schools again,
emphasizing again, right-and-wrong, individual's
right-to-choose their own way, and change their minds
if they would; teaching of psychological, spiritual,
awareness, self-defense, and relying on societal
support of an educated, concerned public, help rebuild
our personal defenses, right to maintain the safety
and integrity of our lives, personal space. And
hopefully, as a consequence of this type of education,
will at the same time, upgird everyone awareness and
respect for our Constitutional rights and privileges,
our American "glue" and the strength of our
Constitutional, democratic spine, and save ourseves
from looming, pending, dissolution, re-configuremnt ,
re-shuffling, M*A*S*H -type modular reassembly of our
not only our economy, government through, movement of
industry , re-districting and vote-rigging, but also
our minds and character, through advanced
psychological tactics, manipulation, drugs,
pharmaceutical foods, information, misinformation,
diversion, subversion, entertainment, cultivated
ignorance, aggression, complacency, depending on what
suits their needs or markets, long-term designs to
replace democracy with a pyrimidal hierarchy,
twenty-first century slavery. We can change it, and
you as our leaders, need to exhibit the vision and
brevity which won this country, and certainly need to
give it the ol' college try!!!!
Thank you for listening. God Bless And guide you- Ms.
V. Smith