By Lloyd Hart
I don't imagine that it was the intention of the director or the producers of the Lord of the Rings films to paint a racist stereotypical tapestry over what could be described as a basic set of principles of humanity's behavior in the natural environment and with each other. However, the fact is that the only people of skin color in the entire three part series of films are all associated with the Dark Lord Sauron, the destruction of the earth and all of its occupants. Not to mention the elephant riding mercenaries that resemble the cultures of the Arab world as well as Africa, Persia and East Asia and the fact that the Monarch of the land of Rohan, King Théoden a white guy yelled out "You great warriors of the West" in the final part of his speech to rouse the troops into battle in the third film.
In these times when a homicidal maniac from Texas (the Texas capital punishment policy under Bush) has stolen the American throne and called for a "crusade" against the "evil doers" in nations that white people have been invading, terrorizing, raping and pillaging in for 5000 years with zero provocation, I think we could manage some cultural sensitivity in our popular culture which one must acknowledge has a powerful propaganda affect on the general population that participates in it.
Can you imagine how people of skin color, of Persian, Arab and East Asian ethnic background feel when they come out of these films where all the heroes are white and all the "evil doers" are of dark skin. Being married to an Asian American I watch people disregard my wife everyday while regarding me, simply because of her skin color. Being part of a European family that has lived on the North American continent for 400 years I've been lucky enough to gain perspective that when you create an evil character (Uruk-hai) that resembles native Americans as they have done in the Lord of the Rings films a great deal of cultural and racial alienation will occur.
I am sure that once the filmmakers read this article there will be claims that they had to stay true to the story that J. R. R. Tolkien wrote, but the fact is, African and Asian cultures have always been a part of the European fabric whose ancient legends and fairy tales gave birth to J. R. R. Tolkien's epic portrayal of the battle between good and evil. And what about the Ancient Picts, a tattooed darker skinned cultured that once dominant in the UK. As someone who has grown up in one of the nation's of the Commonwealth of the British Empire, I know for a fact that J. R. R. Tolkien's generation were deeply influenced and thus deeply moved by all those people of skin color that fought alongside white members of the British forces in World War One and World War Two forming lifelong friendships and deep emotional ties.
In fact all Europe's mathematics, reading and writing and technological advancements in transportation and warfare are all based on African and Asian concepts. The reason that Western medicine has not advanced to the enlightened technological level as Chinese herbal medicine and why most Western technology is diametrically opposed to all life on this planet, poisoning our air and water and causing widespread disease and death is for the simple fact that the Freemasons and the Church have not yet let go of the death grip they have on each other's throats. In other words, the enlightened knowledge that the church has attempted to destroy that the Freemasons attempted to save and capitalize on with Western patents has turned into a death struggle that has created destructive technological paradigms here in the West that are now being forced on the populations of the entire earth destabilizing life and bringing with them the pollution of the air and water that once existed only in Christendom.
Of course there are redeeming images and ideas portrayed in the films such as the Ents protecting the forests by destroying the industrial military complex as well as the fact that white people can be turned to evil to join forces with all the evil dark skinned man flesh eating Orcs and Uruk-hai.
It is important to understand that young people are impressionable and influenced by the symbols foisted on them by the popular culture. It would not have been that difficult to make a contemporary version of the Lord of the Rings that included the heroic symbols of people of skin color. I think J.R.R. Tolkien wouldn't have minded including people of skin color as heros in these films if he were alive today. Especially after witnessing the rise of the civil rights movements in both the U.S. and the U.K.. I'm so glad that the Dwarfs, Elves and Hobits finally got their due but unfortunately this was washed away by the lack of heroic images of people of skin color. After watching the Lord of the Rings films I thank the universe and Mother Earth for the Rap/hip-hop culture and the counterbalancing influence the Rap/hip-hop culture has on the youth here in America and around the world.
Hide the following 11 comments
Meaningful title - 'Bollox'
24.12.2003 23:48
Don't believe the hype (Doh!) ... Systems slave, slave to entertainmnet bah!
Me & my Dogs
Yeah but...
25.12.2003 12:15
Chinese herbal medicine technological advanced? Crap. Hunting tigers close to extinction for their penises is hardly enlightened is it?
Human nature is warlike, look at the history of warfare of china, india, persia, africa etc. Hardly a advertisement for enlightement either.
Face it, human nature appear to be greedy, selfinterested, violent and shortsighted - regardless of race or culture. At present the USA is top dog and with all to clear unpleasent consequences for the rest of the planet. But how different would it be under the rule of the British, French, Nigerians, Chinese, etc.?
it ain't necessarily so!!
25.12.2003 13:01
there is a lot of shit in the world but its not human nature that makes it so. there are too many contradictions for this to be true.
We are all corruptable
25.12.2003 21:47
Even so, give that same person power over others and it will corrupt them to the point that they will instinctively need to repress the emotional conflict created by their empathy for their fellow human.
Give them absolute power and it will corrupt them absolutely, as they will then need to employ all sorts of psychological defence mechanisms in order to delude their egos from realising the conflict, subsequently placing them in denial over their actions. It is part of the human condition.
However, the real danger is when people are given power to administer orders onto others that are regarded immoral to that persons own culture, they will often behave far more immoral towards their fellow human than they were incouraged to in the first place. (e.g. Nazis...)
Am I not human?
27.12.2003 04:08
As I consider myself to be none of the above, am I right in believing I am not human? Does this also apply to all the other people who do not share these negative traits?
Could you give us a complete definition of human nature? I'd love to know what else is within my nature yet has failed to materialise.
WOW - You can not really believe what you are saying.
29.12.2003 15:34
How long do you have to stretch out before making a reach like this?
Just to be clear – the entire second movie the main villain is Saruman; you know the “WHITE” wizard. Also I hope you understand the difference between dark of night, dark of soul and dark of skin. The idea of dark, dark armies, dark souls, dark power have zero to do with people whose skin tone is a few shades darker then someone else. We are talking g about a primal fear of the dark, dark corners, perpetual night, dark shadows; not dark skin. Anyone with enough sense to rub two sticks together to start a fire understands the difference. It is only in this modern era of PC stupidity that people have started to equate thinking dark is bad, with racism. If you go looking for offense I have no doubt you shall find it everywhere you look.
BTW does people of color refer to everyone but Anglos? If so I’m very offended – after all Pink is a color too. And what is all this Pink being associated with wimps. This really gets my goat. When people see my pink skins they don’t see a real man, a strong man they see some sort of sissy because the popular media has made pink seem weak.
How far down asinine trail shall we trod?
Mike Reilly
You must be kidding
29.12.2003 19:50
You can not even keep on topic. What is the reason to bring Bush, & how the white man has ruined the enviroment into this?
I have a little bit of information for you.
This story is based in a fictional world. It does not exist. It is a fairy tale! Are you next going to tell me there should be a Black or Asian Dwarf in Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs? Yes, we need that done, because we can not have Snow "White" keep the black dwarfs down anymore.
Please locat the nearest hole in the ground & burry yourself in it.
Ron + Mike
30.12.2003 15:33
Whether you like it or not, black is often portrayed as being evil, whilst good is commonly portrayed as being white, that's why those nutters who think they are the next messiah all start wearing white suits. God is always white skinned and dressed all in white, including his bearded when portrayed in the movies. Whether by accident or by design this mentality has notoriously been part of our culture for decades if not centuries. The most obvious example is the good guy always wore the white hat, and the baddy wore the black hat...
BTW, is it true that Bush called all the Hollywood Directors into the 'White' House just before he started is bid for world dominance ?
The Lone Ranger
The Racist Tapestry of Dummy
31.12.2003 22:49
The Lord of the Rings is written as a scholarly retelling of an epic which was created for the purpose of the novel, but based on traditions and legends of the peoples of the far north. The book therefore demonstrates as little influence from non-nordic peoples as could possibly be allowed in a modern work of literature. The Americanized influence was limited to the american actors in the movie, and in general the movie was made as non-american as possible. The fact that you believe that the white people in the movie automatically represent America demonstrates in fact that you believe America to be the center of your world.
And what's all this Church/Freemason business? Are you smoking pot? Judging from your website I see that's a silly question to ask.
I have better things to do with my time.
Sam Chiu
A good point and...
02.01.2004 10:25
18.01.2004 03:13
represent europe. Is it in principle wrong for Europeans to rule
the territory they have inhabited and developed for millenia. Perhaps
we should attack China and Japan for being racially homogeonous. They
must be racist for controlling immigration.
Tim Pyne