Towards a convergence, a coming together of the struggle of 'sans-papiers', refugees and migrants in Europe
Facing the development of Fortress Europe which denies the most fundamental rights of immigrant and refugee people on its territory (housing, healthcare, work, education, citizenship, freedom of movement and of settlement), it has become essential to bring together the struggles of people who have no rights. Everywhere in Europe, victims of repressive European legislation are fighting for their basic rights and survival. The perspective of a network crossing nations should make it possible to create a collective, autonomous force, with mutual exchange, led by the protagonists themselves, capable of responding to the economic and political challenges emerging in Europe.
The following text is the result of a series of meetings of various European collectives of Sans-Papiers, refugees and migrants: first at the NoBorder Camp in Strasbourg in July 2002, then in Leiden (Peoples Global Action), Berlin (Caravan tour), Brussels, Florence (ESF 2002), and London (2003). This was continued by all organisations who attended the recent ESF in Paris-St-Denis, this document aims, among other things, to serve as a common platform to mobilise for the European Day of Action on 31 January 2004 agreed upon at the Forum.
Call for European day of action on January 31, 2004:Women and men Sans-Papiers, refugees and migrants are only the visible tip of the casualisation iceberg which extends to other migrants and then to all the other workers. In industrialised countries, Sans-Papiers are used by neo-liberal capitalism to progressively globalise casualisation and drive down living conditions. Migrants live in desperate circumstances which must be connected to the political, economical and military exploitation that industrialised countries force on their countries of origin. Consequently, Sans-Papiers, migrants and refugees are at the heart of the struggle for equal, fundamental rights.
- At the European level, we demand:
- Freedom of movement and settlement
- Immediate closure of all detention camps in all European countries
- An end to all deportations
- Recognition of a residency citizenship for all in all European countries
- Implementation of a real right to asylum
- The end of exploitation and neo-slavery, and the right to work based on the same pay and entitlements as the workers in the country where we settle
- Unconditional regularisation (right to stay) for all Sans-Papiers
Manifeste - pour une Journée d'action le 31 janvier 2004 [Fr]
Links: No Border Statement | manifesto of the No One Is Illegal Group (UK) | WOMBLES: Call for action | West Essex Zapatista Call | Campaign to Close Campsfield | National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns | Institute of Race Relations | campaign against racism and fascism
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