Report from the road from the Peacewalkers, regarding Tom's assessment of the political climate from the vantage point of someone really grounded, walkin' across the country amongst the People!
Pot Luck
Gonna try to get a journal entry written in the next 10-15 minutes.
I’m not writing much about our hosts yet for the simple reason that journal entries can’t do them justice and my plan is to write a book about the hosts when I’m done with the walk.
I’m hearing out here, all across the U.S., that people want to be cheered up. They want to feel hope. They’re tired of feeling frustrated and disconnected. They feel they’re caught up in a lonely fight between themselves and the entire Bush administration. Tell me you don’t feel this way sometimes. It’s one of the reasons I jumped into this walk. I wanted to gauge with my own feet and my own ears and my own mind what it is exactly that Americans are concerned about. Or afraid of.
And I’ll be writing a lot about this, but for starters, the good news for me is this: Inspite of the bullshit from the leadership of this country – and nearly every move made from the White House in the last three years has been purely bull shit, everybody knows this but many are still afraid to speak out – the people of this country are overwhelmingly clear about what they want, and they are overwhelmingly positive about getting it.
People want universal healthcare, people want a just tax system, people want the right to organize without intimidation, people want good food to eat, people want sound environmental policy, people want full employment, and most of all…. People want peace. Peace in the world. Peace in their neighborhoods. Peace of mind.
And you know what? The polling I see on the streets of this country regarding these issues are completely different from what the corporate news media polls are trying to make you believe.
Well over 80% of the population of this country wants Dennis’s 10 point plan. They don’t yet know there is a Dennis out there to reflect their desires for this nation, but they do know what they want.
This makes our job easy, and here’s why. In America today, there is no one to convince. No minds to change. No debates to win. The people know what they want – and know it in painful detail. In America today, compromise is not even necessary. The people know, right now, what is needed.
Our job is now one of uniting. And uniting requires action.
So here’s an idea. It’s an idea I got from big Dave and his friends in Ann Arbor, Michigan. (What a cool group.) Sponsor a weekly pot-luck at your home. Same day. Same time. Every week. Without fail. Invite everyone. Your friends. Your enemies. Your neighbors. Your co-workers. Make it an open weekly invitation.
You’ll quickly begin to see for yourself what I’m saying in this post. We don’t need to convince anyone. We’re there already.
Our job is now uniting the people. And we'll do it, one step at a time, one person at a time, and we'll do it face-to-face.
Para paz y para alegria
Tom Schmitz
Dixon, Illinois
(home of Ronald Reagan (And the birthplace of my grandma, Margaret Alice O'Rourke.)
Tom Schmitz

The next time you hear a politician use the word "billion" casually, think twice about whether you want that politician spending your tax money!
A billion is a difficult number to comprehend.
But, I think you will better comprehend it, when put this way......
- A billion seconds ago it was 1971.
- A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive.
The general attitude of obliviousness and refusal to regulate worldly authorities has generated a thick psychic fog in which malevolent forces have been operating with near-perfect immunity. Most people are still settling for a position of complete passivity in relation to the entire external world, as if half-watching a rather boring television show. Extremes of disgraceful behavior, manifesting everywhere in the highest levels of military, government and corporate power, have been accepted, or barely registered, or excused as "the price of doing business", or perceived as a disgusting display about which nothing ever can be done. Meanwhile, suggestively interconnected natural and human systemic failures, likely to be of immense consequence to us all, are perceivable everywhere, and increasing by the day. As it is, those of us considered "alarmists" are dismissed with a sad shake of the head as psychologically mal-conditioned doom-mongers. And far worse yet, many are now summarily categorized as "traitors" for having the temerity to observe and comment in public on various outrageously wicked, dangerous and idiotic activities underway in the name of preserving "civilization". When venal, frightened, hopelessly dishonest and secretive authorities designate the most thoughtful and concerned segment of a population as "traitors", we may take it as one more certain sign that the disintegration of dystopia is proceeding apace.
The Future Enters into Us,
in order to Transform Itself in Us