A good day to bury bad news
Wow, wispy white bearded DNA intact is captured
Shotless soldiers have dug him from his land
We got him
We got him
We got him
Bin Laden still free
But we got him
WMD not found
But we got him
we got him
fire bullets in the air
we got him
beep horns, party like it’s your birthday
we got him
dig again
dig again now
dig deep for wisdom what to do
oh by the way
did I mention
trade unions are to be banned
Tony Hillier
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my infidel stomach roasts
14.12.2003 18:22
my head hangs on tented hands
furrow in my brow
my generation's che
is fallen
with my soul
"don't shoot! i'm worth more alive than dead"
you have betrayed me again
oh, revolutionary vanguard
quagmire clearer
less viscous today
i can see too clearly
that it is i who's path is labored
marching against history
marching for tyrrany
the silk robes of human rights and compassion
barely a fig leaf
my rightious indignation
appears clownish
and false
instead a black hoodie and kieffa
and black plastic frames
become apparent to be the dress of a pseudo-intellectual jew-baiter
who merely hates his country more than he loves his coutry's enemies
from the ivory tower
i'm protected from being labeled a traitor
but no one is decieved
that i am a fool
saddam, i must have failed thee:
my puppets not tall enough
my myths:
us arming iraq
afghanistan "forgotten"
my conflations of liberation with fascism did not win the day for fascism
oh, saddam,
my imam
i apologise with a pledge:
as your trial unfolds, i will be an obstruction and provacateur still
that mine
and all of our
infidel stomachs yet roast.
15.12.2003 14:39
Best of friends ... How many WMD would you like today Saddam?
Dear Poodle,
Congratlations on the capture of your former puppet that rebelled. Perhaps now you will find out where all the WMD are that you and the USA sold to him. The zionist slave media and your cronies seem to be quite pleased with themselves, as if the capture of Saddam is as good as finding WMD (no you LIAR, not "programmes" - REAL 45 MIN DEPLOYABLE WMD THAT THREATEN OUR "INTERESTS", NOT OUR ILLEGAL INVADERS ON THE "BATTLEFIELD"). Your ONLY justification for this illegal attack was the threat from "weapons of mass destruction". Where are they? Is it not time to resign?
Why is Saddam not being tried in an International Court rather than a puppet Iraqi (ie. American) kangaroo court? Is it because these courts would find your attack on Iraq to be illegal? Is it because your own lies that "justified" this war for oil and "israel" would be exposed? Is it because your own actions have been of dubious legality and people would rather see you and the terrorist occupier of the Whitehouse (Bush) brought to trial in these courts? I hope that you face justice one day - perhaps you and Bush should be tried in Texas for your war crimes since there is more of a possibility that you will be executed there. After your arrest we should see your medical broadcast on TV (let's not worry about human rights or Geneva conventions!). It seems OK to show Saddam's medical on TV but such a fuss was made when babykilling American scum invaders were shown on Iraqi TV. F*cking hypocrites - burn in hell (as you will for your crimes against humanity).
The fake Iraqi "democracy" (American corporate dictatorship) you are trying to install will not be respected by anyone (just like that puppet you have "running" Afghanistan - the mayor of Kabul, Karzai). You replace one criminal you armed and supported in the past (Saddam) with others like the convicted fraudster Ahmed Chalabi (who should actually be serving the rest of his sentence for fraud but is instead on the Iraqi "Ruling" Puppet Council).
So where exactly are the WMD? Resign please. Is the blood of Dr Kelly and countless Iraqi civilians and victims of your illegal war for oil and "israel" not enough to make you ashamed of your actions? Do us all a favour and jump out of the highest window you can find, you child killing scum.
Yours sincerely,
Angry Manc
Angry Manc
e-mail: angry_manc@hotmail.com