This regime has gotten out of control at all levels. As the beasts are cornered, they have begun to go after liberals with an unholy, not to mention unconstitutional, vengeance. They have slapped the Rain Forest Action network with an IRS audit - this week they did the same thing to the National Education Association (which refuses to endorse Bush). They have thrown the book at big Democratic donor Martha Stewart, and tried to have Texas senators who exercised their right to civil disobedience hunted down by Homeland security (Tom Delay's idea - he's the man who REALLY wears the pants in the White House - oily, rancid pants that they are!).
Meanwhile, of course, Tom Delay, Dick Cheney, George Bush, Ken Lay, Rumsfeld and a growing cast of rightwing criminals whose crimes include treason, lying to America, withholding federal documents (even after supoena), bilking citizens out of billions of dollars, starting an illegal war resulting in the deaths of thousands, and using extortion to obtain government contracts, remain unprosecuted - most even uninvestigated, despite overwhelming evidence of guilt!
In a sad commentary on the state of justice under Ashcroft, two citizens groups had to file a civil suit against Tom Delay last week to try to put a stop to his boiler room campaign fund-raising scam that targeted manipulated children's charities. Ashcroft has refused to so much as investigate Delay, even after three years of complaints by various groups he has bilked (the American Medical Association;s members, for one) and articles by the Washington Post and New York Times. Green peace is Ashcroft's latest "enemies of the state" target. The latest target of Ashcroft's twisted witch hunt is Greenpeace. Members were arrested for boarding a ship loaded with illegal mahogany and holding up a sign calling for a logging ban. In an effort to bring federal charges against the activist group, Ashcroft unearthed an 1872 law enacted to prevent "sailor mongering" -- whereby owners of brothels and taverns sought to lure sailors off their ships. There are only two prosecutions on record under this law -- the last one 113 years ago. This guy is as twisted as the head of the Salem witch trials!
SPEAK OUT NOW! Who could be next on the Ashcroft list!
Dollar Headed for a Meltdown, Warns Economist,
Bush. his corporate figure masseuses, and a band of bulti-billionaires dedicated to propping up this corrupt administration have managed to manipulate interest rates, employment figures, and the stock market to an astounding degree. But one thing they can't manipulate, thus making it the most reliable proxy of the US economy is the dollar. And the news ain't good! The dollar has headed down, down, down against nearly every other major world currency." Hedge fund economist Neil Mackinnon, said the dollar's fall could turn into meltdown, unless action was taken by the authorities." reports the BBC. How ya' gonna spin the first international meltdown of the dollar in US history, Georgie?
CONFEDERACY OF DUNCES (better known as Congress) OKs Bush Resurrection of Nuclear Arms Race
"Congress, with only a limited debate, has given the Bush administration a green light for the biggest revitalization of the country's nuclear weapons program since the end of the Cold War, leaving many Democrats and even some hawkish Republicans seething. This has been a good year," said Linton Brooks, the administrator of the National Nuclear Security Administration, which develops and manages the country's nuclear weapons arsenal. "I'm pretty happy we essentially got what we wanted." While Congress approved large sums to maintain the existing nuclear arsenal even during the Clinton years, this year's increases will finance multiyear programs to design a new generation of warheads as well as more sophisticated missiles, bombers and re-entry vehicles to deliver them. "It hasn't been perceived as such, but this is a nuclear revival," said Stephen Schwartz, publisher of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Deeply disturbing to critics on both sides of the political spectrum is how little public or congressional discussion has taken place, and how little detailed information the Bush administration has provided on its strategies and plans. "I'm totally offended by this administration," said Rep. Curt Weldon, R- Pa., a onetime White House ally on nuclear issues, and vice chairman of the House Armed Services Committee. "I happen to think they're out of bounds on this. There's an important sea change in the world, and we have no idea what our policy is. "It's a major national scandal in the making," Weldon said in an interview with The Chronicle last week. "I'm totally frustrated."
How the Medicare Bill Got Passed: How about Six-Digit Bribes Scattered Liberally about?
The first proven case of a GOP rep. being offered a big-time payoff for voting for the horrific Medicare Bill has come to light and the perp has been caught dead to rights. Wonder how much more blood money transfers will be revealed in coming weeks. I bet enough cash or promises of cash changed hands last week to renovate the Taj Mahal.
Everything You need to Know about Bush's Scheme for Nuclear and Space Domination of Planet Earth
90% of Americans strongly oppose any push for a US nuclear weapons buildup. Yet that is just what Bush is doing. If ever the Democrats had a Campaign 2004 issue that could sweep the hawks off the map, it is nuclear weapons. Go get 'em!! Want some great background info to prepare? Here are just a few of the documents available at the Nuclear Weapons and Information Analysis site: U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policies, Ballistic Missile Defense, and the Quest for Weapons in Space); Missiles of Empire: America's 21st Century Global Legions; Mass Producing Weapons of Mass Destruction: U.S. Plans for a New Nuclear Weapons Factory and the Global Resurgence of Nuclear Arms; Sliding Towards the Brink: More Useable Nuclear Weapons and the Dangerous Illusions of High-Tech War .
Drug Exec Admits that Most Prescription Medicines Do Not Work on Majority of Patients
"A senior executive with Britain's biggest drugs company has admitted that most prescription medicines do not work on most people who take them. Allen Roses, worldwide vice-president of genetics at GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), said fewer than half of the patients prescribed some of the most expensive drugs actually derived any benefit from them. It is an open secret within the drugs industry that most of its products are ineffective in most patients but this is the first time that such a senior drugs boss has gone public." Yet Bush continues to shower cash on the pharmaceutical industry! Worse, he allows them to FAIL to make the only drugs that might actually work more consistently - namely flu and childhood disease vaccines.
In research articles in medical journals in which results of clinical trials of drugs are reported, you will find that a drug is considered "promising" if it is just a few percentage points more effective than a placebo! And a drug that shows a net improvement in 10-20% of the patients is considered a hot item! Hot enough to consider deaths and disability in some people taking the drug a "justifiable risk." Yet these are the same companies whose lobbyists condemn herbal remedies as having "limited usefulness" and possible side effects!!
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: Medicare Bill Will Create Huge Problems for Elderly and US Economy
The Center for Budget and Policy Priorities has blasted the Bush Medicare Plan as not only worse than useless, but a huge economic albatross that will come home to roost in the future, bleeding the US economy while doing less for the elderly than the present system does now. At the root of the problem is the Bill is, in essence, represents a big pipeline from the federal government and pockets of the elderly into the coffers of the drug barons and HMOs. They are the sole real beneficiaries of the scheme. There is almost no provision for generic drugs, reimported drugs, or price controls (right now, Medicare can negotiate down drug prices). Two million retirees will lose the coverage they now have. How can the creeps who voted for this bill sleep at night.
Pentagon Turns Iraq into another Jenin: Towns encircled by Barbed Wire, Homes demolished by bulldozers....this is "liberation?"
"As the guerrilla war against Iraqi insurgents intensifies, American soldiers have begun wrapping entire villages in barbed wire. In selective cases, American soldiers are demolishing buildings thought to be used by Iraqi attackers. They have begun imprisoning the relatives of suspected guerrillas, in hopes of pressing the insurgents to turn themselves in...In Abu Hishma, encased in a razor-wire fence after repeated attacks on American troops, Iraqi civilians line up to go in and out, filing through an American-guarded checkpoint, each carrying an identification card printed in English only. "
As ever, the innocent are the ones who are suffering. How many children and animals will lacerate themselves on the razor wire? How many new terrorists will be "bred" under such despotic conditions? This tactic has failed to work in the West Bank, and it will not work in Iraq. The only thing that will bring peace is to remove the warmongers: Bush and Co. (and, of course, Sharon).
Gore Endorses Dean, GOP rumored to Be Seeking Alternative to Bush for GOP Nomination
No surprise here - Gore has turned into a far savvier politician since 2000 - I think they call it "sadder but wiser." Although most of us progressive liberals would prefer to see Kuchinich win the nomination, we are realists who know that his day has not yet come - except perhaps has a Vice Prez - that would be a great move, satisfying both the moderates and those further to the left.. In a decade, I hope, the nation will be ready for a leader like Kuchinich. But for now, what we need is one who can BEAT BUSH.
Speaking of BUSH....rumor has it that there is a growing movement behind the scenes in the GOP to give the nomination to someone else - that someone being John McCain. This movement has grown out of the awareness by the higher ups in the Republican National Committee that Bush is not likely to win in 2004. They know this because they know the REAL statistics behind the rosy manipulated spin. They KNOW that Bush has not had a 50-52% approval rating in several months and that this fact will be revealed at the polls. So, be interesting to see if the lemmings all commit suicide and go ahead and nominate the Idiot Prince afterall.
"AND NOW for something completely different!" - Monty PythonBIZARRO NEWS CLIPS(thanks, Ananova!)
Thousands of Bulgarians Can't Be Wrong: Bee-Made Alternative to Viagra works!
"Bulgarian bee keepers are marketing thistle-infused honey as a natural and cheaper alternative to Viagra. Georgi Georgiev, head of the Bulgarian bee keepers association, said they are optimistic their new line will be a best seller. He said: "It really works, thousands of Bulgarians cannot be wrong, and we have not had a single complaint."
Christmas Cheer:Homeless Served Gourmet Meals while Entertained by Belly Dancers
People down on their luck in Germany are being served gastro meals and entertained by belly dancers after a charity restaurant opened its doors for the Christmas period.Volunteers at the Restaurant of the Heart in Leipzig are serving up luxury three-course meals to the city's needy, including homeless, unemployed and pensioners.
Shop for All your Plastic Jesus (and Mary) Christmas Needs !
..."on the "12 Days of Kitschmas 2003" list is a mobile phone cover featuring a glowing crucifix, a Jesus "fairy" for the top of the Christmas tree and a Lord of the Kings jigsaw puzzle.The list was compiled by Simon Jenkins, the Ship of Fools website editor and Stephen Goddard, a former Church of England press officer. The idea is to highlight the absurdity of religious kitsch.The Bobble Head Virgin Mary is an 8in-tall statue that can stand on the parcel shelf of a car like a nodding dog.It can be ordered from its American manufacturers for just $18.95, the equivalent of £11. There's also a nodding Jesus to go with it, says the Daily Telegraph.Another favourite is the Jesus Tree Topper, a bearded doll designed to replace the traditional fairy at the top of the Christmas tree. According to its makers, it "lights up when plugged in and has nail prints in both hands".Even more bizarre are a $12 (£7) ashtray that features a picture of Christ with the message "Jesus hates it when you smoke", and a $2.20 (£1.27) "frisbee of faith", with a Gospel parable stuck to its underside."
Xtreme Rat Challenge Brings Out the Best in Rodents
"More than 300 students, faculty and curious onlookers packed into Nebraska Wesleyan university's administration building, to see 21 white rats compete in five events in the Xtreme Rat Challenge....Following the fanfare, which included cheerleaders and free hot dogs and popcorn, the events got under way. Each year rats compete in five events including hurdles, the long jump, rope climb, tightrope walk and weightlifting....this year's entries included Esmerelda, Francis E. Garfunkle, Gidget and Sniffles. "We have some of the top ratletes in the world here," joked emcee Bill Doleman, a local radio disc jockey. "We just hope they don't work their tails off."
Ashcroft persecutes liberals; dollar may melt down, Congress lets Bush reignite nuclear arms race, Bizarro news clips, etc.