2. Rafah Update - More Deaths, Shootings and Arrests
3. Pain Without Borders at the Israeli Checkpoints
1. Press Release for Jenin Action on Saturday, November 22, 2003
Thursday, November 20, 2003
For Immediate Release
Palestinian, International and Israeli Peace Activists to March in
Solidarity Against Separation
[Jenin, West Bank] This Saturday, November 22, 2003 Palestinians
coordinated by the National Anti-Apartheid Wall Committee,
international peace activists with the International Solidarity
Movement (ISM), and Israeli peace activists with Ta'ayush will
peacefully march to a gate in the Israeli "Separation Wall"
in the western Jenin district to protest the ghettoization of
Palestinian communities.
In many regions in the West Bank, the Wall has separated
Palestinians from their land inside the green line of 1967. Some
Palestinian villages lie isolated on the "outside" of the Wall and
have been declared "closed military zones" by the Israeli military.
Palestinians who live in these villages have to acquire permission
to enter and exit their villages through gates in the Wall
controlled by the Israeli military who often do not grant such
The western Jenin district is home to several of these isolated
villages, and this peaceful demonstration will highlight the severe
condition in these communities. If construction of the Wall is not
stopped, many other Palestinian villages and the thousands who
inhabit them will face the same reality.
When: Saturday, November 22, 2003 at 11:00 AM
Where: Meet at the mosque in Zabda village (west of Jenin) by 10:30
AM exactly. At this time all participants will be lead to the site
of the action at the Wall.
For further information, please contact:
Ben: +972-67-983-756
Ethan: +972-66-478-674
Yousef (Arabic): +972-57-836-527
2. Rafah Update - More Deaths, Shootings and Arrests
ISM Rafah
19 Nov 03
These days there is a heavy tension in the air. Many people feel
that what the IOF did in October was only half of what they had
intended, and there is more yet to come. Regardless, the level of
violence seems much heavier now during Ramadan than in the past
couple of months (with the exception of the massive invasion of
October). More gunfire, a lot of gunfire, during the day.
To read the full report, go to the following link:

3. Pain Without Borders at the Israeli Checkpoints
ISM Jayyous
21 Nov 03
The following is an account written by a Palestinian friend of mine
from the village of Jayyous two months ago. He teaches teenage boys
in Qalqilia city. He struggles daily at the checkpoint in order to
enter Qalqilia and go to work and exit Qalqilia to return home. He
often sleeps in Qalqilia because he finds it too difficult to travel
the few kilometers between Qalqilia and Jayyous.
To read the full report, go to the following link:

For other ISM reports and volunteer journals, please see: