police state in Victoria
by Shebib • Thursday November 13, 2003 at 07:45 AM
a boy introduction to the justice state in Victoria
Yesterday a man was waiting for his son to go to court with him for a traffic violation. His son was coming from Salt Spring Island on the 8 am ferry. Because he lived in Ganges and there are no busses he needed a ride. His sister was suppose to pick him up but she could not get as babysitter in time so he missed the ferry His father went to court to ask if they could hear this case later in the day. Judge Icky, I’m not sure how to spell. her name was the judge. When his boy’s name was called the father stood up and said his son had missed the ferry from Salt Spring. The prosecutor stood up and asked for a warrant. He cited that the boy had missed court before. According to the boy the judge had missed the last ferry as well. Judge Icky would not listen to the father and ordered a warrant.
The son had just turned 19 the day before. Welcome to the adult world
The court prosecutor told me that when the boy showed up he would be arrested and put in jail to await trial for possible up to a month.
These courts, judges and police are getting way of hand. They no longer serve the public, just their pay check.
Their justice is,” just- us” and fuck you.
Oh his charge, an off duty cop on Salt Spring said he saw the boy drive by. Three weeks later he is stopped by this same cop and told he is getting a ticket for driving while prohibited.
The courts are filled with the poor who cannot afford present day justice. Hey its ok .She makes 200 plus thousand a year. The boy, on the other hand had to take the day of work and if he is put in jail for a month, good bye life.
Do I expect anything from the enslaved ,complacent public of Victoria. No . A 75 year old granmother is in jail for a year for trying to protect the forests . People are freezing and starving on the strees of Victoria while buildings sit vacanty and the rich dine on the last wild salmon.
Why do I bother?
This boy is my son.