Suppress petitions that do not contain verifiable signatures.
"Each of the following recipients was rejected by a remote mail server.
The reasons given by the server are included to help you determine why
each recipient was rejected.
Reason: unknown user"
So do not waste your time spreading time wasting spam.
I decided email petitioning wasn't for me and came out with my reasons for supporting the destruction of the Amazon rainforest which I thought might actually start the Brazilian Authorities protecting it. However this email returned undelivered:
I have received a copy of your petition to stop the clearance of the forest in Brazil.
The beneficial effect of clearing the Amazon will be :
Breaking the power of the USers by creating droughts in the middle west USA so they will be unable to feed themselves and will no longer be able to hold the world to ransom over food supplies.
It will cause desertification in Brazil through much less rainfall there, having a beneficial effect by starving millions of overbreeding Brazilians to death.
In fact, the global climate changes could well reduce the human population to a level the planet can sustainably support until the sun grows to devour the planet.
So I cannot sign your petition no matter how well intended it is. I can only hope that the catastrophe will come quickly to reduce the human population enough before the pollution caused by development causes so severe a disorder in this Creation that all Life becomes impossible on the surface of this planet. When that happens the Wrath of God might mean the cancellation of the Life Hereafter.
There is an article on Amazon influence on US midwest climate somewhere in:

Global Commons Institute maintains an unreasonable optimism:

Enjoy Life.
If you had the petition perhaps you should forward this back up the line to stop this sort of thing in future. No one is going to pay any attention to a petition where the signatures cannot be checked.