The latest Shortwave Report (October 3) is up at the website

This program will be aired on Friday evening at 7pm on KZYX/Z Philo CA, you might be able to stream via

There are several other streams that work better-

Also check out LavaLamp Radio (Japan)-

streaming the SWR, check out the schedule.
And the Partytown streams are great and informative-

This week's show features stories from Radio Netherlands, China Radio International, the Voice of Russia, Radio Deutsche Welle, and Radio Havana Cuba.
From Netherlands- Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi has had the Parliament reject his plans for even more control of the media. The World Health Organization has concluded that global warming is currently responsible for 160,000 deaths per year. Russian President Putin surprised many by stating that he is not ready to agree to the Kyoto Protocols on the environment, which combined with the US refusal means that the treaty will not be passed.
From China- Tony Blair says he will seek a 3rd term as Prime Minister, despite the labor party’s shrinking popularity. A N Korean spokesman told the UN that it makes no sense to eliminate nuclear weapons when the US refuses to eliminate theirs. A N Korean newspaper says the US is just looking for an excuse to establish its Nuclear Defense System, or Star Wars project. A N Korean diplomat says they will not export nuclear technology.
From Russia- Israel has released their figures of the number of people killed and injured in the war with Palestine in the past 3 years. A spokesman for the UN Human Rights Commission has criticized Israel’s plan to expand the wall into Palestinian territory. Then a review of last week’s arguments in the US Senate about the war on Iraq.
From Germany- The European Parliament heard arguments about European citizens being held indefinitely by the US military in Guantanemo Bay.
From Cuba- First a review of last weekend’s antiwar rallys in Europe and the Middle East. Bolivian citizens are in the streets to protest their governments sale of oil and gas through Chile to Mexico and the US.
All that plus times and frequencies for listening at home. I hope you'll listen and air this if you're connected with a radio station. I am still wondering how to get financially compensated for the 25 hours I put into this program weekly- any ideas are appreciated. Any stations rebroadcasting this (or listeners) are welcome to donate for production costs. You can do so through the website. Many thanks to those that have donated! No Guilt!
link for broadcast edition-

link for smaller file and streaming-

¡FurthuR! Dan Roberts
--"I love America more than any other country in this world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually." -- James Baldwin