However, police and hospital officials confirm witness accounts that three villagers died and three others were wounded. This includes Ali Khalaf Mohammed, 45, and his sons, Hussein, 11, and Tahseen, 9. The boys have been hospitalized at Fallujah Hospital.
The two others killed were villagers Saadi Fayad and Salem Ismail, both said to be in their 30's.
According to U.S. military spokespersons, the 82nd Airborne Division was attacked at 2 am and exchanged gunfire with the assailants who fled into a building in al-Sajir. Specialist Anthony Reinoso told a reporter that weapons were seen in a crowd forming outside and that the crowd deliberately "attempted to block several intersections." At some point, air support was called.
The only adult wounded, Abed Rasheed, 50, said he was asleep with his family atop their roof when he was awoken by gunfire. As he ran downstairs, he heard U.S. aircraft fire rockets.
"This is genocide. This is not about overthrowing a government or regime change," Rasheed, a retired non-commissioned army officer now hospitalized with chest and foot wounds told the Associated Press.
U.S. troops launched six missiles into the village, located 9 miles west of guerrilla hot-spot, Fallujah
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The deaths were accidental!
29.09.2003 14:18
Iraq will be a much better place when American and British troops have restored order and established a new democratic government to run Iraq. It will take time but it will be much better in another few months.
Rockwell=Utter Rubbish!
29.09.2003 15:33
Economic direct action against the USA!
Rockwell speaks - a hushed silence mysteriously fails to happen
29.09.2003 16:01
.. "All the deaths of civilians in Iraq are obviously accidental. America is at war with the Baath party regime and not the Iraqi people. It made that quite clear from the beginning. Anyway there would be no deaths at all in Iraq now if it were not for Al Qaeda and Baath party loyalists who keep attacking coalition troops and refuse to stop fighting.
Iraq will be a much better place when American and British troops have restored order and established a new democratic government to run Iraq. It will take time but it will be much better in another few months" ..
This doesn't strike me as being an attempt at anything but winding people up.
The rockwell mission to comment on everything & to understand nothing is gathering momentum.
Just one question: when this new democratic govenment does the obvious and bites the hand that fed it (assuming that democracy is what they are given and not some watered down affair so common and loved by imperial powers - along the lines of the election in Ireland in the aftermath of the war to end all wars, when 84% voted for independance from the crown, so the crown divided up the land with the rational these figures suggested - a success story that gave us 80 years of trouble), what will be the rational then for intervention?
And this use of the word 'coalition' - a semantic fig leaf - what you mean is the us & the uk (+ 1or 2 Polish and Spainish troops).
The trouble is with all this ritual belief in the divine goodness and intent of the impearial powers is that it is extreamly myopic and suffers from short & long term memory loss. Wasn't the idea in south east asia in the 50's & 60's to support the democracies of the client states of amerika? Did their people eventually thank the invading powers?
Or did they suffer enourmous unrecorded casualties (no massacres when there's no-one counting), including huge amounts of post conflict limb damage and birth defects left over from the defeated superpower?
Take note of that last sentence rockwell, jot it down, nip over to Vietnam or Cambodia and tell them it was all worth it and their own fault anyway for resisting proper government[sic] ... or you could wait a few years for the already large number of gulf war sickness casualties to grow even larger and the amount of limbless children - tricked by the yellow packages of death left alongside the yellow packages of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches so kindly donated by the well fed people of amerika ..
Whatever you do, don't fool yourself into thinking that you are taking a couragous stand for unpopular but justified ideas - your not. You are pissing into the wind, and in fact counterproductive for those that would need such defense (which is good for 'us' so please don't stop).