Around 15 people made their way to the Newbury offices of Bayer to occupy and disrupt them as part of the anti-Bayer/No GM commercialisation campaign.
*Anti-GM Protestors Wreck The Bayer Stand At British Potato 2003 Event*
BIOTECH company Bayer CropScience has come under attack for its work in Genetically-modified crops at the British Potato 2003 event in Newark, Nottinghamshire.
*Bayer Presentation At Genomes Conference Targeted*
An audacious daylight raid resulted in £5000 (police figures) of criminal damage at York university today. The action was aimed at a Bayer presentation at a Genomes conference which the company was also sponsoring.
*Bayer Action In Humberside*
To coincide with the WTO talks in Cancun, a group of 15 concerned citizens occupied a Bayer office and stopped work there, to demonstrate against the corporatisation of health and agriculture, and to make it clear we dont want the commercialisation of GM in the UK.
For the full reports, visit

There is a national day of action against Bayer Croscience on Thursday 25th September - get involved, plan an action! Info about Bayer can be found at

This is just the begining...