Hardly three days after the publication in the British newspaper ”The Independent” of an article titled “Mobiles 'make you senile' “ based on the findings of Professor Salford, investigator of the University of Lund (Sweden), and published in the prestigious ”Environmental magazine Health Perspectives” of the American Institute of Environmental Sciences and Health, that an ample newspaper repercussion worldwide has had.
Hardly a day after the diffusion of the study of the investigation equipment of the Professors Navarrese and Gomez-Perretta of the Valencian University, published in the American magazine ”Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine” one of most prestigious of the world in bioelectromagnetism and health, that demonstrates the appearance of the microwaves syndrome increases of statistically significant form when diminishing the distance to the telephony antennas and that its severity directly is related to the power density measured in each address of the neighbours of the Ñora (Murcia) (singular guinea pigs). More than 30 years after the first investigations showed the effects of the microwaves on the alive beings, the Ministry of Health assures in a note of press, published in El Norte de Castilla (16/9/03), that the mobile telephones and the antennas do not cause any risk on the health and that is not necessary to change the limits of emission.
In addition who talks about studies describes as alarming, whose affirm methods, is being questioned by the scientific community. It is known, the scientific community formed this by the publishers and the reviewers of the scientific magazines and by the authors who, with concerted effort, publish in them articles like the mentioned ones in the beginning.
The Ministry of Health must think that by force of often repeating a lie, this will be transformed into truth.
Alfonso Balmori Martinez, Biologist
Omega: see under

A study detects damages by radiation of antennas
“The report shows that symptoms like headache, fatigue, insomnia, difficulty of concentration, irritability, depression and the loss of appetite could be related to" exhibitions continued at low levels of radio frequencies" and serious diseases like cerebral tumours do not discard".
16 September 2003
A study detects damages by radiation of antennas of mobile phones
"The continued" exhibitions to the waves that emit the antennas of mobile phones are logical a reasonable cause "and" of the neurological diseases and disfunctions in the central nervous system that the people undergo who live near those facilities. This is the main conclusion of the study elaborated by Spanish investigators and whom the magazine Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine will publish.
The work, facilitated to Efe by one of its authors -- Claudius Gomez-Perretta --, has been made from a work of field in the locality murciana de La Ñora, between 101 neighbours, half on which lives to less than 150 meters of a base station of mobile phones (BS), located in a hill in half of the population, and the rest, to more than 250 meters. The first group was put under "a exhibition 10 times superior" to the radiation of the base as the second. The report shows that symptoms like headache, fatigue, insomnia, difficulty of concentration, irritability, depression and the loss of appetite could be related to "exhibitions continued at low levels of radio frequencies" and serious diseases like cerebral tumours do not discard.
The most interesting aspect of the work, explains their authors, is the importance of the relation between the presence of disfunctions and the level of radiation which the polluted were put under, that were greater at the most intense of the electric field. The news published in page 38 of the edition of Tuesday, 16 of September of 2003 of the Newspaper - printed edition. In order to see the complete page, unload the file in format pdf
Informant: Colette O'Connell, message from Dr Miguel Mutané
Translation from Spanish: Omega.
Calls for the truth about mobile phone masts
By Guardian Reporter
In recent weeks Sutton has witnessed a ground swell of opposition to mobile phone masts. Thousands of residents have signed petitions, attended locally-organised meetings and lobbied councillors in protest at the prospect of phone antennas near their homes.
The reasons for this vary – in the main, fears over possible health risks from radio waves emitted by the masts elicit the most fervent opposition.
But there is also the aesthetic argument that antennas and large equipment boxes on roadsides, street corners, parks and buildings bring.
A phone mast in a street can drive down house prices simply because people do not want to live near something that might be dangerous and doesn’t look very attractive.
In Sutton these concerns are shared by many councillors. Residents have successfully lobbied the council to throw out three mast applications in the past month.
This has been done against the advice of planning officials, who, basing their recommendations on legislation and planning guidelines, said there were no reasons why the masts should not be allowed.
They were the first phone masts under 15 metres in the borough’s history to go before local area committees, where councillors make the decisions rather than planning officials. Currently masts under 15 metres do not require planning permission and phone operators only need notify a council of their intention to erect one. This is because they fall under permitted development rights, which are granted to all utility companies in order that they can provide their service, whether it be gas, water, electricity or communications. A 56-day period follows the notification in which people have the opportunity to object to the masts. But normal planning guidelines do not apply and they can only be rejected on limited grounds, such as that there are already too many in the area, or their siting and material impact would be too great on the surroundings.
Carshalton resident and member of Mast Sanity, Kumar Singarajah, believes permitted development rights should be scrapped, but in the meantime he would like to see all masts go to area committee. He says if they did, many more would be thrown out. But because the committees meet at intervals greater than 56 days, many masts slip through the net and are passed by planning officers. “I think if more were put to area committees, 80 or 90 per cent of masts would be rejected. “To do this all the council needs to do is change its rules and hold area meetings more regularly, perhaps every four to six weeks, and this would give residents a chance to petition councillors against them.” He believes research is years away from proving definitively whether masts cause cancer and that other, more creative ways of objecting to them should be employed in the meantime. Some people, he says, have taken phone companies to court over a loss in value of their house after a mast has been installed nearby. “If we can hit them where it hurts financially, then maybe they will think again about their polices of where they put up masts,” he adds.
Because there are no proven links between the masts and illnesses such as cancer, councils have no powers to throw them out on health grounds. The only published government-commissioned study into the risks – the Stewart Report – concluded that while it could find no definite links between phones and ill-health, it could not say for certain they did not exist. The report recommended further research needed to be done, flagging up the effects of phones and masts on growth tissue as an area in particular need of more study. But that was several years ago and nothing more has been published by the Government, although it has signed a £20billion contract with phone operators to allow them to develop their networks unabated, a contract that would be in jeopardy if health risks were proved.
Local mast campaigner Nick Miller puts it like this: “It’s a strange situation where it seems incumbent on us to prove they are dangerous, rather than the phone companies proving they are not. “Thirty years ago we were told that electricity pylons were safe. “Forty years ago asbestos was a commonly used building material, and back in the 1950s far too many pregnant mothers believed it was safe to take a sedative called Thalidomide.”
But now Sutton Council has decided to take up the fight. The ruling Liberal Democrat group has been holding meetings to discuss a new council policy on masts. Spokesman for public protection and planning Councillor Colin Hall is hoping to form a movement in Sutton calling on the Government to rescind permitted development rights. Petitions have already been sent out in parts of the borough and may be included in the next Liberal Democrat focus magazine. He says: “It’s being started off by the party but we hope to encourage it to roll on and create its own momentum so we get support across all the parties and the whole borough.” O2 spokesman Jim Stevenson said the Government looked into permitted development rights on at least two occasions but found no case to remove them.
He says scores of studies, including many conducted by the World Health Organisation, had proved no health risks from radio waves. “Of course nobody knows what will happen in the next 30 to 40 years but no industry has been scrutinised as closely as us because of these fears and there’s still no evidence to support these claims,” he says.
Mr Stevenson added that it was very disappointing the recent applications have been rejected. “We had worked hard on the local consultation and built up a good relationship with local planners, who recommended them for approval, but councillors turned them down.” However, despite the claims of phone companies, Colin Hall is hoping Mr Miller, Mr Singarajah, and other local anti-mast campaigners will continue to lobby for change and draw support for a change in legislation.
If the petition attracts enough interest, Coun Hall wants to encourage other local authorities to do the same and eventually present the Government with a compelling case for withdrawing phone companies’ automatic rights to put up masts.
Mr Miller, who led a successful campaign against two masts in Wallington recently, has already expressed an interest in leading a local campaign group. “I honestly believe the Liberal Democrats could make a real mark by making a stand on the issue. “I would be prepared to offer my services as an independent chairman of a new body which would establish a new set of rules governing mast applications,” he says.
The debate is likely to rumble on for years and years, and a petition started in Sutton may seem insignificant compared to the scale of the issue, but if this kind of action is repeated across the country, the Government may have to sit up and finally take notice.
Anyone who would like further information about phone masts at

10:37am Friday 4th July 2003

Transmission break
A village in Spain banishes all portable radio plants and receives much agreement
Manuel Meyer
MONTILLA, in September. Some months ago was Antonio Carpios patience at the end. The mayor of the south Spanish city Montilla gave to the telephone company Amena after long negotiations exactly thirty days time to remove its new portable radio antenna from the city centre, otherwise the city administration would take over this by force.
Several inhabitants weighted already about sleep disturbances, swindle accumulations and loss of appetite. Now Carpio waits only for judicial permission for being allowed to enter private property. “We tear the antenna off, as soon as the judicial letter lies on the table”, the mayor says.
Force against technicians
Montilla is not an individual case. In completely Spain the fear of possible health damage made itself broad, which can cause the electromagnetic jets of the portable radio antennas. The newspaper El País speaks already of a antennaphobia. The manager of a telephone company told the newspaper, a mayor of a village had complained that half of the inhabitants suffered under nausea and headache because of a transmission mast. Yet the antennas were not even attached.
In many places is that different. On Gran Canaria Telefonica had to diminish after protests a transmitting pole.
With Teruel in east Spain a village mayor of a portable radio plant cut the current supply, antenna technicians by force were held from repairs. The protest wave was released before two years in Valladolid. In a primary school three children got sick with leukaemia and one with lymph node cancer within a year. On the roof of a neighbour building were 36 antennas. A judge left thereupon the radio communication system quiet-put.
Violent protests
Since that time many legal proceedings were submitted against the telephone companies. Since many antennas must be diminished, it already comes to first radio holes. Due to the increasing fear in the population the Spain government even arranged that antennas in the proximity of schools, kindergartens or hospitals must throttle their already set up transmitting power.
The protest of the municipalities and country-wide citizens' initiatives begins now also to endanger the economical plans of the telephone companies. The companies must develop for the development of the UMTS net thousands of new plants. But because of the many processes they do not receive immediate permission. The companies see investments endangered by 16 billion euro.
Montillas mayor Antonio Carpio interests that little. He already let arrange through a regulation that all new portable radio antennas must be set up outside of the populated areas with a minimum of 650 meters. Besides the operators must lock a liability insurance, in which they must be responsible for all possible damage - also health. Also different places followed Carpios initiative and similar regulations issued. First telephone companies reacted already and agreed with the demand of Montillas mayor. But Carpio has already new plans. “Also we are not allowed to tear off the masts, the leases runs soon out and no roof landlord will here extend the contracts”, he says.
The telephone companies offer now extra payments of 6,600 Euro, main thing is the lease for the plants are extended. But in Montilla they remain stubborn. None may sign the new contracts. Nevertheless mayor Carpio is clear that the assumption, that portable radio plants caused diseases, let confirm only with difficulty. So far researchers could neither prove nor disprove that the jets outgoing from the antennas are dangerous.
Soon judges could decide the scientific controversy. A judge from Alicante condemned recently an enterprise that it is “the duty of the deplored company, to prove that living in the houses of the plaintiffs does not represent a danger”.
Montilla is everywhere. Spain could threaten soon a transmission break.

Informant: Citizens Initiative Bad Duerkheim, Germany.
Translation from German: Omega.
Please help!!
We are a small community in Southern California in the County of Riverside called Wildomar. Our street has approximately 15 houses ranges from 1 –4 acres each. Last week I received a notice from the county advising me that a cellular communications tower was to be installed at the Southwest corner of our Cielo Vista (our street) and Palomar (the street below us). Out of curiosity I called the county and was informed that the tower - a 55 foot monopine (fake pine tree) with 13 towers and a 250 sq. ft building housing equipment was being constructed on my neighbours property 2 doors down.
I immediately called to action all of the property owners on the street – many of whom were unaware of the letter and informed them of the installation, health risks of radio frequency radiation and not to mention the horrible appearance of a cellular tower in a residential area. Many of us have decided to fight this tower's installation. There is a meeting on October 6th at the county and I am in need of help to prepare. Anything you can do to help our small community would be greatly appreciated. We need a format for a petition and information on the health effects, property devaluation and any thing else you may have. I can be reached at 909-674-7225.
Thank you,
PJ Kendrick
Research shows the dangers of using mobile phones in flight - Civil Aviation Safety Authority CASA- Australia

Omega: see also

Denise Ward, Christchurch, N.Z.
check out


Owens seeks Species Act changes
Gov. Bill Owens is pushing for major changes to the Endangered Species Act. ... Owens will seek the changes as chairman of the natural-resources committee of the National Governors
Association, a post he assumed earlier this summer. ...
Environmentalists credit the Endangered Species Act with preventing extinction of the bald eagle, grizzly bear and gray wolf in the lower 48 states, and halting the decline of hundreds of other species. But critics -- including Owens -- say the restrictions are costly and never ending, interfere with resource development and private-property rights, and are largely unsuccessful.

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