A cross pollination of information is very important for we will succeed en mass and while I loath duplication of effort when we are so thin on the ground and of resources I relaise that one group might succeed where another has failed through timing and other influences. I think we should be focusing on targets and all those interested join with that initiative.
I also think we should be feeding information through our networks like Don and Klaus, the old addage "Knowledge is Power" comes to mind. We would be best to have one or two people going to each group to share information and cross pollinate the information and efforts, regards Denise.

Prohibitions of cell sites for residential areas
The County of Santa Cruz (in California) is close to adopting a very good telecom ordinance that has prohibitions of cell sites for residential areas, and mandatory setbacks of 300' from residential property boundaries where commercial and residential land use zoning is adjacent (subject to the possibility of exception under stringent findings that there are no other suitable places, and requiring alternatives analysis).
What may be important there is their information on RF as a pollutant on electrical lines, and the relationship to electrosensitivity. Dave Stetzer, Marty Graham and Lloyd Morgan have been working on this aspect, and are finding that blood sugar levels in diabetics are very dependent on RF high frequency transients on electrical wiring systems.
GE Slow Down petition
Take 5 has one simple objective – to get Helen Clark and the New Zealand Government to slow down on releasing GE into our environment by extending the GE moratorium for 5 years.
To make Take 5 successful we need at least a million votes. That’s where YOU come in. To achieve this we need you to forward this email to at least 5 Kiwis no matter where in the world they live.
If YOU have just received this email, here is how to vote and Take 5.
If you live in New Zealand simply TXT your name and suburb or town to 8642. If you live outside New Zealand or don’t have access to a TXT capable mobile phone then visit

Remember to vote for the whole family as there is no age restriction. If you are pregnant, you can vote for your unborn too by using ‘pregnant’ as the first name.
After you have voted please forward this email or the reply TXT to at least 5 Kiwis –preferably your entire whole address book!
New Zealand is a clean green oasis in the Pacific, let’s keep it that way. The power is in YOUR hands. Use it or lose it.
Thank you for your support,
Greg Menendez and Lisa Er.
Take 5 Campaign Organisers.
P.S. If you live in New Zealand we would prefer if you voted by TXTing. Each TXT costs 50c of which some comes back to Take 5 to help advertise the campaign. Take 5 is non-political and non-profit. Any profit left over will be donated to child charities.
Take 5 seconds to TXT,
Take 5 minutes to tell 5 friends,
Take 5 years on GE to be sure.
Informant: Denise Ward, Christchurch, N.Z.
check out

and www.neilcherry.com
Forbidden Zone
Dear Klaus,
Further to my researches into the intrusion of people's minds and privacy by scientists et alia, (On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind-Invasive Technology) I have become interested in the exploitation – See Cambridge and Oxford University, England, and research and allied commercial companies referred to in article - of the last unexplored regions of the electromagnetic spectrum - the terahertz world. I am sending you the article written by Justin Mullins for The New Scientist vol 175 issue 2360 - 14 September 2002, page 34. I invite you to publish this with special attention to your subscribers to debate the rights to privacy involved, and with regard to the usual slant towards the benefits it will bring mankind, not to mention the billions of dollars to the shareholders of the companies. I expect a new wave of spin-off products in the form of cameras, and laser operated devices. They have apparently concluded that there are no harmful effects...I have a feeling that we may be in for another wave of scientific heroes whose experiments are not free from covert use of private citizens nonconsensual participation.
Carole Smith

The end of independent science in Australia: Senate speech by Lyn Allison (Democrat, Victoria)
Howard Government's hatchet job on the CSIRO
The Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) has long been recognised internationally as a first rate scientific research organisation, able to stand independent of industry vested interests. For example, CSIRO representatives on the old Standards Australia TE/7 committee on setting a RF/MW exposure standard were steadfast in their opposition to ICNIRP and its thermal effects only dogma. They also supported having public representatives as members of the committee – something the industry long resisted.
After TE/7 was unable to reach consensus on a new standard, that role was given to a new committee under the austices of ARPANSA. Interestingly that committee was made up of most of the old TE/7 Committee members -minus most of those who had voted against the incorporation of the ICNIRP limits. Stan Barnett from the CSIRO was initially chairman of this new committee but soon resigned in protest because of the committee was stacked by Telco employees – thus ensuring a favourable voting outcome.
It is interesting to compare the willingness of CSIRO to stand up against industry influence to the other government department ARPANSA which actively runs a pro-industry line and essentially seems to work more as a PR firm than a credible scientific organisation.
Inevitably the CSIRO built up a number of enemies in telecommunications, such as Motorola, who consider independent research, and an independent scientific voice a risk factor for corporate profits. The CSIRO as an independent expert organisation puts to the lie spin statements such as" The international body of scientific research concludes there is no link between mobile phones and adverse health effects" (from Optus Communications)
For the Telcos it is now "pay-back time" AND that is what is partly behind the Howard government's moves in its hatchet job on the CSIRO. Old scores are now being settled as Australia moves toward a US style corporate government where all research is safely controlled by industry.
Don Maisch
Senate Speech by Australian Democrat Lyn Allison
September 10, 2003
ADJOURNMENT: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Senator ALLISON (Victoria) (7.31 p.m.)
-Tonight I wish to draw the attention of the Senate to the crisis in our nation's premier science organisation, the CSIRO, and in particular to the forced shift in that organisation away from science that is in the public interest-in this case the public health interest-to science that benefits commercial interest.
The result is that most matters of public health and development of standards of practice will effectively be left to voluntary organisations. I find this to be a ludicrous situation for a nation that is as wealthy as ours. I ask: how is it that we could afford to do this work and fund it publicly 20 years or so ago-maybe even seven years ago-but not now? I think the answer to that question is that we can afford it but it is ideology and lack of will that stops us from doing so.
The parlous state of the CSIRO came to my attention in a conversation I had with senior principal research scientist Dr Stan Barnett last week. Dr Barnett, who is Section Manager in the National Measurement Laboratory's Division of Radiophysics, has just been advised that he is redundant. He is not of an age where retirement is appropriate, and he is surprised-as was I-that he is in this position. He says that so are the 250 or so other scientists who are now being given the boot.
Dr Barnett's work first came to my attention in the Senate inquiry into electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones. His 1994 report entitled "Status of research on biological effects and safety of electromagnetic radiation: telecommunications frequencies"
(Omega links:

was pivotal in bringing the nation's attention to the potential health problems of mobile phone technology. Back in 1993 the federal department of communications approached CSIRO to evaluate the status of research on the biological effects of radiofrequency radiation.
That report concluded that there was insufficient reliable scientific evidence on which to base sound conclusions about the safety of radiofrequency exposures in telecommunications. It stated: ... because of its equivocal nature, the database for RF emissions has limited value. It may be dangerous to make general statements on safety based on lack of evidence of harmful effects when so little relevant research has been carried out.
I point that out because I want to explore tonight the importance of research and why we need it in these areas that might not attract the commercial dollar. Of course the news from this 1994 report was not welcomed by the telecommunications industry or by the government, both of whom moved to relax mobile phone emission standards more recently despite opposition from the CSIRO through Dr Barnett, who said that there was no scientific basis for doing so.
That report I mentioned was a literature study by Dr Barnett, as opposed to hands-on experimental research. According to CSIRO, they have just a watching brief on telecommunications radiation issues and no budget to actually do research. The CSIRO did apply several times for funding to conduct hands-on research from the $4½ million fund on EMR. They wanted to examine the potential effects of radiofrequency radiation on DNA and cancer production, but they were knocked back. Submissions to the electromagnetic radiation inquiry that reported two years ago stressed the need for independent research into the controversial area of EMR. A lot of the studies supposedly showing that mobile phones are safe in fact rely on research which has been done or was funded by telecommunications companies.
The demise of jobs in this general area of public health was to some extent pre-empted by Dr Haddad, head of the CSIRO Division of Telecommunications and Industrial Physics, when he appeared before the committee. He said:
"CSIRO has a choice these days. It is required to maintain its external income level at a reasonably high level for a research organisation and, as such, it has to choose the areas in which it works quite carefully. Appropriation funding has been flat; in fact, in real dollar terms, it has decreased significantly over the last few years. That makes it harder and harder to maintain a variety of areas of what I would call more fundamental research ... which underpins all this sort of short-term tactical work that you can do to earn money."
As well as working full time in his position, Dr Barnett worked in a voluntary capacity on research into the safety of diagnostic ultrasound equipment, and he has had over 100 studies published in medical journals in this area. He has been investigating the potential medical implications of some types of exposure of the foetus to ultrasound equipment. He has found, for example, that Doppler ultrasound technology can heat tissue up to five degrees. The World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology says that increases of four degrees for five minutes or more are potentially hazardous.
Dr Barnett has found some evidence to suggest that ultrasound-induced bioeffects can be enhanced by modest increases in temperatures. He says that pulsed Doppler exposure, as opposed to non-pulsed B-mode scanning exposure, can produce significant heating in the foetus, particularly near bone, where the ultrasound beam is fixed onto a single point tissue target. Dr Barnett's work also shows that foetal tissue is also sensitive to physical change and that the resultant perturbation of cell differentiation may result in significant consequences. He says that the scientific database is incomplete and cannot keep pace with technological development in modern equipment and that the clinical implications of non-thermal effects have not been fully evaluated. So, despite the fact that every pregnant woman who presents to a doctor will have an ultrasound, very little work is being done on the safety of this technology and there are no standards to protect the foetus from adverse effects. The reason I point out all this detail-it is not necessary for us to know it-is that we need to understand the implications if we stop important work being done.
Another scientist at CSIRO to have been given the sack earlier this year is microbiologist Dr Ruth Hall, regarded as a world expert in the field of antibiotic resistance. Dr Hall, who is bound by a legal agreement not to speak about her sacking, has had to look for work overseas as a result of being made redundant. Her research enabled the CSIRO, in 1998, to raise the alarm about evidence that animal microbes could pass antibiotic resistance to bacteria that cause disease in humans. Given that the European Commission is in the process of phasing out antibiotics in stockfeed by 2006 and that the US is putting pressure on the Australia to do the same, I would have thought that more importance, not less, would have been attached to her work. Associate Professor Stokes at Macquarie University said that the CSIRO's action was comparable to the Australian Institute of Sport making Ian Thorpe redundant due to insufficient funds.
The collective work of these two scientists alone is obviously of great value to Australia but how many of the other 600-plus staff who have been stood down over the last year or so were also contributing important work? We just do not know-at least I do not know. Perhaps some people know; perhaps the government knows.
Under our present government the CSIRO has been the subject of radical changes that will mean it must now raise 30 per cent of its funds externally. To do this the CSIRO has to spend up big on corporate staff in the area of business development planning in order, according to CEO Dr Geoff Garrett, `to enhance our commercial prospects'. But this grant-chasing focus in research projects has proven to be at the cost of those in favour of public benefit, particularly health benefit. According to the CSIRO Staff Association, cutbacks and the failure to meet funding targets have caused the biggest crisis in the organisation's history.
In February this year the Senate's Employment, Workplace Relations and Education Legislation Estimates Committee heard that over the past three years 600 jobs have been cut and that retrenchments are set to continue. Dr Garrett told the Canberra Times a couple of months ago that around 200 staff per year had been culled over the past six years. Apparently a leaked internal survey said that only 47 per cent of CSIRO had faith in `organisational leadership and direction' and that 48 per cent believed their jobs were not secure.
So not only do we have these important scientists being sacked but we have others whose morale is very low and who are clearly not able to function in the way that we would like them to. The survey also found that 55 per cent of staff felt organisational change had not improved the CSIRO and 51 per cent were not confident in the abilities of senior personnel. Dr Garrett conceded that, whilst 12 scientists in just one division would be made redundant and 40 redeployed, two new business development managers would be employed, on six-figure salaries.
(Time expired) Senate adjourned at 7.41 p.m.
Irish psychiatrists criticized in annual report
Hi Klaus: The heading in the front page of today's (Sept.11, 2003) THE IRISH TIMES fits in perfectly with ongoing major criticisms of psychiatric practice. It reads: "Psychiatrists criticised over 'lavish' promotional trips." And the source of this criticism is sobering: it appears in the annual report for 2002 of Dr. Walsh, Inspector of Irish Mental Hospitals. He was specifically voicing his concern over the increasingly popular practice of pharmaceutical firms wooing Irish psychiatrists on luxurious all-expenses-paid vacations overseas, which are just thinly disguised strategies, he said, for influencing these professionals to use their products on their patients. Dr Walsh noted that some pharmaceutical meetings of this nature "'appear to present unscientific material aimed at influencing prescribing practice.'"
Dr. Walsh is also a member of the Irish Expert Group on Mental Health Policy, established by the Irish Minister of Health on August 4 2003.
Best, Imelda, Cork, Ireland.
No Bt Resistance?

The GM National Debate Farce

ENN Daily News
Environmental Terrorism
The old-growth timber battle heats up - "If you want to see what environmental terrorism looks like, just drive up Greenwood Heights road," said Sparrow, a diminutive elderly woman who has been supporting tree-sitters in her neighborhood, called Freshwater, nearly 300 miles north of San Francisco on Highway 101. "You will see beautiful, 1,600-year-old trees that have been cut down to feed one man's greed."

White House won't back down on Arctic oil drilling
The Bush administration told Congress Wednesday it was sticking with its plan for a broad energy bill to open an Arctic refuge in Alaska to oil drilling, even though the White House has been warned the proposal could kill the legislation.

Save Puffins and Walruses in Alaska From Oil Pollution
Bristol Bay, home to the world's premier walrus breeding areas and a critical habitat for many fish, seabirds, and marine mammals, is in danger of being destroyed by oil drilling. Tell your senators and representative to protect Bristol Bay. Join the nearly 30,000 Americans who have already taken action!

U.N. GMO trade pact enters into force
A U.N. treaty giving importers greater powers to reject genetically modified products such as maize comes into force on Thursday, and the United Nations wants nonsignatories like the United States to abide by it.

Malaysia tests ID chips for embedding in bodies
The Malaysian government has acquired rights to chips that can embed identity tags into cash, passports or even human bodies. The government has acquired intellectual property rights to the chip -- now dubbed the Malaysian Microchip (MM) -- from Japanese research and development (R&D) company FEC, which designed it. The chip can replace barcode tags in retail goods, and can be inserted into the human body, animals, bullets, credit cards and other items for verification purposes.

Blair ignored vital terror warning

Times change, principles don't

More police power, less liberty

The illusion of national security

The tax-exempt destruction of our forests

A grandiose folly

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
Senators grill Defense official about Iraq price tag

Bush shifts rationale from Iraq arms

Cato vs. DOJ, round two

Staggering costs of a senseless war

Truth is scarce


Another phony justification for invading Iraq

Saving America
The War In Iraq Is Not Over and Neither Are The Lies To Justify It

America's world

Informant: Kev Hall
Gulf War II Syndrome?
Military Equipment and "Pneumonia"

Folly Taken To A Scale We Haven't Seen Since WWII

9/11 Two Years Later. Victims’ Families Call For Peaceful Tomorrows

NPR Interviews Economist Paul Krugman

Please paste in news letter a few times a week for a few months, if possible
Dr. Rebecca Carley is one of the most dedicated, respected, and upright women I know. She has been a guest lecturer at international conferences on the subject of the dangers of vaccines. She is deserving of your support.
She is fighting this battle for all of us. In retaliation, NYS government has come down as hard on her as they can. Anything you may be able to do to help her will be remembered by many.
Ron Loeber
----- Original Message -----

To: List Deleted
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2003 8:27 PM
Subject: Dr Carley's medical license suspended by Medical Mafia
Please be advised that as of 7/11/03, my medical license has been suspended for a year followed by 4 years probation for "practicing medicine with a mental illness; said mental illness being the "delusion" that there is a conspiracy against me. I have been ordered to undergo "psychiatric treatment" for one year. (I will put as much of the 40 page decision [which is 90% misinformation such as saying my son is in foster care] as I can on my website by the end of the week). They admit that no complaints have ever been filed regarding my treatment of patients. I have also been ordered to release all of the records on my patients, [so they can hunt the children down and catch them up on their vaccines].
I will now be a wholistic practitioner doing iridology and counselling patients on detoxification techniques available over the counter. However, I will not be able to write prescriptions, order diagnostic tests, and most importantly, I will not be able to write medical exemptions. I am sure that the exemptions I have written will be deemed null and void.
20 years ago, when this was done to Dr. Revisci, his PATIENTS brought an action against the medical board for depriving them of a unique treatment available no where else. His patients won, and his license was restored.
Although I will be bringing my own artice 78 proceeding in my case, I am convinced that the fastest and most likely to succeed strategy is for the patients/supporters/potential patients to bring their own suit. Jennifer Grinberg (516-798-7642) will be organizing this effort to restore the license of the only court qualified expert in VIDS in the country.
It is time for people to do more than "feel sorry" for me, it's time for ACTION! Since the only people I can NOT write exemptions for are my son & I, I will not be affected.
However, if nothing is done, when they come to your door and with that Smallpox/SARS or whatever vaccine and your exemption is deemed invalid, get ready to roll up your sleeve or go to the quarantine camps as per the Model State Health Emergency Powers Act (already passed in NYS).
I have given all I can; the only thing left for them to take from me is my mind (with psychiatric drugs). I await the response of those who I have served.
In Service to the TRUTH, I Remain, Dr. Rebecca

Informant: John Mecca