We should add to the articles below ( http://www.grn.es/electropolucio/omega278.htm) we that have lost a friend of ours due to this phenomena. It is a long story but briefly a newspaper article was brought to the attention of a friend who dismissed the article on microwave radiation from cell phones.
Two years later while lying on his deathbed the friend stated to us to inform EVERYONE
that he believed his brain tumour was due to extensive use of a cell phone as the tumour was located directly over the antenna of his cell phone and he wished he had heeded the warning two years earlier in the newspaper report.
We state clearly cell phones are invaluable for emergencies and have saved many lives when used in moderation.
However extensive use and close proximity to microwaves can and will disrupt the physiology of the recipient of those rays and we advise ALL members to greatly limit Cell phone use in particular our members children who are even more at risk to those radiation waves.
Eletromagnetic radiation and microwave radiation ARE POTENTIALLY LETHAL
Message from Chairman
UMTSNO / WHO continues to encourage the active participation
HP: umtsno.de
This mail is on: http://www.tauschkult.de/umtsno/puzen.htm
Dear Sirs,
On the 4th of July 2003, Mrs. Kheifeits, doctor, team leader of a private union in Munich called the ICNIRP (International Commission for Nonionizing Radiation Protection, Munich Germany"), left her executive position at the EMF (Electro Magnetic Fields) Project, organized by WHO (World Health Organization).
It would be appropriate for the EMF project, that Mr. Repacholi should also leave his position as Coordinator at this project. Mr. Repacholi as implementer and former chief executive to the ICNIRP association in Munich had a direct influence on the unilateral decisions considering the amount of radiation in the range of high and low frequencies.
Best Regards
Krzysztof Puzyna
webmaster of umtsno.de
Aust. Democrats press release (from Sarah Benson)
Courts give owners more rights over phone towers
Now Federal law needs to catch up
A new decision by the Victorian Supreme Court could force telecommunications companies Australia-wide to get permission from landowners before putting mobile phone equipment on their rooftops, according to the Australian Democrats.
Democrats' Communications spokesperson Senator John Cherry and Victorian Senator Lyn Allison said the decision was the latest victory in the long campaign to give local authorities and building owners and residents more control over the siting of mobile phone towers.
Senator Allison, who chaired a 2001 Senate Inquiry into the effects of electromagnetic radiation, said the decision was a "landmark" decision in the regulation of so-called 'low impact' phone towers. "For too long, telecommunications carriers have been running roughshod over building owners and residents and installing equipment wherever they chose on the basis that it was 'low impact' and outside normal planning laws," Senator Allison said.
"The decision means telecommunications carriers will need to have prior consent of the landowner before they install antennae on poles, equipment shelters and rooftops etc. As well as owner's consent, carriers will either need a planning permit or compliance with the Victorian Code of Practice.
"As Democrats' spokesperson, I opposed the 'low impact' provisions in the Federal Government's 1997 legislation which left telecommunications carriers with extraordinary powers to commandeer buildings and sites for their roll-outs.
"Minister Alston claimed the powers were given to state governments but Telco carriers have used the 'low impact' loophole to inappropriately evade state planning codes," she said. Senator Cherry said the Victorian decision followed a major New South Wales Court of Appeal decision in July which read the carrier's immunity under the Federal Act very narrowly. "This is a victory for the community and highlights how inappropriate the Federal immunities on mobile phone towers have become," Senator Cherry said. "Next week, the Senate will be debating an amendment I will be moving to give the Australian Communications Authority the power to reject mobile phone towers being built on or near community sensitive sites such as hospitals, schools and residential areas.
"The Democrat amendments would give the ACA the power to reject absolutely the siting of mobile phone towers on sensitive sites where there is community and local government opposition. "While the recent ACIF Code requires a carrier to have regard to community sensitive sites for smaller installations, it should require carriers to consider alternatives to minimise the radiation risk to the public," Senator Cherry concluded.
For further information: Pam Hose 0408 752 750
Informant: Don Maisch
A Brief History of Events
The following is a brief history of events in the past 10 months regarding the wireless base-station antennas proposed by Sprint at 1600 Shattuck. At this point, neighbours around 1600 Shattuck conclude that they are battling Sprint and the City of Berkeley, where the latter is a more subtle and more harmful opponent. Their suffering is mostly because of the City and some staff in the Planning Department and the City Attorney's Office.
The City vs the Public
Residents in north Berkeley have been trying to stop wireless base-station antennas proposed by Sprint at 1600 Shattuck in a residential area. This battle has been going on for 10 months. After months dealing with the City, neighbours of 1600 Shattuck have reached the conclusion that some city staff are back stabbing them to support Sprint by any means possible. Misconducts and actions of the City has caused monetary damages and emotional distress to the neighbours. Neighbourhood groups around Berkeley might have similar experiences with the City. A chronology of events regarding antennas is as follows:
- July - November 2002, Sprint and the Planning Department worked together stealthily to complete an application for a use permit. In this period, according to the Berkeley Telecommunications Ordinance, Sprint was required to have a dialogue with the community. However, Sprint never got the community involved. Only in August 2003, a year after, Sprint held a belated meeting with the public. A dozen neighbours showed up, but left quickly, because they realized that the meeting was a sham.
- Around Thanksgiving 2002, the neighbours received notices for a Zoning Adjustments Board (ZAB) Public Hearing to make final decision on the use permit for Sprint. The notification was poorly done. The law requires that neighbours in the 300 ft radius be notified. However, Arts Magnet Elementary School, which is within 200 ft, was not notified.
- In the ZAB Public Hearing, 11 neighbours talked against the antennas. There were 18 letters and e-mails opposing the antennas. The ZAB had already made its mind to approve the use permit, regardless of how many objected to the plan. While the neighbours were anxiously following the proceedings, the ZAB members were discussing how to count hair on Dave's (one of ZAB members) head. Finally, the ZAB granted a permit to Sprint.
- The Planning Department erred many times in reports. In the staff report by Ms. Sorensen, it was written three neighbours, instead of 18, wrote to object to the antennas. In the notice of decision, Mr. Rhoades reported unanimous approval of the antennas. Neighbours objected to this because only seven ZAB members approved the antennas.
- Two neighbour groups filed two appeals by the end of January 2003 with the city clerk.
- In the process of writing their appeals, the appellants discovered illegal steps were taken by Sprint. They brought these points to the attention of the City Council. However, the Planning Department wrote false reports to cover up for Sprint. The appellants bought the audio tape of the ZAB hearing from the Zoning Department. This tape reveals that the Planning Department made false statements in the Action Calender of April 1.
- Some 800 neighbours and residents signed petition forms and sent e-mails to express their opposition to the antennas. The Planning Department, however, worked very hard to have both appeals dismissed. On April 1st, 2003, a large crowd holding signs attended the City Hall. The City Council granted public hearing to the appellants which was scheduled on June 17, 2003.
- In early June, the Planning Department made a motion to postpone the Public Hearing, saying that the City is seeking a report by a third party engineer to evaluate the coverage needs of Sprint. The report was due in mid July. The City Council decided to postpone the hearing till September 16. Meanwhile, the Planning Department let Sprint install the antennas at 1600 Shattuck ignoring the pending public hearing. Residents objected to the installation. However, Mr. Rhoades claimed that the antennas are only "mock". Residents have a detector that when pointed at 1600 Shattuck shows microwave radiation beyond the safe levels set by the FCC.
- Residents questioned the legality of mock structures, since they are not defined in any ordinance, and hence it is not clear if they require permit. The city attorney, Ms. Albuquerque, in her e-mail of June 23, agreed that there is no law regarding mock structures. She, however, strongly defended Sprint's mock antennas.
- According to the Berkeley Telecommunications Ordinance, the City should provide the public with information regarding existing and proposed wireless facilities in Berkeley. To support Sprint, the Planning Department refused to provide such information to the appellants. On August 22, a lawsuit was filed against the City for unlawful conduct, discrimination against the appellants in favour of Sprint, and causing emotional distress to them. Only then, on August 25, Ms. Cosin of the Planning Department informed the availability of a complete inventory. On August 26, Mr. Cowan, the assistant city attorney, sent a letter to the appellants anxiously seeking their lawsuit.
- After two and half months, the Planning Department together with Ms. Albuquerque are now seeking another postponement of the hearing, saying that the report by the third party engineer is not available. This is yet another scheme by the Planning Department to diffuse efforts of appellants and give time to Sprint agents to collect signatures on their misleading petition forms. The appellants have made arrangements with an attorney who is coming from LA to represent them in the Public Hearing on September 16. The City will be held responsible with lawyer's fees, if the attorney flies from LA to only find out that the hearing is postponed.
All things considered, neighbours of the 1600 Shattuck believe that in applying for a use permit Sprint has breached laws, the Planning Department has tried to cover up for Sprint, and some city staff have been devotedly helping Sprint. Moreover, the City Council is having a deaf ear to what the neighbours are saying.
The public is invited to attend the public hearing on September 16, at 7:00 PM in Old City Hall, to see the City Council and Sprint vs the public.
Radi Free
DAY 20: Top Psychiatrist Says Fasters Not "Serious”
Hi Klaus: I am forwarding the latest on the Pasadena fast-for-freedom-in-mental-health. I hope the three remaining fasters will win out in their objectives without dangerously compromising their health. It can't be emphasised enough that their painful fast and objectives are for the benefit of all persons globally whose human rights as mental health patients are being abused right now. And that includes an awful lot of people--millions +.
If anyone on your list wants to email the official who seems to be the most open to dialogue on the hunger-strikers requests here is the address: Dr. Marcia K. Goin, Clinical Professor History and Education, U.S.C., L.A. Email: mgoin@usc.edu. She is President of the American Psychiatric Association Board of Trustees.
Mindfreedom has listed lots of other helpful email addresses below.
Omega: see under http://www.MindFreedom.org
"Irish Medical Council wants monitoring of [Irish] doctors"
Hi Klaus: This is the heading of the news article (THE IRISH TIMES, Friday, September 5, 2003, page 6) about the decision of the Irish Medical Council to urgently introduce measures to monitor the professional standards of all doctors in the Republic of Ireland. Professor Gerard Bury, President of the Irish Medical Council has acknowledged that gross
misconduct and medical negligence is taking place with no bringing to account by Irish medical authorities. He pointed out that ". . . no system was in place to check on [Irish] GPs, consultants or other specialists who operated independently. He urged the Government to immediately show its commitment to the introduction of a competence assurance system for doctors, which the council has been advocating since 1998. "'At present'", he is quoted as saying, "'There is no system whatsoever to oversee how [Irish] doctors are performing once they become consultants or GPs or specialists working in independent practise.'" The Irish Medical Council proposes that henceforth "doctors would have their practice checked by peers and would have to show they were competent enough to remain on the medical register every five years."
It would be nice to think that this will improve somewhat the quality of medical care here for many people--especially public patients. However, I also know that I informed many Irish medical organisations, Irish patient support associations, and a generous number of Irish officials about my own appalling medical experiences-- misdiagnosed as psychotic when presented with EHS symptoms, tricked into incarceration and forced to take medication that I had a dangerous reaction to-- and I was met with silence! Even repeat requests for help were still met with silence!
Best, Imelda, Cork, Ireland
Cellular News
Researchers from the Technion Institute of Technology in Haifa, Israel have succeeded in cracking the popular GSM cellular phone network encryption code. The researchers presented their findings at the recent Crypto Conference in Santa Barbara, California. The findings were greeted with shock and widespread interest on the part of the 450 conference participants, many of whom are world leaders in encryption research and encryption industry.
The researchers, Prof. Eli Biham and doctoral student Elad Barkan, and Nathan Keller, discovered a basic flaw in the network’s encryption system, and using this were able to develop a method for cracking the encryption system.
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
Could thyroxine be taken to help people electrical sensitivities?
Help: I was told thyroxine could be taken to help people with electrical sensitivities??? Is this true? Mine very bad - need help. constant humming at night - the other day high pitched humming from outside going on and off all night. Would wake up sick when it went off and go back to sleep when it stopped. Believe it is coming from tower lines in back - only one night was that type of noise experienced - but every night wake up sick from something. Autonomic nervous system not working right - now my heart is being involved - pounding to slow and hard - out of breath anything to relieve these symptoms?
Canada's Haida Indians reject islands land offer
Bush Planned Iraq Invasion in August 2002
General Zinni Blasts Bush's Iraq War
Guerrilla War in Iraq Sapping US Troops
US Soldier in Iraq Wonders: 'How Many More Must Die?'
US Troops Want Rumsfeld to Send Them Home
British experts protested Iraq dossier
Where political principles are dead weight
Between Iraq and a hard place
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
Have You Forgotten?
The " supreme international crime"
Jack Straw Fears Failure In Iraq
Ramsey Clark Says America Should Pay Full Tab for Rebuilding Iraq
Informant: George Paxinos
This war on terrorism is bogus
Informant: CAAB
SOS from a superpower
The UN and Iraq
Message from: Information Clearing House