Blood flow to brain changes with radio-wave exposure: study
“Japanese researchers said Tuesday they have found that blood flow in the brains of people who complain of irritation from electromagnetic waves changes when they are exposed to such waves from appliances such as cell phones and power lines”.
With more than 1,000,000,000 mobile phone users!
There has so far been no method to test for hypersensitivity to electromagnetic waves?.
Dr. Miguel Mutané
Blood flow to brain changes with radio-wave exposure: study
2003 Kyodo News (c) Established 1945 August 19, 2003
TOKYO, Aug 19, 2003 (Kyodo via COMTEX) -- Japanese researchers said Tuesday they have found that blood flow in the brains of people who complain of irritation from electromagnetic waves changes when they are exposed to such waves from appliances such as cell phones and power lines.
The research group measured the changes in the amount of blood flow in 10 people, five of whom have symptoms of hypersensitivity to electromagnetic waves. They found that the brain's blood flow in those with the hypersensitivity fluctuated with exposure to the waves.
The findings are expected to contribute to understanding the symptoms, such as headaches and fatigue, for which the causal relationship with electromagnetic waves remains unknown.
The researchers believe the symptoms were caused either because the electromagnetic waves disrupted the nerve system and thus caused changes in the blood flow, or that the ability to maintain the brain's blood flow at a certain level was reduced.
The research involved Ko Sakabe of the Kitasato Institute Hospital and the nongovernmental environment organization Japan Offspring Fund.
Many people with irritations linked to electromagnetic waves also have problems moving their eyeballs and abnormality in their pupils' reaction to light.
"We want to conduct further research with more cases and higher precision," Sakabe said.
There has so far been no method to test for hypersensitivity to electromagnetic waves. One indicator is that symptoms disappear or improve as patients distance themselves from the environment affected by the waves.
In some cases, factors other than electromagnetic waves were said to be the cause of the illnesses.
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Informant: Volker Hartenstein, Member of the Bavarian Parliament
Bad experience with cell phone
Hi everybody, I had a bad experience with my cell phone becoming real hot and stirring up all kind of things hidden in my body. My doctor was very special and won the 20th Century Achievement Award in the U.S. in 1995. This award is displayed in the U.S. Library of Congress - so it is of influence.
He found that the radiation from my cell phone had stirred up the polio vaccine and small pox vaccine I had as a child - as well as created methyl-mercury from my mercury fillings - which almost killed me. The polio vaccine and small pox vaccine caused severe burning in my nervous system - especially in my legs - and the burning pain would move around - even on the top and bottom of my feet. The small pox vaccine was stirred up near my left ear - where I used my cell phone the most. I have diffuse sensory motor polyneuropathy and he is still working on my brain. He is a 77 year old Chinese H.M.D. There is no other doctor like him in the world - maybe in Germany if there are any doctors like him. The burning you feel may be neuropathic pain from your vaccinations that was stirred up by the EMF's.
Debbie Bevel
Hold of electronic 'non-lethal' weapons
What members need to be aware of here is that people are getting hold of electronic 'non-lethal' weapons and they are using them on neighbours. And that I believe is what is happening here. My bones literally ache when it's bad and my limbs feel agitated and hot inside. It's very painful and I can actually feel the tingling surges of energy. At the same time there is spattering against aluminium that I have which sounds like rain falling on it.
People will become more aware of what is being done.
A site about satellite surveillance
Hi Klaus, see the unclassified satellite at work, here:

also check this out, it is somewhat related:
A Dozen Chemtrail Pix From Around USA PHOTOGRAPHED by Billder Since 2000

Finally, this is an old piece of mine, use if you need it, these scum feed off maverick genius, keeping it in a cage, as it were, keeping you poor, and starving and sick, so they can parasitize your mind before they kill you---they teach the inept in colleges here to employ this technology, to FEED like intellectual vampires---I will be happy when it all crashes down---soon, very soon: This was written by me in January of this year. I have been reading a Woodward book on the CIA, notably under Casey, and came across a reference to the spy satellites used by NSA and CIA during that time. The intelligence gained from the satellites was called a TOP SECRET TALENT peeping and spying through a keyhole, absconding with talent to be used by the government. It is theft and TIA cinched that down with time domain technology, utilizing broadcast technology hidden in cell phone towers, which is nothing more than hoarded Tesla Technology. No privacy means total theft by they who would be your masters.
Total Information Awareness as Intellectual Property Theft:
see under


Messages from B Gallagher
RE: Genuine appeal for help again something that is destroying me (excerpt)
Klaus - I thought I sent you several mails around August 5th to August 10th, asking for people to pass on a mailing which requested support for myself due to the greatly increased electromagnetic attack of the past three months; and requesting people to download my World-Action website and to make CD copies for friends, and if possible to reproduce the website at places on the Net – because I felt under very great threat.
Many people I had presumed were friends, and friendly to what World-Action is striving for, did not even write a reply.
Only a few of those I sent to actually sent my 'call' out to their list. I found this incredibly, gut-wrenchingly disappointing. My purpose was not just in saving my life; but also to increase awareness of the information at World-Action website.
I had imagined that these people had added me to their lists because they either valued me or trusted me, or both. (Even though I had not requested to be added to many of these lists, I spent quite a lot of time in 2002 sending short encouraging mails to the owners of these lists.)
On August 12th, very severe attacks started on me. I spent most of August 12th thinking I would die. This was repeated on August 16th; late on August 17th to early on August 19th; August 23rd; August 26th; August 28th; and August 31st. During all these occasions, of 20 to 40 hours each, I really felt I would die. It has even pushed me to visiting the Police for the first time to request an inquest if I am found dead.
This is WHY I sent out many mailings between August 5th/6th and August 10th. It is because I had been forced in July to take World-Action website off the air; and as the attacks on me were worsening, I decided at the start of August to put the website back up AND to ask everyone to publicise my situation, and the situation with the website, surmising that I may not be violently attacked if a lot of people pulled in to support World-Action's endeavour to remain on the Internet.
This is why I am rightly upset, because many people who regard themselves as people who are 'doing all it takes' -- just didn't seem to do it.
At the same time, I am greatly impressed with your great works, and seeing your mailings through last winter gain strength and determination with each mailing -- and seeing peoples' greatly increased will to end EMR abuse -- was hugely encouraging to me, and no doubt to many others.
I have recently talked to a woman in America who seems to be receiving very similar abuse to myself; and I'm grateful Maureen from the Midlands has now spoken up.
Maureen's condition sounds very similar to mine, and I hope people will assist her. Do you know any reason why she would be specifically/individually attacked....Does she publicise on important matters? Or is she 'just' sensitive to extra EMR which people feel is now, for some reason, in the air?
I would love to get out of all this; and just find somewhere where I could grow flowers... roses, etc. -- but this doesn't seem the right time for that.
Very good wishes to you,
This is my call for help:

EMR and ALS - is there a link?
I have been living under several high tension electric transmission lines for over 40 years. I was diagnosed a year ago with A L S, more commonly known as Lou Gehrig's disease. I have found a couple of sketchy references to a link between E M R and the disease, and am wondering if anybody knows of a serious study indicating a correlation between the two.
Message from oldtrumpet
Military microwave weapons
I went and googled “military microwave weapons” and got these result:

Message from Bunkie (excerpt)
California Public Hearing on September 16
Hello: Hopefully, our Public Hearing will be held in two weeks. The hearing is to decide on the wireless antennas proposed by Sprint on the roof of Starbucks at 1600 Shattuck. There will be a battle between neighbours and Sprint Corporation. It should be fun; shouldn't it?
1) Please come to the Public Hearing. We really need your support. The information is as follows: September 16, 2003, Old City Hall, 2134 Martin Luther King, Jr. Way, City Council Chambers - Second Floor
2) Please forward this e-mail to those who might be interested.
3) If you would like to sign our new petition form, please let us know. Also, if you have any of our petition forms, please pass them to us. Friday September 5 is the last day to collect all possible supporting material.
We greatly appreciate your support and patience in the past few months.
Thank you,
Just look at what happened last week in Humboldt Co, CA! In an appeal of a decision against residents, the Board of Supervisors amazingly voted NO in FAVOR of residents. The industry then proactively backed its tower out of Arcata! Humboldt Co people did everything as intelligently as possible. They just didn't rely on petitions, friendly websites, and local strategies, but also shipped in tons of scientific & legal expertise. And they did it early enough to win over their academic community in advance of the last two hearings.
Think also of all the successes in Los Angeles, in Washington State, and the East Coast! These battles are definitely winable!
La Chanteuse
Hello there:
Thanks for your e-mail. Things are not that bad in Berkeley. One of the appellants filed a lawsuit against the City of Berkeley in late August. Some of the appellants are talking to their attorney in LA!! You know who; don't you? He might come here on September 16.
Well, it appears that the residents of Berkeley are suffering more from unlawful conducts of some of the City Staff. One of the appellants is preparing a bigger lawsuit against the City of Berkeley. The City of Berkeley is not willing to listen to scientific stuff. They understand only the language of lawsuit.
Meanwhile, Sprint has hired an agency to collect signatures on its petition forms. Sprint agents go all over the town and ask people if they want better coverage without telling them in which area! And many folks sign.
This is the reason that the appellants in Berkeley are asking supporters to send e-mail to the City Officials. So, please do not hesitate to send e-mails to the City Council of Berkeley and for instance let them know about the Arcata case.
I am glad for the happy ending in Arcata. Folks there had been fighting this case for sometime.
Thank you,
Hi Radi -
The Berkeley people have done many good things to fight this set of antennas.
However, you are incorrect with regard to what you refer to as "scientific stuff". The City of Berkeley has no authority to refuse scientific evidence, particularly that which qualifies under the Supreme Court Daubert Rule. The only reason this has not been adequately raised is that the people of Berkeley have fallen for fallacies and have let the City get away with this nonsense.
The health science is in fact, the best argument. A major LA lawfirm recently admitted this in print, but we all know it - it's obvious. And that's why Industry and its bribed/threatened servants in officialdom always work so feverishly to stop the argument from being presented at all.
Many communities have been frightened into silence on the health science. This not only disadvantages them, it moreover prevents people generally from learning about a major environmental hazard. It shuts down awareness. It closes American minds - which are already so woefully ignorant about environmental health matters - and so very poisoned as a result.
Take for example the City of San Francisco's recent adoption of the Precautionary Principle. The new law specifically names air, water, and land as areas in need of protection from pollution. But ABSOLUTE SILENCE on (electromagnetic) atmosphere! Why? The ignorance is that thick in the US!
Ignorance is injury, not bliss. It is high time that responsible people speak up, both about the health science of RF bioeffects and also about the observed injuries, deaths, fled homes, and property unsaleability resulting directly from wireless communications facilities.
If you believe that people have the right to know about environmental hazards, then it is your duty - as it is mine - to tell the people.
Aren't you grateful someone informed you?
La Chanteuse
"FREEDOM of speech" isn't FREE!

Britons want UK forces out of Iraq

Informant: George Paxinos
Jobs with Justice: Fall 2003 Season of Struggle

Hacking Down Civilization

Informant: kevcross5
Jobs with Justice: Fall 2003 Season of Struggle

Building Power in our Workplaces and Neighborhoods

Who's Losing Iraq?

Number of US Wounded in Action in Iraq on Rise

US Troops, Delusions Dying in Iraq Quagmire

Why Occupation Lite will fail in Iraq