Another World is Possible! Lets Build it..!
Get on Board the special ESF train and join tens of thousands of people from all over Europe as they come together to discuss how to build another world, and to organise opposition to corporate globalisation and war.
After the spectacular success of the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre 2001, 60,000 activists, trade unionists, peace campaigners and ordinary people gathered in Florence last year for the first European Social Forum (ESF). Following on and in the spirit of the World Social Forum, the second ESF is being organised in Paris for 12th to 15th
November 2003.
New possibilities and opportunities are being presented to build another Europe for another world. Since the first ESF Europe has witnessed some incredible struggles - from the anti-war movement to strikes in France and the incredible gathering at Larzac in August. In the aftermath of the fantastic global anti-war campaign, the continued success of the global justice movement and the mounting problems faced by politicians such as Blair, Bush and Berlusconi, the second ESF promises to be a crucial event.
There will be hundreds of forums, debates and meetings, cultural events and plenty more besides (see below). Don't miss the next big event for the European movement.
* Get on board our specially booked ESF Eurostar train to Paris -
Train+Registration+Accomodation Package. Rates start at £79 (preferential rates until september).
* Get involved in the preparations for the ESF - Next Assembly meeting Sunday 31st August.

See some of the most high profile speakers inspiring social movements today. Names like: Walden Bello, Antonio Negri, George Monbiot, Luca Casarini, Fausto Bertinotti, Susan George and others…
Get involved in hundreds of forums and debates that challenge many assumptions and priorities about the way governments and international institutions can and should behave. Topics are as varied as: war, neo-liberalism, patriarchy, immigration, environmental degradation and other contentious issues.
Network with European civil society groups, international solidarity movements, human rights organisations, environmental associations, farmers and peace movements, and forge new alliances or strengthen existing ones.
Hear the latest ideas for organising opposition to corporate globalisation and war, plus counter-offensives to the rise of racism and xenophobia in Europe.
Find out more about the alternatives to free market economics and capitalist imperialism
Contribute your own ideas and help redefine and restructure a Europe that is ecologically sustainable and socially just.
Get inspired, make new friends and have a great time among like-minded people!
The European Social Forum is not an organisation, not a united front platform, but "an open meeting place for reflective thinking, democratic debate of ideas, formulation of proposals, free exchange of experiences and inter-linking for effective action, by groups and movements of civil society that are opposed to neo-liberalism and to domination of the world by capital and any form of imperialism, and are committed to building a society centred on the human person".
The Mobilisation for the ESF (England) is a broad umbrella group of organisations and individuals involved in arranging the ESF itself, and in encouraging and facilitating people from around the UK to attend.
Stop War - Against Corporate Power - No to Privatisation - No Fortress Europe - Protect Cultures and Bio-diversity
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