Dear Friends,
The Mas’ha Peace Camp has persevered for almost 4 months despite
the best efforts of the IOF and of the contractor building its nemesis
disband it. The 80-100 meter wide separation complex (consisting of 2
fences (one barbed wire, the other electronic), a ditch, so-called
road,’ and trace path (to record tell-tale shoe and foot prints)
the fences enclosing Mas’ha are almost completed.
But the camp—a model of coexistence, cooperation, and friendship
among Palestinians, Israelis, and Internationals--will continue to
the building of the Separation Wall. To this end we need your
Till now, the camp has been fully supported by the volunteers—
Palestinians, Israelis, and Internationals coming together to wo/man
Now we need help to continue our former activities and to expand them.
Money is needed for materials to use to inform others about the
Wall, to pay the phone bill, to purchase a new tent (the IOF trashed
former one), to keep the tents and mattresses in useable condition, and
for daily expenditures.
Please donate to the Mas’ha Peace Camp. Cheques should be made out
to Mate Ha’koalitzia and earmarked for the Mas’ha Peace Camp. Please
send them to, either,
1. Bank Hapoalim, account 119442
Tchernichovsky Branch 679
Kfar Saba.
[Bank transfers should also be sent to the above account.]
2. Mate Hakoalitzia POBox 1335
Kfar Saba 4113
When sending directly to the bank, please notify Yakov Manor
Thank you.
For more information on the Apartheid wall, visit: