unique "dub literature": cut-and-paste prose drenched in feedback and echo.
Take the linguistic jouissance and near-future edginess of Anthony Burgess
and Jack Womack, then splice that gene with hip hop verse and rhythm and
you'll have something approximating Braithwaite's style.
Vanilla Primitive -- Lawrence Ytzhak Braithwaite
Hello unto you,
SLEEPY BRAIN MAGAZINE is proud as punch to present another exclusive from
Lawrence Ytzhak Braithwaite (aka Lord Patch; aka The Rude Duke), acclaimed
author and spoken-word performer and perhaps the finest Canadian prose
writer alive. Find it here: http://www.sleepybrain.net/vanilla.html
The piece is "Vanilla Primitive" and it's another example of Braithwaite's
unique "dub literature": cut-and-paste prose drenched in feedback and echo.
Take the linguistic jouissance and near-future edginess of Anthony Burgess
and Jack Womack, then splice that gene with hip hop verse and rhythm and
you'll have something approximating Braithwaite's style. Add a liberal dose
of emotion; strength through adversity; indomitable, instinctual animal
spirit - and you're ready to take this baby to the streets.
EXCERPT FROM VANILLA PRIMITIVE: http://www.sleepybrain.net/vanilla.html
"A great code was taught to me once when I was sleeping from slamming a bolt
into my forehead to stop the shouting all outside my room. Sometimes it
would be cool to cut the top part of my skull open and remove my brain to
wash the mess/wadein the gutter primitive/vikings stiped bare/by the Ummah
on the night of their visions/it1d be all grey like smog infested
snot/follow Ghost to full capacity/focus/focus/life and story
stumble/literary DMC/throwing DJ on tables and scratching them/cuttin into
them/chop them up/let cross fade this/and it goes like when?/intellectual
property/I will give you literary attacks/you jackin philosophy/X-rays
to an
optical creed/I aight."
As Gail Scott wrote in an essay of New Narrative (Matrix 62): "Lawrence
Ytzhak Braithwaite's beautiful dangerous novels make him one of the
outstanding Canadian prose writers alive, and only the Americans seem to
know it."
Braithwaite loves and lives to Dub his prose like Lee "Scratch" Perry (who
he shares physical height with = 5'4) and King Tubby worked with music and
voice. His bunker/lab is in the Fernwood district of Victoria British
Columbia, Canada.
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Simon Sellars
(t) + 61 03 9417 1547
(m) 0403 919 790
(w) http://www.sleepybrain.net
(e) simon@sleepybrain.net